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Everything posted by diamondhawk

  1. Wow. I guess that was a bad idea. Well, I can always dream.
  2. Darn it! Looks like those pesky aliens from Flight of Fear are causing trouble agian.
  3. Tell me if I'm crazy, but is there any way that Action Zone and X-Base could be combined. Many people want an Action Zone update and an X-Base expansion so I think that this could take care of both. Kings Island could possibly add a couple new rides and advertise it as an all new area. But the Son of Beast decision could effect my idea...
  4. Standbyme, I've been having a hard time lately and I just wanted to say thank you for this. I always look forward to it and it puts a smile on my face everyday. We all appriciate your hard work. Hendrick, thank you for your amazing work as well. P.S. As for 1974 or 2011, my vote has to go to 1974. Giant Slides always bring back such great memories.
  5. In my book, Cedar Fair is doing a good job to at least make the park cleaner. Coney Mall looks about ten times better than before. Now, will Kings Island ever have the landscaping of the 70's? Probably not. Pesonally, I think that the park is still beautiful, just in a different way. I think watching fireworks from the distance at the end of a day is beautiful. I think watching WindSeeker light up is beautiful. I think singing the Star-Spangled Banner at the beginning of a day is beautiful. I think that blue ice cream all over someone's face is beautiful. I think looking out in the distance while riding Drop Tower is beautiful. I think see park employees love their job and smile at you is beautiful. I could list tons more, but I think you get the point.
  6. Okay, I was wondering, are there any rides that were thought about being added to KI but never were. Like I heard of the idea for Mrs. Puff's Boating School as a wild mouse. Is that one true and are there any other ones?
  7. I don't see why they would, in my opinion that would make it even worse than it already is.But I guess that they could. PS: Welcome!
  8. Just out of curiosity, how much can a Bengals game really effect park attendence?
  9. Anybody going to be at the park tomorrow?
  10. Duh. Sorry. It was a long week and I was really tired. But it sounds like a good idea!
  11. Okay, I'm going to sound really stupid, but what is the KI hall of fame, is it usually open to public, and where was it before?
  12. Egads, it was the most painful ride ever prior to the seat dividers! I remember riding it back then and the guy next to me and I kept cracking each other's skulls together. FWIW, I rode Beast this weekend, and it was great. In comparison, when I rode SOB ("Unloved Son" as it was dubbed on the headstone on The Beast lol) the last year it was open, I came off feeling like someone had just beaten me with a pillowcase full of doorknobs. That's a good way to put it!
  13. I can see it now. Coming in 2012, Son of Dinosaurs Alive: Destined for failure.
  14. Caution: WindSeeker does not seek wind, like wind, or, in other words, operate in wind.
  15. Why do I get the feeling that something is going on with our SOB. Man, I have to stop doing that!
  16. I think it was a good year. Nothing amazing, but lots of small things to improve the park. I think Coney Mall really looks nice.
  17. R.I.P. S.O.B Wow that did not come out right.
  18. Wow, I might just have to buy that $3 pen!
  19. Incredible. Just plane incredible. Diamondhawk, trying to make a pun.
  20. Can you guys put in the haunts in order for me from least scary to most scary. I have a certain 13 year old a little scared to go. Thanks.
  21. Yes, and BLSC pictures sitll have the original water effects in them. It bothers me everytime I go to the website. But, the worst thing of all is that I believe in the history of the Crypt, they say "one of the most popular rides at Kings Island" and "a favorite of park guests".
  22. Ahhhh, ya gotta love origanal Batman. Just so cheesy. But seriously is something going on with Son of Beast or not?
  23. I makes me a little irrated when people say a girl got her feet cut off while riding Drop Tower. Really. Then you argue with them and they act like you're an idiot. As Shaggy said... Grrrrr
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