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Everything posted by CoasterGeek101

  1. This thread is starting to turn into the Son of Beast Discussion Thread.
  2. Since you guys seemed to like my Kings Island music video, I thought I would show you this. <object width="580" height="326"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=15069083&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=9dca68&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=15069083&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=9dca68&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="580" height="326"></embed></object> Comments?
  3. Thanks! I didn't want to include just the coasters, a little of everything.
  4. I say, " Giga coasters for everyone!"
  5. I would like to thank all of you for your nice comments. I got 83 views on this video in like 2 hours! A record for me!
  6. I was given info on Son of Beast, but was told not to tell you a lot. They told me some basic info on the ride. They did not take me back there. Just The Beast.
  7. I actually did! We were required too for Firehawk Tour, but not Beast. I have some other exclusive shots of Delerium, Racer and some of the off-season, stay tuned!
  8. ha, funny, Kings Island doesn't like their own ride, and thank you! standbyme
  9. Yes, I did have a tripod, unfortunately It was not my mad video editing skills.
  10. Actually no, I was personally taken by a Kings Island representative. He asked me not to say his name so I respect that.
  11. <object width="580" height="326"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=21676579&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=9dca68&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=21676579&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=9dca68&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="580" height="326"></embed></object> Here is a music video of Kings Island from the 2010 season. Some of the shots may surprise you.
  12. YES! Definately agreed. They do the style so awesome and I want to see how they do WindSeeker and Dinosuars Alive!
  13. From that picture, it actually doesn't look that tall, but when you get close to it, it is huge!
  14. Well I am uploading it to youtube now, but any other suggestions?
  15. You are welcome. Unfortunately, my 10 GB of bandwidth on photobucket has almost been used up, so I must replace the video with one from youtube.
  16. Haven't seen A FOF train yet, if I do will film it and show it here!
  17. yeah, maybe just something small. I think a physcoaster would fit the park.
  18. I would like to see a Giga, but probably won't happen.
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