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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I feel like The Bat's popularity has increased more since it's repaint and rename. It may be because it fits in with Banshee, or rather it perfectly pays homage to the original record breaker.
  2. Safety. They don't want the train going through the gates and plowing tons of guests. If it we're an automatic gate, the weight of the train on the tracks would trigger the gate to close the closer it got to the crossing.
  3. I have always preferred B&M flyers to Vekoma's model. B&M flyers are a lot higher in the air where as Vekoma's are closer to the ground. I love Firehawk, but if a B&M alternative came out I'd be overjoyed.
  4. Mine for the 2017 season 1.) Banshee 2.) Diamondback 3.) Mystic Timbers 4.) The Beast 5.) The Bat 6.) Firehawk 7.) Vortex 8.) Flight of Fear 9.) Adventure Express 10.) Racer 11.) Backlot Stunt Coaster 12.) Invertigo 13-16.) Planet Snoopy coasters
  5. I voted undecided and maybe for The Bat. If they could make it work without making the wait super long, then I'd consider it. I only think VR is acceptable under the circumstance that it would improve the ride experience. To be honest, no ride at Kings Island needs VR to be great.
  6. I fixed it so you can vote. I believe in a system where everyone can vote
  7. Virtual reality has become a new part of the amusement park industry. VR headsets provide a unique experience that changes the ride experience of a coaster. Still, there are some that believe in the good old fashioned coaster experience. That being said, should Kings Island get VR headsets for their coasters and if so, which ones?
  8. If you looked at Six Flags Mid America, they had two different colored locomotives with the same colored coaches. http://condrenrails.com/20th-Century-Steam-p2.html
  9. Similar to how Banshee can't truly be mimicked because the second half of the ride depends strictly on the terrain.
  10. I personally like the change every now and then. I'm so used to seeing green on green that green on red doesn't bother me at all. I hope they alternate the passenger cars and the engines more frequently to see if people notice and to give a change in scenery. That's a retired locomotive that was one of the original locomotives to operate at Cedar Point. It's name is Albert and it's been out of service for a while.
  11. I experience head banging on Vortex, The Bat but mostly on Invertigo. I never had the privilege to know what it's like to ride a coaster with vest restraints until 2014 and now my opinion on OTSRs has changed. I'd love all OTSR rides to be converted to vest restraints, or at least in our park. I think it would be a noticable difference among the GP and the enthusiasts.
  12. I've heard some ethusiasts say that Diamondback and KCKC could have coexisted had they kept it instead of TR, hopefully this picture will make them think otherwise
  13. This is completely awesome that someone from years ago can give their own information! Please keep it up
  14. I think we've all been having too many Member Berries
  15. I've noticed that. Hopefully the green coaches will be repainted for the next season. Little known fact, I asked a KI engineer why the Lew Brown appears to run more days than the Kenny Van Meter. He said that the blue engine was built first so when they built the green engine, they learned from their mistakes. Mind you this was via email years ago, but it's still interesting nonetheless.
  16. I don't think a park can have both and have equal ridership. I've never been to either park but I've heard KD's and Magic Mountain's floorless coasters dominate ridership vs their arrow loopers.
  17. I literally just repeated the original Vortex layout in the form of a B&M
  18. Vortex is the more well received of the existing Arrow Loopers. I know people really don't like Viper and Anaconda but a lot of people still praise Vortex.
  19. If that building isn't going to be torn town in the future for something else, I hope they find a regular season use for it. I feel like it's too big of a building to be used for just a haunt attraction IMO.
  20. It's been eons since my last chapter, but no worries I'm working on Chapter 2 as we speak! In the meantime, here's an extremely rare sight that I've never seen in person
  21. I wouldn't want MCBRs, I'd want a fast ride from start to finish with no let up
  22. I'd love to see something added to Rivertown and keep all the water rides in close proximity to one another. There are days when I'll ride RFYLCB and WWC back to back because I'm already wet. I always thought Congo had low ridership because of it's location. I feel like more people would be willing to ride it if it was closer to other wet rides.
  23. Anyone notice all the stakes along the course of the train ride?
  24. I think there needs to be more visits from supervisors and more instructions on how to act. The majority of these associates are in high school and college so you can't expect them to be 100% professional. I guess not a lot of people are that upset about it because I've been hearing the $22 million dollar train spiel for a couple of years now
  25. I found this online, and the channel did correct itself in the comments about Intamin. They are speculating 2019 but I think that is way too soon. I'd say the normal gap for a new coaster is 3-5 years depending on the cost
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