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Everything posted by diamondhawk

  1. Boomerang Bay (or Soak City) is usually much more dangerous than the dry park in terms of stealing things.
  2. That would be pretty cool to auction off pieces. I'd sure try to get something. That is if the termites don't get to it first!
  3. I have to go with the water slide. Event though that aqualoop looks tempting.
  4. Just wondering, about how much does it cost to rent out the park?
  5. Sounds like the Brady Bunch got free Fast Lane tickets.
  6. In line for Flight of Fear I saw a girl looking at herself in the mirror and she said I have a feeling that we are being watched.
  7. New teaser picture on facebook.
  8. Last year I remember wearing a big coat on Diamondback during Halloween Haunt. Not a fun ride.
  9. Terpy, sometimes you just flat out confuse me. Is it a bad thing that sometimes I enjoy it. P.S. Since you said all wet I'm bet your talking about the waterpark. So it does have to do with the waterpark!
  10. Sad, they broke 2 in Cedar Point. Now I'm sad.
  11. Um, back on topic, since I'm stll pretty new here, does this happen every year. I mean the whole 500 posts guessing on what will come in 2012?
  12. Yeah I certainly miss being the flagship park because I always felt we could be even better than Cedar Point. Now I doubt that will ever happen.
  13. It upsets me, but you have to realize that it really won't effect the time you get on the ride, and when they get caught, it's bad news for them. I rarely point it out, unless they're being complete jerks about it.
  14. I know same thing with me. I could never go, but it bothers me I don't have the option to go. Same thing wth Reds games. I can never find the time to watch them but it bothers me that I will not be able to go until next spring.
  15. I think that the WindSeeker are great additions. I mean it is scary, but not too scary. Where else will you find a family ride that is 301 feet tall? I hope KD gets one also.
  16. How is it possible that kids were hugging Nick characters everyday? That seems like an easily invalidated argument. Kids will hug any characters without even knowing who they are. What do you mean Spongebob is old news? Snoopy and Charlie Brown are way old news compared to them.. nobody even cared about them until Cedar Fair resurrected them. With that said, NIckelodeon Splat City (which conformed to Nickelodeon's 90s programming) was far superior to Nickelodeon Universe with the Nicktoon characters. Nickelodeon's heyday is sadly over. Okay, Peanuts are amazing. And I cared about them long before Cedar Fair came to KI.
  17. The Crypt could be a lot better with some work.
  18. Most to least 1. D-Back 2. The Beast 3. Firehawk 4. Drop Tower 5. Flight of Fear 6. Invertigo 7. Vortex 8. Delirium 9. WindSeeker 10. The Racers P.S. Does anyone else find it funny that Drop Tower is 3 and it has a 4 out of 5 on the thrill scale.
  19. 1? = New Dinos 2? = Waterpark expansion 3? = Either something with SOB or a new Pink's restaurant I think
  20. If one more person makes fun of Snoopy I swear I'll scream! Now, I think Paramount brought get great theming in rides, (see Flight of Fear, TR:TR, and Italian Job). Cedar Fair brought more extreme rides, (see Diamondback and Firehawk). They both have made mistakes, (see Son of Beast) and are both great. Sigh, the great Paramount/Cedar Fair debate. Will it ever end?
  21. That, would be kind of disappointing.
  22. When I went Monday I shot 1350. New record. Yay!
  23. That would be cool if the helicopter went up and down. Make the scene a little more interesting.
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