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Everything posted by CoasterGeek101

  1. So are they changing the music for everything now?
  2. I was there and a lot of the rides weren't open, but not too bad of a day.
  3. I think a medium sized coaster would be good. Maybe something like Green Lantern at SFMM.
  4. I know this is VERY late posting this, but I thought many of you would like to see some pics of WindSeeker under construction from in the park. I got a construction tour by myself, so enjoy. Maybe this will get you hyped to ride it? Photos - Click Me
  5. Well, glad they got two new ones, even though, Diamondback isn't really new, but I wish the Windseker cam would go back up.
  6. Thanks for sharing your report! You included a lot of details!
  7. I think that the other parks are using KI as the Guinea pigs, so they can find out how to make their tower ready for opening day.
  8. Yeah, They posted this to twitter and it looked kinda funny.
  9. Ok, you have a good point. This is not a finished copy, so when it opens I will take into consideration all of your thoughts. Thank you!
  10. So you think I should go ahead and continue and perhaps change the font?
  11. Ok, this is kinda a draft, though. Just wanted to see what you guys thought.
  12. I think multiple companies bought the park out.
  13. I am making these videos for Kings Island on Dinosuars Alive! Tell me what you think. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/23121215?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=9dca68" width="580" height="326" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  14. Welcome! Diamondback is my favorite also, I have ridden it over 80 times.
  15. WindSeeker at night looks awesome! I can't wait to ride it!
  16. Nice report. Thanks for sharing. My first coaster of the season was Diamondback, a great way to start the season.
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