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Jr for Birdy

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Everything posted by Jr for Birdy

  1. Jimmy Johns is just down the street.
  2. Im just going to laugh now,and post later!
  3. I have been much more spooked at CP at night!
  4. Im still waiting for a certain post,I know its coming......
  5. If BLSC ever makes its way to Carowinds,Im taking my talents to Sandusky.
  6. Like I mentioned before,I had over 20 visits and never seen that dude once,seen alot of other enthusiasts,but not him....hasnt even rode all the coasters??? .....Please
  7. I always stay in the tower section of Breakers and its never been as bad as some reviews you might read.Its so nice to be able to go to your room in the AC for lunch or whenever you want a break,the hour early ride time is incredible and is the best part! I have stayed at Khalari also,really nice!
  8. My opinion is BLSC isnt moving anywhere but will get a makeover soon.I think they will bring back the old cars and flying eagles in this new location formerly known as Action Zone.I could see a mix of coasters and family rides with a new name for the area.To move BLSC just to put it in a location called Action Zone just seems like a big waste of money to me,I could change the signs and save lots of money! Whats Terp talking about...signs,signs,everywhere a sign? Im just guessing!
  9. I remember going to COSI, the original 'haunted' one. I took my kids to the new building last year,just not the same,I missed the old building.
  10. I was in grade school in the 80s and we took field trips probably every month or two! I remember going to the zoo,camping trips,KI,museums,local parks,even remember going to a pizza place and a movie once.Geeze,kids dont get to do nothing anymore,its sad. I didnt grow up rich either,my school district was below average as far as finances,but we had fun going to school and was rewarded well when we achieved good grades.
  11. You can also find me watching the 3 point challenge for atleast a half hour during each visit,dont ask me why? A very nice young man gave my 4 year old daughter a stuffed animal he won once,a father never forgets moments like that.
  12. I also will predict Jr for Birdy taking alot more flight deck rides this season.I honestly cant wait to ride it, just to check out the old,I mean new view!
  13. I would bring several rides from Universal and IoA to KI,but I would leave all there queues where they are! I could marathon Revenge of the Mummy all day but it takes 15 minutes to walk through its empty queue.O.K,im exagerating,it takes 10 minutes! I even know a good spot to put Shrek,theres a building being waisted by a Dino movie currently.
  14. My wife told me yesterday she always thought Hanks looked yummy and Im the reason she never ate there??? I guess Im buying this year!
  15. I noticed Don used the word Beehive. I hope this is a hint for next season,because they were BAD last year!
  16. Petra and Stryper were big time bands when I was young,among Christians and the non-believers.If they can add Stryper,Im there!
  17. I know if you stay at hotel breakers you get an hour early entry ride time,I love that deal because they always have a few big coasters going,Im sure Gatekeeper will be one this year! Do you get an hour early entry with platinum passes at CP?
  18. I had a dream last night that I went to visit my grandparents and I could see a train going up the lift hill on DB from their backyard.It was snowing and I ran over to the park and it was opened for 4 hours for just that night. I remember seeing a line for Vortex and telling myself in my dream that I must be dreaming! I think this is just my second KI dream as an adult,and I usually forget my dreams,but not this one,it was crazy seeing the rides open in the snow,and somehow Top Thrill mades its way to the Island?
  19. RPW rules! Thats my snack spot too,I also put down a cheesesteak for a little snack before DB sometimes! Jr for Birdy loves to grub!
  20. I just dont think KI has a 'go-to' spot to eat. When I go to other places I usually have a spot where I gotta eat,like CP brought in Pinks,now I have to eat there atleast once a visit,sometimes twice!
  21. Best thing since Skyline? I will take everyones word on how Great Hanks is(Is there a Hank or just a gimmick?). I guess my German blood would much rather see something like a Schmidts Sausage Haus where I can get a Bahama Mama and a cream puff! I buy a freestyle Coke all the time from Hanks and I just dont see the food looking all that great but maybe I will give it a shot since everyone likes it? I do enjoy Skyline also,but its not the king of Cincinnati Chili.
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