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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I still think World's of Fun deserves a Dive or at least a T-Rex/Raptor.
  2. @Melody I do find it interesting that they're seemingly trying to squeeze a massive ride in a relatively tight space when there's so much more land that's readily available. I never thought I'd see a coaster ever get close to the back part of The Beast and now there's clearing along the mcbr.
  3. I wouldn't want to install a giga the same year of a major anniversary; much like I wouldn't want my birthday on Christmas.
  4. What do you guys think in terms of theming? Will it be high like Banshee or Mystic Timbers or in the lower end like Diamondback? I don't know how much you can pull from Orion or Polaris but space would certainly be the main theme.
  5. The Shambala curve also might be taller than people are predicting which could give the ride some more length.
  6. I know its a dumb question but do blueprints reveal underground sections?
  7. That clearing could also be for cranes and other equipment that couldn't fit without tree removal.
  8. With the blueprints leaked and the over abundance of Xbase and Dinos land, do you think KI is planning on adding more to this area in the future? There's plenty of space from Firehawk and Dinosaurs Alive that isn't even touched by construction with exception to Firehawk's removal.
  9. I think based off of the blueprints I think we'll be getting a Giga that's more hyper inspired. Leviathan was kind of in between where as Fury is more low to the ground. The lack of twists and turns in this layout would lead me to believe that there's going to be more air time involved than low-to-the-ground speed. If you look at Millennium Force there's only two big airtime hills and the rest of the elements are just overbank turns that are lower to the ground. The same can be said with Fury. That doesn't mean that this 2020 coaster won't have low-to-the-ground airtime but in order to achieve as much length as possible, tall airtime hills seem necessary.
  10. I measured Diamondback's length based off of Google Maps, excluding hills, and got around 4'400ft. I don't know how accurate that is but given DB's actual length of 5,282 ft thats about a difference of 882 ft. I don't know if what I did made any sense or not.
  11. What's interesting is, according to the blueprints, only about 20% of Firehawk's land will be used- the same can be said for Dinosaurs Alive.
  12. For those who voted "fake" could you maybe elaborate on why? Just out of curiosity.
  13. I agree, it would be hard to sell a coaster that's, say 280ft, as opposed to one that's 300ft+. I think the biggest defining factors of this ride are gonna be the heighth and the length. If the heighth doesn't exceed 300ft people will feel some sort of way. Actually, I think the length is the more important factor. Track length is one of the few things KI prides itself on, heck we break records with length, so if this new attraction isn't longer than Diamondback I can underatand people's negative criticisms and quickness to judge. The bar has been set so high with coasters like Banshee, Fury 325, Yukon Striker, etc that its hard to accept when a high CF teir park goes under the usual bar. Then again, I think we as enthusiasts need a little bit of hindsight when looking at new additons. Our perspectives might be completely different than that of the average GP guest who's never ridden a 300ft tall coaster before. A giga at KI has been hyped since the addition of Leviathan in 2012. Heck the idea of a giga at KI has been mainstreamed so much in the amusement community that we've had 100+ page threads about it, dozens of Nolimits2 concepts, and countless microsoft paint concepts. Some concepts seen online are beautiful but seem a bit much, especially for a park like KI. I think with 8 years of hype, people are bound to be disappointed in some form or another. I think one KIC member coined the phrase "anticipointment" after the contents of the Mystic Timbers shed were revealed and you can argue many of us are feeling the same way after seeing the leaked blueprints. We finally got a touch reality after letting our imaginations get too far ahead of ourselves. I say its still early in the season and we should be happy we're even talking about a coaster addition in the 1st place.
  14. I think the argument many fans have is "if its smaller or around the same length as Diamondback then what's the point?" I don't think its about being better than others but rather improving on what we already have.
  15. Question that anyone could answer. What if the attraction was closer to 300ft in heighth and 5,000ft in length as opposed to say Fury 325 or Millennium Force; would you guys feel robbed? Or would you guys rather be grateful for what we get? I've been hearing mixed reviews on reddit, YouTube, and other sites that are talking about the leaked blueprints and wanted to know your guy's honest opinions.
  16. Makes you curious if its real if it'll between Leviathan and Fury 325 or not. The layout doesn't reveal much, aside from a possible figure 8 towards the end of the ride. If it is real I am a little suprised that itll be a straight out and back layout similar to Shambala.
  17. The chain lacks creativity. They get money from using Warner Brothers properties by naming their rides after DC and Looney Tunes characters. Cedar Fair at least tries and make each park unique and different from one another
  18. I was born in the late 90s so I grew up in the early 2000s Paramount Era. Which decade do you think was the best decade for the park? Personally I think the 2010s is the best era for the park because of the additions like Banshee, Mystic Timbers, and the return of old favorites like the gliders, Winterfest, Bat, and the Antique Autos
  19. Patriot at CGA is shorter than Vortex and that has floorless trains. If B&M made second gen stand-up trains to test I would be all for it but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
  20. I like it that way- you get a good picture http://cpfoodblog.com/park-food-guides/kings-island-food/
  21. That was an inside joke from the summer of 2013 where a troll kept telling us he saw green Intamin track..
  22. Personally I think they need a GCI over the Dinosaurs Alive area. On another note, I'm surprised Vortex hasn't been converted to a floorless yet; maybe that'll be an off year project when they don't have anything else immediately planned
  23. With what's been happening to the other Vekomas in the chain I agree. Boomerang at KBF could have been relocated or sold but instead it was scrapped, same with Stinger and FH. I'm sure we'll get a few more years out of Invertigo until its ridership drops or maintenance costs go up enough to justify a removal. After that, I don't think we'll see another coaster removed for a while. For years I thought BLSC would be removed but now I'm leaning more towards a retheme.
  24. I think it would save the chain more money if they just relocated the ride as opposed to building a new one. One man's "trash" is another man's treasure and I think the fans of CGA would love Wicked Twister at their park.
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