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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. The idea that whichever trademark isn't going to be used on the new coaster will be used for Flight of Fear still kind of vexes me a bit.
  2. He also thought The Banshee was going to be a wing coaster based off of the blueprints. That guy's a legend, he's probably just either trolling or a little rusty on his blueprint knowledge
  3. Green track, gray supports
  4. I would enjoy future traveling attractions to come to KI like Monster Jam and others. I thought it was cool when the Budweiser Clydesdales came to the park.
  5. Without tourists Cedar Point wouldn't be what it is today. Kings Island doesn't really have to worry about attendance like Cedar Point does because the park will always be surrounded by big midwestern cities.
  6. What is the speed people are calculating? I know it'll be in the 90mph ballpark but how high or low that number will be.
  7. Everyone stop what you're doing and listen to this guy, he knows what's up. *The thumbnail is misleading to get more views so take that with a grain of salt.
  8. I often look at Goliath at SFGA and I'm suprised at the lack of wood in the lift hill in comparison to SOB or even SV. With the right mechanics it COULD be rebuilt but I don't know if PR would like that.
  9. Saved? No. Rebuilt? .........Maybe.
  10. Project X's que seems to be the longest in the park, on paper at least.
  11. Hypothetically speaking- I wonder how KI would function as its own independent park as opposed to being part of a chain in today's world. Would it produce awesome rides and prosper or would it crumble?
  12. I want to say Mack but they're expensive as they're manufactured overseas. Maybe something from Gerstlauer would be likely
  13. What would be the second?
  14. I would love expansion in the future; maybe this coaster will be the start of it. Someone mentioned how the area could still expand in the left over Firehawk land which would be prime land for flat rides.
  15. @IndyGuy4KI I think inexpensive theming can be added here and there. If you go to Cedar Point there's a lot of little pieces of animation that could be applied to KI. https://identity.flickr.com/panda.html
  16. This could be a right and wrong thing. Paramount spoiled the heck out of KI and arguably KD while neglecting parks like Carowinds, Canada's Wonderland, and California's Great America. Without Paramount we would have never gotten iconic rides like Delirium, Flight of Fear, Invertigo, Drop Tower, and Son of Beast. While Son of Beast was easily their greatest failure, they put a lot of effort into our park while letting others bleed. You could argue if Paramount was more generous with its other parks, we wouldn't be where we are today....
  17. Someone's been reading my "Improving Que Lines" thread. I love it when I have to go on a "journey" to get to rides like The Bat or the old Beast plaza. It would be cool if they took the Flight of Fear theme and built on it. What this ride lacks in height it should make up for in theming.
  18. Those were fun times, back when Paramount had potential for greatness
  19. I thought it was genious to debut Drop Zone and Face Off at the same time
  20. I hate to say it, but I completely agree with you. I would be happy with what Canada's Wonderland has been getting recently. After this attraction I don't think we'll get another big coaster for another 3 to 5 years.
  21. @HandsUp It was talked about at one point a while ago. I think them using FH's que for FoF and the lack of grass clearing suggests it'll remain a dead end for now @kirbias1 I'm excited but my biggest question would be "is going 300ft high so hard?" Its only a 15ft difference in height but that 15ft difference has triggered so many.
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