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Everything posted by McSalsa

  1. What happened on the previous KI anniverssaries, for reference: 5th (1977): Screamin' Demon opens as the world's first launched shuttle loop coaster. 10th (1982): Timberwolf Ampitheatre opens, and The Racer begins its backwards operation that would last until 2007. Also added: Hanna-Barbera Land expansion, Ferris Wheel, Viking Fury, Winterfest, Festhaus, International Street renovation and new shows. (UPDATED, thanks TombRaiderTy) 15th (1987): Vortex opens as the world's first 6-inversion steel roller coaster. 20th (1992): Phantom Theatre opens, and Hanna-Barbera land gets a $3,500,000 overhaul. 25th (1997): Waterpark expansion. Wave pool added. Wait a second... 30th (2002): Tomb Raider: The Ride debuts. 35th (2007): Firehawk opens, relocated from Geauga Lake. Son of Beast re-opens without loop. 40th (2012): Waterpark expansion. Wave pool added. Deja Vu, anyone?
  2. Good point...but, last time I visted Holiday World, we did the same thing and they ran GREAT. Not to mention we went back to Voyage later in the day (around 2-3PM, I think), and it still didn't deliever the "OH FUDGE WE ARE GONNA DIE!!!" airtime that it did during my previous visit- it was more on Racer's level, with a lot of airtime but it was pretty much a bunch of floater air. We were going to ride Legend & Raven again at the end of the trip, but by that point, we were exhausted from all the rides and waterslides in the waterpark. I probably just caught the wooden coasters on a BAD day. I've heard it does happen.
  3. Many parks have now announced their "New for 2012" attractions, including Six Flags, Cedar Point, Carowinds, Kings Dominion, Kings Island, etc etc. While there are still a few parks yet to announce theirs (Dollywood comes to mind), we have enough of a choice now to start...A POLL!!! This one's pretty basic: what "New for 2012" attractions, at parks around the world, are the most "exciting" to you? If you only want to name just one or two, go ahead, but Top 5 and Top 10 lists are also welcome. Feel free to also explain your choices. Or change/add to them as more rides are announced (Like, at...Dollywood, for example!) If an announcement also left you super...UNDERWHELMED...you may add that too if you wish. I did. Enjoy the poll. If you dislike, click back. MCSALSA'S TOP 6 FOR 2012 ***** #1-Wild Eagle @ Dollywood This massive steel coaster will, if all goes as planned, be the United States' first wing rider and the layout and use of terrain looks INCREDIBLE. Probably the best new ride coming next year. #2-X Flight @ Six Flags Great America The first announced B&M Wing Rider in the United States and it is heading to a park that has a great reputation, especially recently, where it will join already excellent rides such as Raging Bull, Viper, Batman: The Ride, and more. This ride looks awesome, too bad Dollywood's just happens to be even more so... #3-Leviathan @ Canada's Wonderland It's a freaking B&M Giga. How am I not put this at #1? (Looks at video for X-Flight) Oh...well, it's still #2!!! (Wild Eagle debuts)...who knew a B&M Giga could get pushed so far down this list, eh? #4-Skyrush @ Hersheypark When this was first announced, I thought it would be the coolest ride to debut next year. But 2012 is looking more and more like a great year for thrill ride fans. Still, nothing wrong with an Intamin Hypercoaster with a new seating design. #5-Lex Luthor: Drop of DOOM @ Six Flags Magic Mountain World's Tallest Drop Ride. Nuff said. Plus it is called DROP OF DOOM!!! #6-Mammoth @ Holiday World This one gets bonus points since Holiday World is a park I have been to a few times, and will probably visit again. Plus, Wildebeest was a blast and this looks to surpass it. Underwhelmed: Dinosaurs Alive! @ Cedar Point OK, let me get this straight- you're taking away a classic ride in Paddlewheel Excursions, and adding a upcharge animatronic dinosaur walk-through...at Cedar Point. I was all for this at Kings Island, because here, it is SECLUDED and IN THE FOREST, adding to the sense of realism. At Cedar Point, that will be hard since freaking Millennium Force is going to surround the area. Won't call it out yet, but this looks like a dud.
  4. ^^ I would love to float down a lazy river next to a 1989 Arrow Hypercoaster. Off-Topic, but still...
  5. Well, the regular season is nearly over and Boomerang Bay is about to operate for the final time under that name. Soon, the park will go into Halloween Haunt, and that means the offseason draws closer. And it's time for my annual "how good was this year" poll? I wanted to do this earlier but decided to wait for the "2012" announcement first. Basically, there are 2 questions: how good do you think the park did this year, and what do you think the most noteworthy events were? Enjoy the poll. If you dislike, click back. And yes, there will be one of these again in 2012...and 2013, if the world doesn't end. Comments welcome too. UPDATE: Forgot about the addition of the new ride soundtracks this season. Added it as a choice.
  6. WHOOPS! My dumb PC posted twice...but I have another comment I forgot in post #1... Now, what I see in that rendering above that excites me the most- the waterpark has PLENTY of room to expand. Can we get a ProSlide Behemoth Bowl and Water Coaster in the future, please?
  7. Well, at least the waterpark is getting some attention. It sounds like it needed it. Not going to beat Splashin' Safari though (they have bigger, badder waterslides and will have 2 water coasters next year). As for the new name...I agree with others here: LAME. It doesn't ruin the waterpark, like how Drop Tower is still a great ride in spite of the bland generic name, but they could have done better...or just kept calling it Boomerang Bay...
  8. ^ and ^^ I do as well...as stated before, I have the 2010 Halloween Haunt and Howl-O-Fest Park Maps (collecting park maps is one of my "hobbies" when I visit amusement parks) and they have that exact same logo. So...CONFUSING...Kings Island, WHY DO YOU TEASE US LIKE THIS!?!?
  9. To anyone whom it may concern, I just read something interesting on Kings Island's facebook page: Dinosaurs Alive! will be open during the daytime hours this fall (NOT during Haunt), and will indeed be back in 2012. Just in case anyone was wondering.
  10. ^ (jmceowen) Last year, they stopped selling them for $69.99 when Kings Island closed for the 2010 season. I went during Haunt and still have the Howl-O-Fest & Haunt Park Maps that state that that price was good "until October 31st", when Kings Island closed for that season. And wow, you guys are fast...
  11. I'm not too bothered by this. The WindSeekers are far from bad rides. But, they at least need to DECORATE them differently...why must they all look the same, except that one in California that DOES look different?
  12. ^ It was backwards on purpose... Sounded funny.
  13. BWA HA HA HA! I HATH FIGURED OUT WHAT THE 3 NEW THINGS FOR 2012 ARE...I somehow snuck into Don Helbig's lair and snuck a peek at the plans! #1-Kitten Dome $5 upcharge. You get to go inside a building and pet extremely cute kittens. Replaces Flight of Fear, which is being relocated to Cedar Point, where it replaces Disaster Transport, which is being sold to a park in Japan. #2-Catapult: THE RIDE $20 upcharge. Basically, you pay $20 and get...CATAPULTED! And land in a giant soft pillow. #3-Tsaeb Fo Nos (Weird name, eh? ) Only new attraction that is not an upcharge. Standing 218 feet tall, Tsaeb Fo Nos is the tallest wooden roller coaster in da world. It reaches 78mph, making it the fastest wooden roller coaster in the world. At 7,032 feet, it will be the 2nd longest wooden roller coaster in the world behind The Beast. Opening 2012 in Action Zone, next to Flight Deck and Adventure Express. And a B&M Wing Rider is coming to Kings Island in 2013, followed by a B&M Giga in 2014, but the full details for these have yet to be fully planned out. OK, OK...I'm just joking! These are all FAKE! I just wanted to generate some laughs, that's all...and thought these were pretty funny.
  14. While I like the "Fear the Four" cup the most, my friend gave me a Diamondback cup back in 2009 after the trip where he rode Son of Beast (1 week prior to it closing). It got a crack in it and can no longer be used, but I still keep it. It's still a nice cup.
  15. Wow. That DOES really resemble WindSeeker...a lot. Then again, WindSeeker-type rides aren't that rare, only the 300' tall ones...but even that seems to be changing as more are built. Great pic!
  16. My Personal Rankings, from most intense to least intense: #1-Vortex #2-Invertigo #3-Firehawk #4-Drop Tower #5-The Beast #6-Flight of Fear #7-Diamondback #8-Delirium #9-The Racer #10-WindSeeker (have not ridden, this is an estimate) Kings Island, get over the fact that Diamondback is NOT your MEANEST coaster, in either intensity or roughness...it has no loops, is very smooth, and while it's great fun (my 2nd favorite ride in the park) it is not THAT intense. BTW, while I've never ridden it, if Son of Beast was open...it's #1, hands down, simply for its sheer size, speed, and...roughness. It indeed seems very extreme.
  17. UPDATE: In the trip report, forgot to add that I rode Raging Rapids. I was still pretty exhausted and forgot about it when I wrote the TR. Sorry about this, it is added now.
  18. Colossos @ Heide Park Steel Dragon 2000 @ Nagashima Spa Land Expedition GeForce @ Holiday Park Blue Fire @ Europa Park Silver Star @ Europa Park Raptor @ Gardaland And my suprise one...Jupiter @ Kijima. Here's a POV and Off-Ride (all in 1 video):
  19. McSalsa

