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Everything posted by Diamondback96

  1. It was more like 5@7 today... But I guess we're lucky that they're even doing this.
  2. Looks like SoB is still standing... They must be waiting until 031610.
  3. 4th one: Hope they are meaning just redesigning the layout of the text, not the map itself.
  4. But....it already did. I meant from the internet.
  5. "1900" is probably the placeholder year. They probably just forgot to replace it.
  6. And speaking of that: Does that mean The Voyage is not eligible for Coaster Classic status?
  7. But it sure is the fun and only thread about TOGO in recent years.
  8. GGee, this is getting me confused. It's a joke, but people are really taking it seriously?
  9. Did anyone notice that the Intimidator plaza is literally half-in Planet Snoopy, and half-in Carowinds Plaza?
  10. Does that mean that STR could be taken away from CP?
  11. What is this about Big Dipper being turned into paperweights? I thought it was still standing!
  12. I think we should get back to discussing the beagle now, though.
  13. Well at this point, no one knows what drinks KI will have in a few years. Mr. Kinzel may not even know. He's probably not even going to make the decision anyway.
  14. Wait, that's even confusing me! That is why I should not stay up past 12 on Fridays. What I meant to say: The blueprints may still be at Kings Island. Maybe they were thrown into a certain temple garage in Rivertown!
  15. ^Well, maybe they are still there. Maybe they are lost in a temple garage somewhere in KI. (Yes, I know it's cheesy.)
  16. But if CF still owns Kings Island when the current Coke contract expires, I'm sure Pepsi will take over the vending machines.
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