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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. That's awesome that they got the Redwood Kings from Animal Planet to work on the shed! Here's some more info about them if anyone's interested http://danielswoodland.com/?gclid=Cj0KEQjwwoLHBRDD0beVheu3lt0BEiQAvU4CKtOiQds7wtVYIVuW5h2YszJ_y-aU75Jfv49hjoEKLNoaAoW38P8HAQ
  2. I'm wondering if this will indeed be part of the 2017 lineup.
  3. I think The Racer will get some major trackwork done soon. I think a lot of the GP will be surprised how smooth wooden coasters can be after they ride MT.
  4. I'd prefer RMC Topper track for Racer because it would keep it in the "wooden" coaster category. Iron Horse or "IBox" track would classify it as a hybrid.
  5. I'd love to see the return of an enterprise style ride along with a spinning tea cup ride. In terms of modern flat rides, I think Canada's Wonderland has some of the best flat rides in the chain: Shockwave, Skyhawk, Sledge Hammer, and Soaring Timbers to name a few.
  6. I don't think all of WDW's attractions are open during the 24 hour days. I could be wrong.
  7. I always thought they were GP pleasers that could fit in tight spaces. I've never had the opportunity to ride one, are they really that bad?
  8. We already had a haunted mansion.. er I mean "theater".... I miss the Maestro... That "Big Brown Box" also takes up a ton of real estate that would be utilized, in my opinion anyway.
  9. I think that what you said is on the money. With all this said though, what types of coasters are left for KI to get? A 4d wing coaster like Joker at Great Adventure? A mack? Etc
  10. I saw this online today and it made me grin from ear to ear. Just around 15 more days left! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/292945150743576684/
  11. I'm wondering if the train will make it on the haunt roster for next year. I thought it would be cool if they expanded on the Mystic Timbers story and had a live show right by the old western town.
  12. Kings Island was the more heavily themed of the 5 Paramount parks so I think that other parks can learn from them. They have always been really good at theming, even before the Paramount buy in the 90s- Adventure Express, the train, International Street, Rivertown, Coney Mall, Safari Village, Phantom Theater, etc.
  13. I'm interested to see if those aqua colored lights will be placed in the tunnel, some trees, or even the shed throughout the course of the ride. https://themeparkpress.net/tag/mystic-timbers/
  14. I hope that this theming approach is reapplied to the current coasters in KI. I could only imagine what they could do with rides like The Bat, Firehawk, etc. Even if they only did half of what they are doing to theme MT it would still be good.
  15. A lot of people are speculating that if the park got a giga that it would be taller that Fury 325. Is Cedar Fair known to out-compete itself? I know Fury 325 beat Millennium Force in height, length, and speed but there was a 15 year gap between the two coasters.
  16. ^Doesn't that picture violate the rules Cedar Point already established?
  17. I feel like a Vekoma Boomerang or a Gravity Group shuttle woodie would fit in KK well.
  18. This ride is just want the park needs! It looks so awesome!
  19. I don't believe they're supposed to be that exciting. They're just higher capacity rides for families to enjoy together. Grandpa and grandma can't always get on the big coasters, but rides like the train or antique cars are just right.
  20. If Kentucky Kingdom does in fact get this rumored B&M hyper in the coming years, that might encourage a giga at KI.
  21. I feel like Vortex would dominate Dominator Puns
  22. I always wondered if there was any KI, KK competition that would take the Kentucky market away from KI.
  23. I've never ridden Dominator so I can't vouch for it but I've ridden Firehawk dozens of times and I wouldn't like to see it go. Even if it has capacity issues in relation to it's ride length, it's still a fun and unique ride.
  24. Well it was there pre-cf for two seasons. Before that, it was all woods and automobiles. A lot of people favored the antique cars to the present day BLSC
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