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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I consider it two credits just because they are literally two mirror image coasters under one name and one station. The park might classify it a different way but I always considered it two rides.
  2. I think standup coasters could make a significant comeback if, and only if, the trains are redesigned to better accommodate both genders. I understand that standing in line for a ride then having to standup on that same ride isn't pleasing to most. However, smaller sized coasters with shorter ride times, could pull it off better than the larger ones. Standups like King Cobra and Vortex at Carowinds are great because they're shorter and people wouldn't mind as much. Rides like Rougaroo, Green Lantern, and Riddler's Revenge should be floorless because they're significantly larger and the ride times last a lot longer. I say this, of course, if manufacturers like B&M change their standup car design My two cents
  3. Yes if you recall, train conductors actually wore conductor attire, King Cobra associates wore Safari type clothes and so on.
  4. I wouldn't have as much of a problem with Vekoma if a huge chunk of their rides weren't cloned. I'm really not a fan of mass cloned rides from any company to be honest. I know it's the park's choice on what type of ride they want and getting one that's cloned is less expensive but I like originality. Too much of the same thing ends up bland.
  5. That's interesting that you mentioned that because I know they completely destroyed Shockwave from Kings Dominion when it closed. http://newsplusnotes.blogspot.com/2015/12/kings-dominion-shares-shockwave.html?m=1 The only parks that would be candidates for Boomerang would be Michigan's Adventure or Valley Fair. Unless Cedar Fair plans to sell it to a park outside of the chain, which I highly doubt, I could see it going to either park.
  6. I don't know much about Carowinds but I do know this- Thunder Road wasn't as popular with guests as Racer is. The way Thunder Road was placed really restricted a lot of expansion opportunities for the park. The Racer doesn't really restrict anything. Plus The Racer is still one of the most historical rides in the industry and still has the park record of over 100 million rides given. I think the days of removing original attractions are done. There's still a huge chunk of individuals who want the antique cars to come back. Racer still gets really good ridership every year so there's no reason for it to be removed.
  7. Just stating facts but a lot of park employees who say these things are seasonal workers paid slightly above minimum wage. They aren't specifically trained to be professional. There is a line where employees know that they shouldn't say certain things like obscenities, slang, and basically words any respectable employee would refrain to say around people. However, that doesn't mean they have to maintain a highly censored tone either. If people want to get upset, don't get upset with the employees, get upset with the people who trained them. I understand where @Voicetek is coming from and it does get really annoying, but that tour guide should have had better training or not have been allowed to give tours. I worked at a job where an innocent employee jot fired on the spot because of a common error that could have been avoided if he was just trained better. Anyone could have made the same mistake he did but he was the first, got the boot, and we all were retrained so we wouldn't suffer the same fate. A lot of the ride ops and associates are teens and young adults who love the park and share the same excitement that the GP does. It's not their job to know the ins and outs of professionalism- its their managers'. If it was really that big of an issue with the park, the managers would tell the ops and associates to refrain from talking about certain subjects they don't want discussed. PR managers display a great amount of professionalism because that's their job. As a communication major in college I read about professionalism a lot and have to do research and data analysis on the ins and outs of all types of communication. I believe there can be a balance but I think people need to calm down a bit and let the managers train their employees as they see fit.
  8. If someone on this site has a Boo Boo avatar my life will be complete SOB who's smarter than the av-er-age bear
  9. When I heard there was 80s music in the shed, I immediately wanted to get Rick Rolled
  10. I really like the Flying Dutchman and Invertigo models but I wish they came out with some more "original" work. It seems like almost every Vekoma is cloned which makes it less special. I'm thankful Firehawk only has a twin and Invertigo only has two other clones. Maybe I have a soft spot for Vekoma because their track is so reminiscent of Arrow, but I'd like them to become more custom and less clone.
  11. A lot of people complain about Vekoma as opposed to other manufacturers. In comparison to other manufacturers like B&M, Intamin, and Mack, Vekoma has always seemed to be labeled as the inferior company. What do you think? I personally like Vekoma but I'd like to see what people really think about the company and it's coasters. Please feel free to share your thoughts!
  12. When you see that RMC is working with Cedar Fair
  13. I really like what they've done to Rivertown and Action Zone so far, so I think X-Base is the next location that should get revitalized. I feel like it being isolated from the rest of park and being "hidden" behind The Racer gives the section an element of mystery. The Flight of Fear building looks natural and doesn't stick out like a sore thumb, unlike another KI metal box located in Rivertown, and Firehawk's placement is equally natural. Even if they can't necessarily tear out the neighboring maintenance buildings, sacrificing a little space for maybe a flat would do just fine. I feel like there's so much potential for that section so I hope the park does something to it in the coming years.
  14. I mean I already consider KI the wooden coaster capital of the world because of the track length. I'd also like to point out that we have the coaster responsible for re-sparking the second golden age of roller coasters, the longest wooden coaster in the world which is also one of the fastest and 3rd longest coaster overall, a small wooden kiddie coaster, and a new modern airtime machine. If we got another game changing woodie in the line up, I could see the "Wooden Coaster Capital" title really stick.
  15. I've been there once, it's not terrible. I think by getting rid of Timberwolf, it would completely obliterate any potential concerts.
  16. I created a rendering of an ideal build out that I've always envisioned for the area that BLSC currently occupies
  17. I thought I'd update the list to accommodate the new rumors circulating and lay the confirmed rumors to rest Kings Island Drop Tower possibly renamed Demon Drop Former SOB station recycled for another ride A giga coming before, after, or during KI's 50th anniversary Triotech coming Flats coming Other Cedar Fair parks rumors Canada's Wonderland Invert or Wing Valley Fair Invert Knott's Boomerang moving to a smaller Cedar Fair park Dive Coaster for Knotts Kings Dominion Hyper coaster
  18. As I said earlier there have been rumors that it'll be dueling. I'm no engineer but it *might* be possible for RMC to construct a second lift hill in the 2017 season. I don't know how that would do with Gemini but when I heard "They're coming" I immediately thought a plural name like Outlaws, or a dueling coaster. I'm thinking Cedar Point will be going for another record breaker so my expectations are pretty high.
  19. Mine were simple, Really liked it but it's not the best in the world I was sorta confused about the shed so I was honestly suprised but like MDMC01 its growing on me Sorry Mystic Timbers but The Beast is still the best. Not taking anything away from Mystic Timbers, or GCI for that matter, but The Beast was my first "Big Ride" so it holds a nostalgic place in my heart. I'd repeatedly ride both rides in a single day, but if I was forced to chose one to ride it would be The Beast.
  20. I agree with the fact that MT might pay homage to the old coasters from the 80s like King Cobra and The Bat. I feel like Kings Island's given us all the clues, we just have to decode whether the scenes are old rides or not. Ever since they revealed Mystic Timbers back in June, I always thought they were going to use the shed to hint at something bigger coming in the future...
  21. Its been a couple of days since it's debut so I think it's safe to see how people weigh in on our newest woodie.
  22. That's not all. Mystic Timbers has been running ghosts and Diamondback has been down for about 10 minutes or so Update: Mystic Timbers is back carrying riders and Diamondback is transferring a train off the track-2:35:00 PM Diamondback resumes normal operations with 2 trains-2:46:00 PM
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