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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I think Action Zone needs one more/final coaster to "complete" the area. When we got Banshee in 2014 we saw part of the area change significantly for the better. There's plenty of room for a coaster if you remove Congo Falls and Invertigo- you wouldn't have to necessarily remove Timberwolf. I made a crude, and I mean crude, concept of what a B&M Dive Machine would look like in that area. If I ever have time to create a No Limits concept I will but for now forgive me for the crappy microsoft paint design.
  2. I'd prefer to be relocated to Rivertown but I don't know if that would justify the cost of hiring a company to disassemble the ride, relocate it to another part of the park, hire contractors and plumbers, etc. I'd prefer all the dry park water rides to be in one general area but I don't know if the return on investment would be worth it.
  3. Things left to decode: Name Trains Theming Station Literally everything else that wasn't mentioned has already been decoded. We should try and stick to the four main topics I listed above.
  4. Why do we care what comes after the giga? Are we really that spoiled? Its fine to speculate but countless threads like these are what's wrong with the enthusiast community- everyone is too far into the future that they overlook what's happening now.
  5. We already have like 4 threads, do we need another?
  6. To the naked eye it'll look similar but you make a point. In all honesty white supports are the way to go because when the paint eventually fades it won't be that noticable. I wouldn't even be suprised if the yellow sections on Diamondback get repainted white instead of having the yellow touched up. Its a stretch but those yellow supports look faded and repainting it white would make it match the rest of the ride. Then again a pure red and white Diamondback would look even more like Intimidator.
  7. Mystic Timbers theming, Diamondback, now Valravn at CP. What's next?
  8. Or have it go over the Timberwolf area
  9. I agree, that section of Action Zone has become the dead area of the park for me. It would be cool to see Action Zone and Oktoberfest merge but I wouldn't want to lose the Oktoberfest name or theming unless they have it a Dark Forest theme. That area needs some landscaping such as trees and more natual shade.
  10. @DiamondBanshee The park doesn't have the same amount of character that Kings Island has. If you take out Fury, Intimidator, and afterburn you're not left with a lot- even with Copperhead Strike. If you take out the top three roller coasters at Kings Island you're still left with a killer roster of rides. To put it frankly Carowinds is kind of dull where is Kings Island has more personality. Carowinds doesn't have any type of terrain or heavily wooded area, nor do they really have any nature to speak of. Additionally Kings Island has some awesome family Rides with the antique cars, the Kings Island and Miami Valley Railroad, Etc.
  11. I mean expressions, and people saying they ran out of the station.
  12. So is it a bump or a crash? I know GP exaggerate but the picture makes it look kinda scary
  13. @purdude86 not that I wouldn't want a dive coaster, if you follow me on this site you know that I love dive coasters, but it would be weird to see a 200+foot tall coaster next to another 200+ft tall coaster. Maybe that's just me. Then again I'm used to going to parks where the taller rides are spread out amongst the skyline.
  14. @DiamondBanshee was giving some constructive criticism on that video If you're looking for the most accurate concept check out @DustinTheNow, his is more consistent with the blueprints.
  15. Do kids still like the lazer tag experience? I know indoor lazer tag places are popular, but you can freely move around the room. For BBOBH you're constrained to a vehicle so if you're a seasoned rider, it gets... repetitive. I know everyone wants to bring back Phantom Theater or have a themed dark ride replace the decade old attaction, but what's the ROI? I feel like we'll have people complain that you can't shoot the ghosts anymore if they overhauled the building.
  16. Doubtful. KI doesn't really try to beat CP- they make their own records to break.
  17. Son of Beast was the second longest coaster in the world if I remember correctly.
  18. Please don't turn this into another Intamin trolling thread or I'll just ask to have this page locked. I started a thread on Cedar Fair and Intamin a while back- go post on that.
  19. I think we'll be seeing work from companies like RMC, gerstlauer, and possibly Mack in our future. Mack coasters are extremely expensive since they're manufactured overseas so that might be a deciding factor for the park. I like Gerstlauer but it seems like a company that's better fit for smaller tier parks like Worlds of Fun, Knott's, Valley Fair, etc. For our next *big* coaster I suspect either RMC or B&M. When was the last time Cedar Fair got a coaster from S&S?
  20. SOB dominated the skyline with the towering wood structure; similar to Steel Vengeance.
  21. Anything that Canada's Wonderland has gotten is fair game for KI in my opinion. Delirium, Drop Tower, and WindSeeker are all fun but something lime Lumberjack or Soaring Timbers would be a welcomed addition to the park.
  22. I don't see us getting a wing coaster just because Cedar Point and Holiday World both have one. It seems like the midwest area is covered when it comes to that type of coaster model.
  23. It seems like a premature topic but I came to realizing that by 2020 we'll have 3 B&Ms. The only ones we'll be missing are a wing coaster, a floorless, and a dive coaster- all of which are at Cedar Point. Additionally a flying coaster seems unlikely as does their family coaster model. With the addition of this 2020 coaster, do you think Kings Island will be finished/taking a break from B&M? I don't see us getting other type of coaster model from them in the future but its not impossible. Thoughts?
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