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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Did have a Tornado last night, Weather Dog currently on neighbors roof, awaiting evac. Saw the stuff for the first time with my own eyes, quite incredible. The house I saw hit has literally nothing left.
  2. Wow I go on leave to the Pointy Cedars up north then Mothers Day and some personal time off, stuff explodes lol.. Some people know my stance regarding things here and one individual above voiced it quite well, better than me honestly, I'm more direct, to the point kind of approach, so I'll leave it be. All I will say is for those missing out on DT, up north there is PT, which was unfortunately not running Opening Day, but has been open since if memory recalls correctly, long weekend.
  3. Red Roof Inn Mason Montgomery Microtel Inn Crowne Plaza Blue Ash (A+++++) best sleep of my life honestly, still waiting on figuring out the pillows, never got a call back, should try again Avoid America's (not) Best Inn
  4. Chickies & Petes, trip report probably tonight I'd assume, we shall see, first day back to work, and it was a busy busy bit of leave. More details later.
  5. ^^^So someone other than me misses Phantom of the Opera Techno
  6. How about just walk from AZ through Coney to X base and enjoy the sites and sounds, maybe a ride along the way, and enjoy the walk
  7. Like and hate the new nametags. It's kinda nice when you can tell who is a minor >__> <__<
  8. Sadly not all sups care either. After talking to the Male sup on DB about a camera on the ride you could evidently see and he shrugged his shoulders, wow. That killed me. Then the sup in controls just..ugh. I expect more next visit. In regards to the Diabetic episode. I understand the necessity of testing and materials to help control your levels, see it every day. I work next door to an Endocrine clinic so it's all familiar. If I was a ride op and someone had to leave the line, I'd actually help accomodate them to where they were before, if anyone gave them lip that's an easy thing to defend. I would however stress the disability pass. I'd be more comfortable with you as a patient being able to rest and relax or seek another attraction where you're not out "exerting" if you will and not have any complications, than be in the line and have a potential episode. I would suggest that route in the future as to not cause issues for yourself, or worry bystanders/ride ops who have no clue about the complications to your diagnosis. Just food for thought. It's a good pass and has good intentions to help accomodate those such as yourself, I'd look into it.
  9. Never been down to there and honestly I haven't paid attention to the HP world, not a huge fan like my other half, it's cool, but eh, not for me. Just looked it up, that's awesome. How good does it run having dedicated load/unload. Should it be repeated basically is what I'm asking if it's worth what it's meant to do
  10. They may have had to go that route as a safety reason for a certain requirement, I honestly don't know and I agree with your point. Having a valve that cracks open in the event the cylinder doesn't dump air quick enough I get. However, I did not design the ride nor do I know why it was done that way.
  11. Next time someone is at the park look at controls to see if a '14 sticker is put on the Ohio Dept Agriculture plaque. I really haven't walked around to see and look at everything
  12. Brain fart, corrected..It's been a long day..Three major admissions in a day already probably more. One pt with GI impaction, one Asthmatic pt who self shot epi and living off of benadryl and sitting in anaphalaxis barely making it, then one pt with a temp 106.XX for rapid cooldown. Busy busy busy day
  13. For those in the military or veterans reading this: CAC, Uniformed Services Card, or DD-214 are acceptable forms. IF you don't have one of these forms of ID, WPAFB is one hour north of the park, you can report to Pass/Registration to get base clearance after verifying status and proceed to BLDG 2 (MPF) to pick up any of the acceptable forms of ID if needed. Any more details needed I'm more than glad to help you. Lastly, in the link posted, the SPC in the middle in the back needs to learn how to salute..smh
  14. I think you fail to realize how complicated Firehawk is as well. So for moving the gondola seats down you have air lines, proximity sensors (also I'd think limit switches as well), safety systems and their backups as well as somewhat demonstrated in the video, and I'd guess ALOT more. So the air system pressure is monitored, then a sensor at the valve to let the PLC know when the valve dumping air is open and the other side closed, then a sensor and it's backup to tell when the seats are at the correct position, then the valve is closed, the ride releases the gondola (another set of sensors), and then during descent the dump valves are opened and at the brakes the force of the seats and air dumping out of the cylinder changes the seat position as it slowly descends to the bottom. Then sensors let the PLC know the ride is at the bottom and sensors there to release the restraints and verify if they are closed and open. It may seem simple, but in all reality no ride is really just absolutely simple, especially with PLC's involved.
  15. If it's so simple to you, why are you not hired by Intamin designing it?
  16. I could see that and understand where you're coming from however and that does make sense. The only bad engineering they ever did was the loss of Millie's green train ^^_
  17. Well with KI I guess that's a good question. As their "season" is until Haunt starts, after is different, however like CP, that's from start to finish. Good question, maybe we'll get an answer here, if not here try fielding the question up to the park this weekend when it opens up again. Never even thought of that.
  18. I wouldn't say they are bad at engineering, they just don't go the tried and tested route that often. Every installment is a new thing for them nowadays it seems. Take B&M for instance you are just now seeing them switch to a new generation of trains as of the past few years but all the new ones are tried and tested now. Wheras Intamin changes everything all of the time and honestly doesn't have much consistency in the brand. Do they make good engineering ideas? Oh yeah, the double spine track was pretty smart actually, however should a ride require it's wheelse to be hit with water to cool them down so they don't shread wheels everyday, IMO no. The worst is still Mondial IMO, their disaster that was installed almost chain wide is ridiculous. Great light package, cool idea, terrible execution from the initial install. Thing has had more modifications done to it than any other ride I can currently think of off of the top of my head.
  19. Agreed for the most part, there are occasional bad days there. Having two platforms greatly improves throughput for a ride though as riders get off, train cleared, people move up and get on, simple as that. Surprised I haven't seen a normal B&M like a Hyper have a dedicated load & unload, with their capacity already I think it could actually improve a bit more with that.
  20. True point, I give TTD the launch/strata combo. I do tend to forget Knotts from time to time, it's berry easy to forget it being all the way over there haha
  21. It is a prototype, it has not been done before on this style ride. Judging by your logic then is WindSeeker not a prototype, as swing rides have been around for quite a long time (WS is a prototype). Or TTD @ CP..There have been other launched coasters before I could go on..
  22. The train can be dispatched in the zero g roll, it will just jog up the lift however and will not hit ride speed until the safety & trim brake are clear and closed after a train passes through. Preventing dispatch prior to tripping a prox or a certain amount of time from a set start point is nothing new. I can name coasters from the 70's on that have safety systems like that, it's just simple good engineering and safety systems.
  23. I don't get upset, I scold, watch them walk away, and smile..somewhat like this
  24. Now I wouldn't call it propoganda..We're not trying to cause a riot against some cause or Cedar Fair position. One person posted heresay or whatever and that was that. That's what enthusiast communities do, See Decoding 2014 thread. Propoganda is a bit harsh..we're not at war or trying to change the social psychology here. I think we debunked it basically as soon as it hit. Not having water in sight on plat, that's fine, like I said we never kept ours next to us, keep it in a cool dark area within reach. But no way was this propoganda.
  25. ^^Controls* Driving anything does not involve pushing two buttons normally.
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