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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Is there any leads on if another company has been hired to work on the interior of the shed? I know Ouimet said he wants to work with more practical animation throughout Cedar Fair such as animatronics.
  2. RMC is another candidate. They made Goliath at Six Flags Great America after all.
  3. I actually contacted PTC the other day on their requirements. This is their response
  4. I think a park like Silver Dollar City might work since it's in the South. I agree that a park in the South would be awesome, especially if it operated year round. However, I don't know how good a Cedar Fair park would do down in Florida since they would be competing with Disney, Universal, Legoland, and Seaworld
  5. I think they'll power through this month. I went on a behind the scenes tour of Banshee back in March of 2014 and none of the pavilion work was completed at all
  6. Agreed, I think that The Bat is a pretty popular ride for what it is. I always see semi-full to full trains when I ride it so there's no indication that it's losing popularity. If the GP likes it, it stays.
  7. If Cedar Fair had to acquire one more park, which one would they buy? Which one would make sense? Which one would benefit from being a Cedar Fair park? Defunct parks are also fair game as long as they're mostly still intact. This is all hypothetical of course but it would be interesting nonetheless.
  8. It was no competition, in the early 2000s Cedar Point dominated as they cranked out 3 coasters in 4 years that well exceeded the 200, 300, and even 400ft mark. I honestly don't think the addition of Son of Beast really affected Cedar Point all that much.
  9. So hybrid? RMC, apart from building their own ground up coasters, is mainly used to rehab rides that have potential. Though Son of Bacona, I mean Son of Beast could have used the RMC treatment, I think the best thing was just letting it fall to the ground. The only time I want to see RMC come to KI is to install some topper track on Racer or The Beast (personal preference.) As much as I love RMC, they are not needed at KI as much as they are needed at KD
  10. Either the foundation for the midcourse tunnel, the ice rink on the fountain, or they're part of one of the new buildings being constructed around MT
  11. Can Drop Tower please be repainted and renamed Demon Drop? It would add to the spooky theme the park is trying to push in Action Zone and it would also pay homage to Screamin' Demon. I'm kinda tired of the checkerboard look and the current colors.
  12. That would be an awesome addition to Soak City if they ever started adding actual rides.
  13. I always figured they were keeping the station for something more than just a haunted house. But wouldn't Banshee get in the way of a big coaster like that? Unless you're thinking about a Mack Helix type ride which immediately drops out of the station.
  14. I'd be happy with just 2-3 coasters exceeding that 200ft mark. One hyper, another type of coaster over 200ft, and a giga.
  15. I know this is a reoccurring subject but I'm really curious to see if The Racer will be turned back around anytime soon. I feel like it's a no brainier, especially because they could turn the ride around and market it as the new attraction for the season. I never understood why Cedar Point never turned one of the Gemini's around after 4 decades.
  16. Ironically the best theming came from the Taft era. Don't get me wrong Paramount did great theming too but Taft made it fit. Taft did Adventure Express and Phantom Theater after all.
  17. I always thought that type of coaster would work well in X-Base or even on a piece of land outside BLSC
  18. This isn't an improvement just a nitpick. Banshee is one of my favorite coasters in the world and I wouldn't change the layout at all. However a part of me wishes it was 200ft tall. I know the elements would have to have been made bigger to accommodate the increased height and speed but I guess I always envisioned Kings Island having multiple coasters that exceed 200ft. But hey, second tallest in the park ain't bad either.
  19. Michigan's Adventure would be a great candidate for a boomerang
  20. I dare you to find one thing wrong with this ride. Can't wait!
  21. Well it doesn't help when there's another gift shop just a couple of feet away.
  22. I'm wondering if Mystic Timbers will be part of Ouimet's "Amusement Dark" initiative that he's been pushing. He talked about dark rides telling stories about mysteries that are present in each park. I'm also curious to see if Triotech has any involvement in the shed since there is clearly going to be some type of changing animation. If that's so, wouldn't that knock out KI for getting a triotech ride in the future?
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