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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. You'd be amazed..on Corkscrew, at crowd (turnstile) people ask that. Sitting in my chair looking, hmm, what do I see in front of me.. Sigh..you have no clue how much faith in humanity I lost there.. To get to Cedar Point, you have to cross the Ocean Erie then once there, make sure you ride Magnum Force. Easiest way to get there is take the train and get off at the second stop
  2. ^^Can't always do it or have time, yes it does go through a set of batteries about once a week for us at least. Some of em are voice activated though too, or may/may not have a windsock, can't always be the best but trust me I get where you're headed.
  3. The ED was slow and no calls for ALS on standby..I guess so
  4. I would love to have those back..but those TV's now prevent that
  5. For once you have to admit he does a great job however unlike a you say Diamond I say Back kind of deal..
  6. He isn't crazy..I already know who you're talking about..he's a pro with spieling, great job.
  7. Also in reference to the performers as well. Some, not all
  8. For once a trash can isn't enough, about time ^He smokes, I think he'd contribute inside
  9. Ah yes, I apologize, new phone, haven't enabled the dictionaries just yet.. They auto correct..EVERYTHING
  10. Not sure, will have to ask Also yesterdays show, noticed they added a small cash only concessions stand during the 30 min. before the show. Various bottled drinks, candies, etc. Reasonably priced too, was nice to grab a Coke & Sweet Tarts to nom on while sitting there waiting listening to Happy three times
  11. But Banshee is already dead one assumes
  12. Felt relevant Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
  13. Glad you came on tonight to rectify the situation from your end. I appreciate it, and I fully understand your reasoning and the nature of the request. My only question is how does this work for things like the GOCC/TPR deal as others are looking into that as well? No set dates were put in place for them. Might as well cover all points while we're talking about it so some users here don't scramble last minute like this one. Hopefully CC's admins will work something out with you and your team to get a date set up so that users here may benefit from this event with our coaster club partners. Again thank you for coming on to shed some light on it with a bit more detail, always appreciated.
  14. Figured I'd come out and be direct. Don and others know I'm a straight and to the point kind of person, lets see if we get a response
  15. So here's my series of logic for all KICers..been getting asked if we are or we aren't quite a bit today. 1. As of the event starting and around 01MAY14, CC and KIC were both allowed to attend as long as admission was paid to the park and the member registered for the event and paid dues for it through CC 2. As of yesterday 11JUN14 when Tim Hollerman or whatever his last name is (sorry bud) spoke to the park, this wasn't brought up/an issue regarding the event 3. Don states today 12JUN14 only CC members allowed, must be card carrying member So something caused the park to renege for some reason and I don't see Don posting the wrong thing on here, he's a PR manager, he usually plans things out. I mean it is kind of his job So I'll come out and ask the park, what made you change your mind in one day for this event? Lets be fair and honest with eachother. If we're your #1 fans as you have stated several times, why leave us out of an event with our coaster club partner?
  16. Not for here right now..I think you have me added on Facebook..if not PM me
  17. Agreed..sorry I didn't word that better and I apologize
  18. KIC was..and we're the ones dropped. CC didn't do anything nor was I stating they were
  19. One can assume why details were deleted I honestly believe it to be in relation to an incident at CFK. If not I'm honestly surprised Also I can understand second post being deleted (even though it was pretty good haha) but first one? Nothing wrong with that one
  20. FOF..military themed..ish. Firehawk..Not so much, especially with that great green paint coming through
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