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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Some rides are actually on a cushion of air
  2. Oh you'll enjoy this trip..Just avoid the mayflies/muffleheads if they're still ever present, which I wouldn't be surprised if they were.. But hehe..wait till you ride in all the good enthusiast seats. You don't know good ejector airtime till Maggie ejector seat, ah it's brilliant.
  3. I hope to see improvement in that area next year or very soon. That whole area is terribly falling apart. Same goes for the actual Tower itself, large chunks of paint are falling off/missing. Is it too late to contact Sherwin-WIlliams again Or Baynum Painting, they did a fantastic job this off season. But just wow, I shook my head looking at Tower and the gardens opening day this year.
  4. But...but..but h'ooook Lindz likes front seat, I get forced to ride there and my favorite seat
  5. I thought that was all part of the Causeway sign and the new sign by the security post where the walk of shame (Golds) was
  6. I didn't want to bring up WWK... I still would love to go off on a few execs regarding that decision At least they have Spehn back, loved working for that rather large fellow.
  7. I will..I need to finally see all the fuss Dave is talking about I'm sure I'll be slightly aggrivated too but hopefully in time it a fixed. I just hope they have a turn trims off switch with the new PLC I haven't ridden trims for years now, be weird to experience that again but with automated trims we will see
  8. It a some guy with binoculars out in the parking lot and a hand clicker hehe
  9. I'd believe it, I only saw it after the acquisition so what has happened since is less dramatic to me
  10. I enjoy Behemoth more than Levi..it's great..but..it seems a mirror almost to another coaster just it pulls more g's and the other doesn't
  11. They cannot run more than two trains efficiently unfortunately. With updated system and lack of radar for launch now (I believe it was dropped) it could but you'll never see it happen again
  12. Aww common do Knoebels on the way back it's been awhile since we rode rides..besides I owe you dinner..not to sound creepy hehe
  13. Yes and below it it says have a Cedarfantasticday with the cornerstone pin
  14. I could see problems with moving them just like the register cam. I had it zoomed in perfectly on Millie but someone kept wanting to view surface roads haha
  15. It's fun, I've been at and worked one..It's honestly a great day to work. Enthusiasts know what do do, and it's awesome. Just a few bad eggs with cameras or want huge airtime rides, etc. that kinda irk ya, but the general mood is very exciting and happy. Kind of like media day, lots of just carefree fun.
  16. Register cams still exist? I thought they got rid of those. Last time I used it was to watch them test the new light package @ CP in 2012
  17. Just modified the reservation. Headed up Thursday after work, staying about 20 ish mins from the park near Port Clinton this time unfortunately, lot of hotels fully booked in the area that offer reasonable prices. I'll be there till about 1700 Sunday because I'll need to get and go to bed that evening for early tech work on Mon morning
  18. Oh totally agree, but both parks face that issue..Like Beast..Man I wanna just plow through people half the time.
  19. Bins are slowly leaving some rides at CP..See Maggie for instance And that argument is slightly invalid. Raptor has an earlier dispatch point and slower dispatch from ready to all clear, but still manages to push riders through faster with bins. It's all about the hustle from guests and employees.
  20. Lol that's the thing alot of people would love his position and stuff..nope, never, never ever ever
  21. Agreed, even without the forces the speed itself lends it to be a great ride, I love every bit of it just for that. Is it the best coaster ever, honestly no, it can claim that reward but I know better.
  22. Ah dates, it easlily gives mil people away.. Between that or the good old 20140603 Bugs on Bat..least y'all don't have Muffleheads/Mayflies ..But man it does suck getting hit. Wonder why Scrambler went down, I've never seen that ride have mechanical downtime, only guest illness. Glad ya had fun though, I haven't been in weeks, soon will be corrected (I hope)
  23. They don't even run two trains at SFFT I believe, I'm almost positive it was one train op like Goliath was when I was there in 2012.
  24. I only saw them on Media or Opening Day, can't remember which. It'd be cool to see, I enjoy the roaming entertainment, I enjoy it alot at CP, nice to see it's back at KI Now the Band Organ needs to return and fill a large area with that great noise.
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