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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Sadly the company does view CP/KI and other parks honestly as potential cookie cutters. I see it more and more between the two with this years new developments at both. Some things can carry over for sure, uniforms, ride op SOP, food offerings, etc. But leave the personalities of the parks alone. So far Knotts, WWK, and Dorney are the only parks to me that still don't feel all corporate to me.
  2. Lets put it this way, glad to know my story stuck with one hopefully more One trip on Maverick, guy had his phone or zippo, I wanna say phone. Anyways he had it out holding onto it and the restraint. Launch tunnel in Maverick, train banks left he looses grip, phone flies back at 70mph and hit a man a few rows back, took out his eye. Was a crazy day for the guest, the guy with the phone, and for us/security. Had EMTs, security, and gold tags all over it. Never saw the guy who had the loose article after that, popped restraints they escorted him away forcefully. I calculated the mass a phone has at speed for just my ride. On Corkscrew, at about 35mph (about the speed it averages through the corkscrews) a phone at that speed carries the weight of a cinder block behind it. So imagine walking up the midway, look up, bam, hit in the head with a cinder block. Now think phones are larger/weigh more now, and that dive loop straight to the midway at probably 50 or so mph, gets alot more crazy. Secure your articles or store in a bin. Not only would you lose your items of value more than likely, but you can also injure yourself and others, quite seriously. Another sidenote, a phone on TTD comes down pretty hard, sounds like a popgun going off like the ones on the CPLERR when it hits the midway. Being at Witches Wheel, seen it happen plenty of times. Heed the warnings, don't want anyone elses or your own best day to turn into an emergency trip to the ED/Surg and then someone in custody facing charges. The park does hand out charges, moreso than you think.
  3. No but lapping Maggie over and over the week of my Birthday running from exit all the way to the train was a fantastic night
  4. Employee error..ah well take it while you can. Who are you to turn down free 99 lol
  5. Nothing beats clear moonless calm lake rides in a cool quiet breeze Well except for a cloudless moon lit night that's warm and trimless on Maggie..some of my favorite moments in life were there
  6. I'm going with CF employees and know many CP gold tags and lifers. Networking is more important than you think
  7. Peanut Butter..like a shoe company just do it. I still giggle in there..someone has to pack that fudge in Hehe
  8. Honestly it's quite the steal from the consumers end imo
  9. Headed up early Friday unless I convince the group to head up Thursday night we will see. There all three days though, will be fun
  10. Actually cafe isn't as bad anymore..finally decreased their profit margin thank you new CEO..only thing is now it has less seating and still crummy unhealthy options. I'm all for quick calories on a 12 hour day, but sometimes..man gimmie nutrients
  11. I've ridden with trim brakes normal weather cold weather etc...hehe..
  12. I'll gladly take a BBW clone That could go many ways now after typing this I realize that haha
  13. CP enforces things quite well. We see a phone, we'll stop and take it unlike KI..KI, they see a phone, verbal warning, does nothing, train crests the hill. Dunno bout the Cedar Downs deal, that seems pretty cray cray Discounts were only for under 42 inches or after 1700. Hopefully a deal comes out for you though, I honestly would go back next winter for a full vaca. I won't stay on site though, those hotel rooms, holy crap.
  14. No problems with pain here..if you have the typical leg pain, grow bigger legs
  15. 50 bucks for just a day pass. When me and Lindz went we stayed at the Motel 6 there off of Rye Beach, it's a fantastic little place, renovated about three years ago, still looks good. Then drive from Rt 2 over to 250 make a left and there it is. Btw found it, knew I put it somewhere, PTR is here.
  16. Kalahari is fantastic, I believe I have that trip report somewhere. Even if you stay somewhere cheaper and just buy the day passes to the park it's amazing. Also if you get a few away from the little one, enjoy the indoor/outdoor swim up bar. Great drinks to be had there as well.
  17. You'll never avoid jackhammering on Gatekeeper, the truss assembly keeping you out that far from the rail means any small vibration/movement is amplified the farther out you are. As for Banshee I only experienced that in row 4 and 6 inside seats, outside not so much, I haven't been back in a few weeks to really see how it's aged, someone else will have to chime in. 84 is the best seat IMO on Banshee, absolutely fantastic ride, 13 is a next close favorite.
  18. DB is a great ride, but it doesn't hold up against Maggie IMO, way different experiences. Ride ejector seat one time, you'll love every second of it.
  19. If I eat on site except for maybe the occasional snack I'm a RHoF guy.. The soft drink refill is enough to go there, drink about two/three of those, it pays for itself.
  20. The peanut butter one is fantastic. I devoured it rather quickly. I still have a few left, maybe on a good day I'll include it, but right now I've ate very very well which is awesome.
  21. *snort* Go right ahead, however I would suggest a real shower right afterwards
  22. I keep forgetting to get this. I may be in the area Wed, so we will see about starting it..Or not..
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