    Mega Poll

    Owners 1. Holiday World 2. Cedar Fair 3. Indiana Beach '99 owners (cannot say anything about the new ones since I haven't been in years) Ride Manufacturers 1. The Gravity Group (Also Custom Coasters Intertnational, since they basically "became" GG, I think of this as ONE company) 2. Arrow Dynamics...yes, I like Arrow rides. 3. B&M, even though I have only been on one. Probably only reason I have them lower than Arrow. Honorable Mentions: Intamin, HUSS, Premier Rides Rides 1. The Beast @ Kings Island 2. The Voyage @ Holiday World 3. Diamondback @ Kings Island 4. Wildebeest @ Holiday World (Splashin' Safari) 5. The Legend @ Holiday World 6. The Raven @ Holiday World 7. Vortex @ Kings Island 8. Flight of Fear @ Kings Island 9. Delirium @ Kings Island 10. Drop Tower @ Kings Island
  20. I also saw that on the park map I got from my visit yesterday as well (I was there too!). It is kind of a bummer, especially when you consider Kings Island includes Halloween Haunt with its season passes for free. But Holiday World's season passes are already too expensive: $150? Seriously? I'm guessing it's because of the "free" soft drinks. Doesn't affect me too much though, since we usually only go to 1 or 2 amusement parks per year and can't afford season passes anyway, let alone Holiday World's $150 passes... PS: Did you also get an unusual lack of strong airtime on Raven & Voyage?
  21. There was one employee helping people board Legend who looked very similar, but sadly no Pat Koch in sight. Or Dan either.
  22. Holiday World was fun. What next? I'm not sure.

  23. ^ Same deal here. All 3 coasters, the biggest attractions at Holiday World, were walk-ons or near walk-ons all day. The only reason ANY rides on the dry side had waits was because of low capacity or slow unloading/loading (hence why Liberty Launch and PRMR had waits) More proof: Splashin' Safari, not Holiday World, is the main draw in Santa Claus, IN. If it doesn't have long lines, then Holiday World will be usually pretty empty.
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