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Everything posted by diamondhawk

  1. Keep your eyes on Facebook it's coming! So exciting!!! And nobody tell me not to get my hopes up I want to live in a fantasy!
  2. Yay best news of the day for me. By far.
  3. Thank goodness they made the wise choice. I hope that no one is killed during this, but it is not looking good.
  4. Launch coaster questions: BLSC Did the fishtailing effect ever work? Did the subway effect ever work? Did the fog effect ever work? Is it true the track was supposed to be wellow? FOF Are there more lights during the ride than in the past? Is the front or the back faster? Was FoF the first launched coaster? Thanks for answers I've just always wondered. P.S. Thanks to standbyme for helping me with an avatar!
  5. Ha I've been laughing for like 5 minutes! You do understand that you just said Dollywood BS, right!
  6. Ha ha ha funny! I love this topic! I heard a girl claim that a chain broke and one of the seats fell on Zephyr and that she refused to ride it.
  7. Were you sitting on The Crypt when he said this? No we were in line for Diamondback of all rides. I really do question our friendship now.
  8. This is pretty annoying, to be honest. I hope Cedar Fair never does something like this.
  9. diamondhawk

    Mega Poll

    Owners: 1. Cedar Fair 2. Disney 3. Holiday World Manufactures: 1. B & M 2. Intamin 3. Huss, I guess? Parks: 1. Kings Island 2. Cedar Point 3. SFGA 4. Kings Dominion 5.Carowinds 6. Holiday World Rides (no order): Diamondback, Firehawk, Flight of Fear, The Beast, Intimidator, Itimidator 305, Behemoth, The Raven, The Voyage, Raptor, Maverick, Top Thrill Dragster, Millennium Force, The Racers, Kingda Ka, and many many more.
  10. I went today (PTR to some soon) and the park was dead. And I'm talkin' 2 PM walk-ons for Invertigo.
  11. My first big coaster was Son of Beast. Yeah big mistake. I don't know why I still ride coasters.
  12. I love Firehawk but you know, the line is terrible. 1. Diamondback 2. Flight of Fear 3. Firehawk 4. The Beast 5. Backlot Stunt Coaster
  13. We shall see... That's cool I hope that this isn't something stupid like Fast Lane Extreme. Pay $100 and you get to make faces at people in the line.
  14. I know I never went though the whole dino phase. I was never excited about reptiles that don't exist anymore. Call me crazy. EDIT: 50th post. Yay!
  15. Yeah I bet that they never ever whistle those songs again.
  16. I know a lot of people (including me) have wanted a museum in KI for a long time. It would be very cool IMO.
  17. I haven't noticed anything weird. Diamondback will never lose it's touch!!!
  18. Lol I love this part - And although there are no immediate plans to offer fast passes — which are premium tickets that allow customers to skip long ride lines – Cedar Fair could sell these passes in the future, Ouimet said, adding that revenue from the higher priced passes could help keep regular ticket prices down. Funny! But really do they think immediate means within a day?
  19. That's kinda sad, I loved Way Too Much TV. It was one of my favorite shows.
  20. Man that went over my head too! I would have to say Mr. Krabs. Gotta love him.
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