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Everything posted by DontWantToWait42mar0

  1. I thought ze Germans were known for their efficiancy.
  2. Although not a KI dream, I dreamt that I was riding Gatekeeper last night. On the way up the lift hill I noticed I hadn't even secured my harness yet; luckily it was a B&M so I didn't have anything to worry about. It seemed like a realistic dream, except I never passed through the "key holes" so I know it was a dream in the end.
  3. I see your filter hasn't improved in the short amount of time the you were inactive from the site.
  4. Agree with this completely! Great advice from Jr for Birdy. ..Unless your true self is unbalanced and inconsiderate of others; in that case you should try to mimic someone cooler than yourself.
  5. Where exactly in the picture are the cargo shorts? I can't seem to find them.
  6. I was sitting outside of Adventure Express 2 years back I think while a couple of nieces rode it 3 or 4 times. The ladder climbing game worker, obviously bored by his lack of customers, started climbing the ladder himself. There were enough people that came thru during this 20-30 minutes that I sat there that it was pretty easy to tell what the ladder game worker was doing that made him successful each time, and what the regular customer was doing causing them to fall each time. Expand on this.
  7. Shaggy has been bought, he was my favorite at speculating future Kings Island attractions well in advance too.
  8. All of your posts that I have read on here have been amazing brother. If anything you get a free pass on your 1k'th.
  9. I have never won at the bowling ball on the metal track with the bump game at Kings Island.
  10. If KI didn't exist, there would still be an amusement park in this market.
  11. The whole reason for shutting down baffles me. The Beast ran for how many years while the fireworks were going off? Did they move the launch site of the fireworks or something recently? Most of the people in line think that it is ironic that The Beast shuts down yet WindSeeker continues normal operation.
  12. Can't say I blame yall about Drop Tower. It's still scary even after getting a couple rides in on it. It would take a lot of money to convince me to look up at the top of the tower for more than a second or two at a time!
  13. I remember riding Storm Runner all day in the front...and when I tried to ride in the back it would lower as far and they kicked me off.....I hate those restraints. At least the restraints don't come up a click. Somehow my post ended up the worst_^
  14. I'm sad that I went to Dollywood before they started building real coasters. I don't have a single memory of the place. I did happen to ride Storm Runner on my only ever trip to Hershey Park.
  15. I'm wondering if there will be a loose change/items shield on the part of Banshee the goes over the Action Zone midway. Just noticed that you are almost at 1,000 posts malem. Congrats!!
  16. What's the worse that can happen from sitting on a park bench at Kings Island? It could collapse. A scrape or a splinter could result in an infection. A tree could fall on top of it. The ground could collapse underneath it. All exceedingly unlikely, but risks nonetheless. All of those scenarios are possible on Diamondback, and then you have to think about your harness coming undone. I was hit on the arm by someone's phone while on Diamondback and it hurt a wot.
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