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Everything posted by Original

  1. Woah! this season went by fast!
  2. Extreem heights catagory? TTD for sure... if it is in the show.
  3. Sorry if there is already a topic like this. I did look. What is the easiest way to post pictures? I have personal messaged some people. But I was wondering what you all thought. -Thanks
  4. I never have gone to the beach. But I felt really bad that KI was getting million(s) dollar expansion while they were closed. Im glad somthing has came up for them.
  5. I love to ride AE in the dark. The tunnels light up so much better..... Deirium, running?!? Yay! Lets hope it will be running on KICday .
  6. Weekdays (exept friday afternoon) are usally a no-wait day. We usally go on thursdays and we hit up all the minor, and major rides in 5 minuets or less. Weekends are the ones you have to watch out for. I have seen up to a 3 1/2 hour wait on the weekends for The Beast. I suggest that you dont get Fast Lane passes. Save the money for a weekend trip.
  7. I noticed that too. That made me laugh. Just because your dead doesnt man you have to be out of date!
  8. we met some kids our age and they comforted us about the ride (they were from Cleveland, go to Cedar Point all the time). Im from cleveland.
  9. Your welcome. I went through the same thing.
  10. First of all: Welcome to KIC! I like your backround picture. Second of all: This topic has been talked about alot. Third of all: Make sure you check other topics before you post. here is a link. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/26043-drop-zone-and-Delirium-down/page__hl__Delirium__fromsearch__1
  11. Since when do race cars create huge waves of water? Even Formula One will stop the race if there's that much water on the track. Well Backlot Stunt Coaster used to have water.
  12. I actually thought about this for a topic! Great minds think alike! Even though I dont go to X- base as much... They really need somthing more back there.
  13. Agreed. But if they dont keep adding on to the haunt it may "lose its spark" for some/most of the guests. And that wouldnt be good for their profits. I bet we're more excited about KI than some of the people who actually manage KI who are all in for the profits.
  14. Yes, I know that. But I dont want it to be a haunt house. But I know that they are probaly planing to "reel" more money in with it.
  15. Yes, this has been disscused. But I would love to see if they could put Backlot in Action Zone. And personally, I would change Congo falls into a race car theme, I think it would go a litttle bit better. Re-Open SOB if possible. Then put a flat ride(s) where BackLot was.
  16. Darn. I was really hoping it would be put back.
  17. Very true. I'm not really a haunt type person, so I wouldnt mine if it was demolished for a flat ride.
  18. One day KI will run out of room and I think that will be the first to go. But It will take a long time since KI isnt even using all the land at this point. This gets me thinking...
  19. The problem with CP is that they have used up all there space (to my knowlege). So if they want a new ride in they will have to take one out.
  20. Our family used to go to the great lake science center all the time. But we have converted to cosi.
  21. I got our schools ski club bus to sing it all the way to the ski resort.
  22. My intensions were not to be that. I was just trying to help. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/26028-painted/
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