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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. The parks already do this, but use slips of paper with the time they entered the line on them. Once they reach the station they give them the paper slip who in turn reports it to Ride Ops. or supervisor/gold tag waiting on the exit side of the platform. It was good to see those too, let us know where things were like say full queues, half queue, one train op, etc.
  2. What about that "family" B&M yellow track deal, is it moreover a kid coaster? I haven't really followed it since it was sited at CSF & posted here. Good point about the requirements though I didn't even bother to think about that
  3. if they get a new Chaos it'll have to be called Phoenix.. Tehe
  4. I'd like to see a a steel with inversions in, maybe a B&M invert with new trains like Banshee? Never know.
  5. I'm really curious how this ride is going to work, I've been eager to see this ride, especially the hidden stuff they aren't talking about. Seems to me like this might be more exciting than Verbolten in terms of Dark Ride/Coaster Combo
  6. Yeah those were the tickets I grabbed, but I returned them to let someone else decide to use them. Cold rainy day for the zoo isn't for me or Lindz, we will head up another day.
  7. I had free tickets for the 17th, after hearing about all the weekend weather I'm glad I decided not to go, gosh that wouldn't have been fun to be there in those temps for me.
  8. As a former ride op here's my two cents. Safety is the most important responsibility of any ride op on any ride. Capacity, entertainment, efficiency, etc. can all go out the window, safety takes time, patience, and dedication. I expect ride ops to learn the sounds, usual tendencies, safety systems & fire extinguisher locations, etc. etc. etc. I expect them to comply with that before anything else. I did not have ops spiel until they were competent to do the job like it was their lifelong duty. Once the muscle memory and consistency are ingrained and perfect, then I can expect them to possibly multi task. However for a fresh new ride op to multi task, it doesn't end well. They may miss something, or not answer a question, or not have their eyes watching the ride (fumbling with mic, etc. etc.). However again once they're ready, let em take the mic and spiel to see how it works. If it doesn't work quite right, they can pass the mic back to someone else who's ok with it. It just all depends. Give the ops time and operations will get smoother at KI. They only get a day to a few days of training before they see people, and once they see people honestly they are still being trained. They are still learning the techniques and tricks to do their job to the best of their ability. Trust me the first couple of weekends I had serious gripes, some around me saw me roll my eyes at operations. However again it just opened, I expect issues. The ride supervision and leadership will iron all that out in due time, if not feedback will eventually hit the ride and it will take care of itself. In regards to spiels, information is nice to pass to the guests. It does help the guest and us as ride ops on how to board, where loose articles go, platform info (gates closed, someone handicap boarding, we'll get you on the next ride, etc.). Plus, as a ride op imagine doing a full 12+ hour day rotating the same positions all day on a quiet platform of just guests talking that's it. It helps keep a fun atmosphere alive (who doesn't want to have fun at work, especially at an Amusement Park) and also keeps the upbeat atmosphere on the ride up for the guests. A good person on the mic can get riders stoked for the ride and have fun, plus hearing an applause or a yell or something at the end of the ride. It boosts energy and fun for the guests and ride ops alike. I can't complain there. If you can belt out a fast spiel that gets some good necessary information out and some fun playful things that are appropriate and ok, I can't complain there at all. If the spiels are bad, hand over the mic or let there be a quiet platform. It's better to have nothing over the mic than a constant boring disinterested drone. So all in all for you TL:DR folks. If they do it right and correct, and have a bit of fun with it amongst the employees and guests alike, there's nothing wrong it in my eyes, and I praise them for being fun and creative. If they suck, keep quiet and just do your job and develop a better spiel. My spiel sucked week one, after about a week of working it out with crew members and my roomates, I got better. My end of May I was rocking on the mic and having a blast with it while working the ride. Same can be said for KI ride ops if they're determined to. For y'all that want the get in get out be quiet walkthrough deal, that's fine, but it's not all about you. Spiels work for employees just as much as guests being honest. Let us have fun at work with you while you ride, sounds like an awesome concept.
  9. 1. I remember seeing that on your FB about the airtime lol. I still remember the day that happened. That caused hell on Earth @ CP as well, crazy shockwave there for Millie for a week or so. 2. Curious to see your thoughts on Beast then regarding straight track to see if I'm not the only one with the same thoughts.
  10. Poor Geauga Lake..That is all.. But side note def. go.
  11. His laundry fee is more than some families incomes. And I have to dry clean/starch/press a set of uniforms weekly.. Sigh
  12. This may easily be rumor and speculation, but after poking & prodding a few places & people around the park all day yesterday. The main rumor is there is a broken part(s) on the ride and they are awaiting shipment and will take a few more weeks for them to even get here before repairs start. I heard a few times it was a cable(s) that needed replaced. So either the parts are being fabricated by Intamin themselves which would take awhile to make and then send all the way to here, or by some specialized manufacturer who knows where. The ride is certified and able to run for the '14 season as evident in the sticker on controls. We did see the ride cycle a few times on the webcam prior to media day so this rumor seems to be the most consistent and feasable. So I guess we just wait for the ride to open after the park deems it safe and ready for daily operation. Again this is all possibly speculation but it easily makes the most sense.
  13. Tower & Carousel are and have been one crew..I have an extensive knowledge there I can vouch for that easily haha
  14. I'm a Legend person..Raven is close, they're almost tied for me If someone came up and said Voyage was their favorite it'd make sense and I'd understand why. I wouldn't agree but I do understand at least. Mean Streak Henry on the other hand...I just don't even know..
  15. ^^Good that'll free up 84 for me Kidding aside, I really haven't found a bad seat other than a bit of rattle in row 4 that I don't enjoy
  16. The Inception music fit the ride perfectly, albeit cruddy ride cycle, but it was decent. However the score blasting away on those speakers, absolutely awesome. I do miss that ride
  17. No 5ks for me right now..woke up still sore..for those wanting a quick workout I did mine in about 14 minutes it's a quick burner which I like for Fridays 5 toe to bar pull ups (flex arm the bar and bring toes to bar) 4 Dead Lifts (I did 205) 3 wall walks ( push up position, walk feet up the wall and hands closer to wall till vertical then back down) 200m run Repeat six times. It sucked..just..grr..hurting
  18. No I don't honestly not the first time I've ever had to answer that.
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