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Everything posted by kblanken

  1. Gravity Group was hinting that they will be showing off something 'FUN' at an IAAPA expo really soon. This could be that.
  2. Whatever the new ride is at KBF? Perhaps Knott's finally listened to Velma, and realized that there is no such thing as ghosts?
  3. Holiday World: "Please remember, we are on Central Daylight Time, which is the same at Evansville, Nashville (Tennessee), Chicago and St. Louis. That's an hour behind Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Louisville, Cincinnati and New York." That would be 3 for us.
  4. I am a Platinum member, and the program worked for me this year. Also, I'd like to add that I think all my instant rewards came when I bought blue ice cream
  5. As of right now in the Cedar Fair era poll: "I know everything there is to know about no questions asked (11 votes [47.83%])" To these eleven, I would like to know: -Which seat on The Racer has given the most rides? (and by an exact number, how large of an interval is the quantity between most and least ridden seat) -What is the average station wait for every roller coaster, taking into consideration only time that the ride has officially been open? -Which color Zephyr seat has given the most rides? -Exactly how many leaves were removed from all the trees when Dinosaurs Alive! was constructed? Oh, wait, no questions are to be asked?
  6. I like to ride Prowler. and Fjord Fjarlane, Mamba, Patriot too. And if you like the spinning rides, this park will be for you.
  7. If you clickwalk back to The Crypt, it is still open.
  8. Careful about the speed traps; they're sometimes ready to pull several cars over at a time. I go whatever travel lane traffic is going, usually somewhere between 65 and 75 mph, and it takes 1.5-2 hours depending on traffic. People that stay in the left lane, flying through at 80, are annoying. I wonder if either of you, or someone else, have ever passed me (or another KICer on I-71). It usually takes me just under 90 minutes/90 miles.
  9. I couldn't help myself when I read this. When you used insurance with all upper case letters, I felt like it was a scrambled word game, as a mystery on why it would be not running for a while. I came up with these: SAUCER INN - Flight Deck is being rethemed to a hotel for aliens? CANE RUINS - new disaster theme, referring to a hurricane, like from the coaster SOB's second trains came from...obviously in ruins. I CARE NUNS - new theme where the jets are changed to flying nuns that are rescuing you
  10. If you are referring to my post, that is not accurate. The "from Columbus" has always been a part of the post.
  11. Here are some ways I can rank the Cedar Fair parks, these are using only the parks with red flags on the cedarfair.com map (no water parks) First method is by approximate distance, using the Google maps recommended driving directions from Columbus 1 - Kings Island 135 km 2 - Cedar Point 185 km 3 - Canadas Wonderland 518 km 4 - Michigans Adventure 595 km 5 - Carowinds 704km 6 - Dorney Park 714 km 7 - Kings Dominion 787 km 8 - Worlds of Fun 1063 km 9 - Valleyfair 1255 km 10 - Knott's Berry Farm 3608 km 11- California's great america 3947 km 12 - Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park 4002 km Next method is to take each letter in the name of the park, assign a numerical value based on position in the alphabet (a=1, b=2....z=26). Starting from lowest total as first place 1 - Cedar Point - 105 2 - Carowinds - 106 3 - Valleyfair - 111 4 - Kings Island - 120 5 - Dorney Park - 127 6t - Kings Dominion - 153 6t - Worlds of Fun - 153 8 - Canada's Wonderland - 154 9 - Michigan' s Adventure - 193 10 - Knott's Berry Farm - 195 11 - California's Great America - 209 12 - Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park - 299
  12. I don't know which option I should choose. I absolutely enjoy it, but I also don't consider it the best ride out there. I don't want to even guess how many times I have been on the ride(it could be almost any of the answers), but I can state that it totally has given me the most inversions of any roller coaster anywhere.
  13. But did you notice whether or not there was any increase with each visit beyond the 12th?
  14. Well, not when you visit that many times! I am stuck at 11 recorded visits with about 58% to level four, and really want to see what my numbers do after visit number 12. Today would have been the perfect day to do so, if not for that meddling private group buying out the park. Thinking further, another part of my theory is that the higher up in each level, you possibly get a larger percent increase per dollar.
  15. Are you saying you were 18.8% to level 4, and then jumped that far up? Or, If you were 81.2% percent towards 4 stars: Was this last visit was number 12 for you? (12 visits needed to reach 4 stars) If so, then 12.5% of the increase would likely be from the visit, and the $50 might have only raised you ~10%. (which would seem closer to my calculations on increases)
  16. Did you ride the blue side in a wheel seat?
  17. There are wooden coasters at Mt. Olympus in Wisconsin that have been uncared for for longer than three years, and the trains never hurt the surrounding rides.
  18. The Racer has the highest count for me, although I don't keep a tally. Last year however, after they stopped assigning seats on Diamondback, I rode it 26 times in one day; mostly in row 2.(Probably my highest single-day individual ride total)
  19. Other than from the Eiffel Tower, is there anywhere in the park to see this? (A flash from that distance would not have helped get a picture at all.)
  20. Oh, THE train. That makes more sense.
  21. Theming it more than the new logos that say Red Racer and Blue Racer on the front of each train?
  22. The monsters probably won't actaully attack/eat/harm you. If you use an alarm clock to keep yourself awake, it will feel similar to that when the monsters jump out at you.
  23. But the end of the train stops at the same time as the rest of the train. If we want to know that very last person to ride SoB, wouldn't it be the last one to get out of the seat after it stops? They would be the last one riding... or if the ride is officially over after the train stops, then: It would be the last one to sit down on the very last ride...everyone else had already started?
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