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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. I'll stay at breakers after the rooms are rennovated. Old bedding/aged rooms for large pricetags when I can go off point and stay somewhere much more luxurious for less.
  2. I'll be trying the all day dining plan this Saturday, at CM they feed us, Sat/Sun I'll have to fend for myself.. Or I may go with friends to the Cafe..or Best Day Grill..or whatever the hell they renamed it this year.
  3. Good to hear RHoF is getting better, I've had great and dissapointing visits there this season, hopefully it's getting a bit more consistent.
  4. I didn't go, funds are being saved for Coastermania this weekend and then a BGW trip, I need to see what replaced BBW, and do the coaster tour, and Lock Ness.. It's been far too long since I went to that park.
  5. I may go to see the show Wednesday, I have to go down to pick up my new free replacement phone then and will only be 10 minutes from the park at that point, we will see.
  6. I think Terp is turning into the Stig from Top Gear for KIC.. Some say....
  7. Actually yes it did open on time
  8. No but a less tacky water coaster with next to no theming
  9. We forgive you..your username is Sparky after all
  10. If you're in the last row you're next to the speaker for maybe a half a second, you barely hear it as it is anyways. Then with everyone in front of the speakers it'd barely be held, I think it's fine where it is.
  11. I may go tomorrow still, no clue yet, I want to go, but I don't..HW is close, BGW isn't, and thats the trip I need to fund like woah
  12. The rear of the train is barely at lift crest, by then it's already picking up speed getting pulled down, so noone would hear it. Where it's at now allows those on the train to hear and enjoy it as well as guests down at the lift hill base.
  13. Interesting, I guess several manufacturers are on the drop track kind of stuff now. Intamin, Zierer, and now Zamperla. That's awesome.
  14. I've heard the same but nothing truly extensive regarding it. I'll find out later this year. Like I said, CW Wonder Mountain Guardian or Verbolten..puhleeze We can get a Eurofighter to beat Smiler in a few years, that can wait
  15. Exactly..I can't wait to see a Mega water slide, that will be the day lmao
  16. Or here...Cause I turn into something similar when experiencing line jumpers..Tehe, this video makes me smile..
  17. Grab your glasses, I'll even bold it for you ^^_..Or was it directed to Goble, slightly confused. I could only donate so much this time, I have a BGW trip, a Holiday World Trip, and possibly a CW trip this year I have yet to fully fund. I want to get my parks in this summer for sure now, especially BGW..I think this year they may take the cake as my favorite park with a few rides/tours/shows. Their lineup there is fantastic this year. Why does KI not have a coaster behind the scenes tour yet btw?? Fantastic idea.
  18. With me staying I wouldn't mind taking Captaincy deal. I donated randomly here & there, biggest thing was if I have the event off. With enough planning I'm sure I could go through with it..sooo Give the enlisted folk a commissioned rank
  19. Someone's got a date bahaha btw Erdman again I need to head through the park with you guys, it was a blast just walking & talking there for a bit too.
  20. I actually wouldn't mind the coaster/water combo, it'd bring back a flume ride in Rivertown to an extent at least.
  21. I did a few laps with you a few weeks back does that count ^^_ Tehe
  22. Nearest hotel currently for me st a decent rate is 45 min away.not sure how I feel about that
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