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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Orange and Blue B&M floorless including a pre drop, a turn around, a double loop, a double Corkscrew, a batwing, followed by a helix.
  2. It is interesting to see what results from this speculation. Whenever I see flags and equipment, my mind immediately starts to race.
  3. Yea whenever I'm there there's always two trains running. I personally am not a fan of two track stations from an operations standpoint. I would rather have a loading station and an unloading station where the train stays right side up between unload and loading.
  4. I like Firehawk for what it is, but I think B&M has made a superior coaster design with their flyers. However, it has been a popular attraction with the GP so I always recommend it to people who haven't ridden it. I honestly don't ride it on busy days just because the ride is really short to wait in line for more than 30 minutes. That shouldn't stop people from riding, it's just a personal preference.
  5. That's the old Lion Country Safari. I've always wanted a coaster to go there but there's no proof of further development unless footers or equipment are spotted
  6. As I've stated before on another thread, I don't have a problem with standups as long as they aren't huge and forceful. Georgia Scorcher has always been a smaller, more decent sized standup. As for color I'd probably go with dark or even electric green and navy blue supports and put it in the center of the park behind the Eiffel Tower.
  7. Well a repaint would be in order but the GP would still compare the two. I honestly wouldn't mind, I just want a 4d coaster to come to KI
  8. A lot of people take pictures on the breaks outside the station. I honestly don't have a problem with it but I completely understand how it can be an issue for the park. By retweeting it I feel like the park would encourage that behavior. Better taking the picture outside the station rather than on the lift hill but it's still technically part of the ride.
  9. Mack makes full circuit powered coasters. Would they count?
  10. I've only ridden one Intamin Blitz coaster and that was Cheetah Hunt and I loved it. However, I've never ridden anything Mack before so I really hope it's Mack
  11. When I think about Mack possibly coming to Cedar Fair my expectations raise and I immediately think about Helix
  12. How could I forget about Knott's??? Forgive me Ouimet for I have sinned
  13. I still say that KI is the best themed of the Cedar Fair chain
  14. We went up to The Wilds in Zanesville Ohio years ago memorial day weekend and we had to pass the park on our way up North. Traffic stretched all the way back to the highway. Granted this was in 2011.
  15. I still think we'll get a flat rides or family rides package for next year. What I don't know is what coaster will come next? What coaster will come after that coaster? I know coasters like RMC's, Blitzs, Dive Machines, are the least likely to happen so what's left? Giga, Triotech, Launched, etc?
  16. I always considered renames a credit. For example, Chang from KK is one credit and Green Lantern at Great Adventure is it's own credit. In my opinion, any change to the ride experience like a different name, new trains, or even track modifications make the coaster a new credit. Therefore, I consider Rougaroo a new credit.
  17. In other news Diamondback riders have been evacuated from the ride and exited the ride via the transfer track platform. No word on why
  18. The only rides with legitimate lines are Mystic Timbers, Banshee, and Diamondback. Mystic Timbers is the longest wait of the three with about a 20 minute wait time but the line keeps moving. Everything else is about a near walk on.
  19. I think if our park does get a B&M giga, it'll be significantly different from Leviathan and Fury 325. I always felt like Leviathan and Fury 325 were too similar to each other in some respects
  20. This is a duplicate thread, the original thread is below
  21. More geese than usual today. I even saw them roosting in a nest above the jail on the train ride. A goose actually flew out in front of the train so the engineer blasted the whistle and it flew off honking.
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