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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. One of my favorite unridden want to ride rides is a Eurofighter, neat little coasters.
  2. Steel coasters like any coaster can practically remain up indefinately. Just need a fine toothed comb to check and keep the ride operating at 100% as long as possible. Steel have it easier than wood as well in this regard, less to inspect, less to fail. However, when something does fail, it costs quite a bit. One of the most crazy costs I ever saw was a sensor on PT that cost about 2K dollars to replace..yikes.
  3. This info was relayed to me via text from another member that approached Guest Services as I indicated in my first post. So there is no way I have the name from the employee.
  4. I enjoy watching ride operations. As much as somdtimes they make me distraught and I want to yank the mic away and do it right or help clear trains faster, I'll always love watching a crew who clicks well and has great unit cohesion. My crew got that about three weeks in..from there..history
  5. Just because it may not be seen to you on plat doesn't mean it's not there. Could be in controls or under the station. For my rides we kept ours below the station platform in the shade to keep it cold longer. You wouldn't see it but you can be assured we ran down alot to get hydrated.
  6. Exactly..I'm sure the sharing was factored into the plan. If I go out and get Larosas (eek) who is going to come after me if Lindz takes a bite of Pizza or grabs a breadstick. Its going to happen if it already hasn't. However again Guest services did say so..I think some education on their part would be wise then to stop getting conflicting reports park wide
  7. I have nothing better to do in line aside from talking, my phone, or site seeing..might as well add some free extra entertainment to my trip
  8. WindSeeker was waiting to find home on final descent when the shoe was chucked yes, so about 40 or so feet off the ground. And yes I do judge the park alot, I hold pretty high standards most of the time.
  9. ^^Then you need to talk to your guest service folks that informed a member here that they are ok with it.
  10. Double Loop was my true first coaster, I do miss it. Villian was a crazy intense hybrid deal, I loved every bit of it, the head choppers are my favorite next to Gemini currently Bobs was ok, but it did rattle me it's last year running before the accident.
  11. Btw this weekend after talking with Guest Services, they are alright with sharing the meal plan, however the purchaser of said plan must be the one to stand in line and collect said food.
  12. Dive Machines are cool, just for the initial drop, however post drop, it's not as exciting, at least IMO. Now a great B&M floorless like the one abuptly stolen from my favorite park, oh I'd be thrilled.
  13. Like I said, just to have fun, nothing else, and plus the rules are at least somewhat being enforced at KI. Security @ KI is a joke, saw a kid pull his shoe off on WindSeeker and chuck it at a guys head. Security came, scolded told not to do it again, left, guest went right back on..That happen at CP, keep restraints locked, security kindly escorts out of the park, no questions asked.
  14. It's not the end of the world, but it does add to my amusement inside of an amusement park.. Next time I'm in queue and it happens someone should record it hehe
  15. I don't think it's perfectly wise to do it on the same day as Coasting for Kids. Let the park have it's moment and do it's event. I'm sure many of us will meet up and ride together, etc. not doubting that, but keep it to just that, just as a recommendation. Same as Media Day, let the park have it's event and do it's job but have fun along with them
  16. Sadly most of America can't do 20 pushups, so just verbal attacks will have to suffice..
  17. It's time.. i do and don't like the Monster redo..Glad to see an old great ride get some needed love However, it doesn't seem so monster-ish now.. Ah well I'll still ride the hell out of it, and probably lock a few cars and stuff too like the good old days.
  18. Lol, I completely understand. Most of the time it's a small glass to relax during the evening or whatnot. Very few times do I actually get more than a small buzz. The times that do are when I can just relax, let loose, and enjoy whatever is going on around me. Last major time was Gervasi, bottle of wine at dinner, walked back to the Villa, and had another bottle with Lindz to relax and enjoy the 200 dollar room haha
  19. The blood will barely have time to rush to your head..Stand on your head for 10 seconds, you'll be fine The blood at most will swing to your rear, that's about as far as I think it'll go..Plus with most riders they tense up making a straining maneuver almost and this does help prevent G-LOC. In Laymans terms, you'll be fine, I would practically guarantee it.
  20. I just have fun with line jumpers..bout as close to a Drill Sergeant I'll get for a few years Oh the reaction and huge glossy eye reaction in young teens is priceless
  21. I don't go there for Beer..I go back to Biergarten for liquors.. One day I will ride the rides boozed up, and it will be fantastic. Many a night at CP on off days was spent that way, and it's a hell of an experience
  22. Welcome to KIC. One question how can you comment at all on KIC prior to this if this is your first post?
  23. This is a prototype, I expect delays. Just about every prototype has delays. It will be worth it when it's done, it's a brand new ride experience taken from a classic ride,
  24. Not exactly, it swings loose behind the riders, it may hit the tower but it doesn't impact them. Do I think there is a better way, oh I'm sure, but I will say I think this issue will be corrected eventually.
  25. This is why rides are tested. Not just built and opened up to the general public.
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