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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Again I'm surprised you keep using noodly appendage being such a religious person..especially when his noodly appendage is used by Atheists to make fun of religions
  2. Ride systems can be damaged during electrical storms..TTD & Millie both got struck during a bad one my year, both rides down for two days while the proxies on the lift were replaced.
  3. Sigh..this is Tony usually making something out of nothing.. So many markings left over from off season work and whatnot, and work done during the season. Just calm down & let the season roll along, you'll start getting hints & leaks eventually
  4. There are days I've been in the park and there wasn't a thing called a line, and marathoning was as simple as rechecking restraints and waiting for the dispatch interval. Those are the best days, and I'm not one to give those secrets up
  5. I will only ride Millie in the back every now and then or during Mufflehead season. Favorite is riding very back during two train op. Corkscrew is good in 51, but 21 is a much better ride for the bunny hill, the lift hill is better in 51 I will say that. Corkscrews are fantastic in 21 as 51 lately has been..ok, little too much lateral shakes and bangs, not smooth like 21
  6. Good, good, let the green paint flow through you
  7. Yes, Terp does not like it in the back Totally intentional I like coasters in the front but also the back, it depends honestly. Take Maverick, very back, Millie very front (row 2 bay side), Maggie 15 or 16, Corkscrew 21, Mantis 14, Beast 12, Banshee 84, etc. It just depends, each ride has a different feeling for me.
  8. That article is in relation to the CBus weekend, which is hell for everyone, and honestly it always will be, I doubt you will see much improvement this year. It happens every year, I remember working there in 2011 and Lindz came to visit me, bad idea for both of us.
  9. Ah look at those tuitions..er..buildings, very pretty
  10. Plus I think Intamin wouldn't be happy with an S&S coaster running around it, nor would the tower support it well I feel. As someone stated, build it somewhere else in the park that would be cool. Maybe a tablecloth dining or something a bit more upscale?
  11. I doubt we will ever see PWX @ CP return, they sold the boats online, the theming got ditched into other mazes for Halloweekends, and it's popularity was next to none. There were days where it literally never got a single boat around the lagoon other than morning checks.
  12. Be my friend here and follow me on KIC I rhymed ^^_
  13. Gatekeeper is somewhat easy to get a walk on some days IMO..that crew and ride can cycle riders like no other, quite a beautiful people mover. Our new B&M had better end up like that, sans full time employees or area sups.. *crosses fingers*
  14. I was ganna say I have very strong opinions yet here I stand
  15. I like how you use FSM and yours probably the most religious person on these forums and FSM is used to fight back against religion lol
  16. I won't be here by that point.. And who said park and sleep in the parking lot inside the park haha There are plenty of dirt cheap perfect hotel/motels outside of the park just open your eyes.
  17. darn I'm hot bahahaha It was an absolute blast hanging out with y'all that weekend. Dunno which was better, Media Day or..DYLAN DYLAN DYLAN DYLAN DYLAN
  18. Plus many other things would have to change..restraint releases/connections, new PLC, magnetic braking, etc Upgrading trains takes alot more than you think.
  19. Clubs were not instructed to not release itinerary, however Dane was requested by the park to not post information regarding the itinerary here, which was the original problem as per this post here by the sites Admin. Again, V/R -TDE
  20. I know that, I have a season pass so it doesn't bother me at all either way.
  21. Lol top comment..I feel weird reading that.. They're just going to cause more hectic stuff on platform way I see it..Just..weird.. Ah well, wonder why the policy came up. The whole point of GKTW deal I've taken part of was to sit and marathon rides. Like up at CP, hell Gemini you stay on as long as humanly possible haha.
  22. Thank you, and I'm sure someone or several KI employees have read my comments and concerns and may be moving forward with them (or at least I hope) I would like if someone did get back to me on the statue as well lol, I still have no clue why it was there or anything but it's really cool. I've seen it for years but never really stopped to think about it.
  23. KI does that too? Hmm..thought it was just CP, never saw the prices listed down here, CP used to list them on the price board outside of the ticket booths. But yeah, just AD..well and Guard/Reserve, we have the same CACs. But no Veterans/Dependents, etc.
  24. That could be a factor. I think it's moreover to make sure almost all restraints on the train are perfectly secure. Say a smaller person like me goes in row 4 and for some reason every religious diety wants me dead and unlocks that row for some ridiculous one in a ridiculous chance time, with me being in that row the longer belt on row 4 may not prevent me from exiting the ride somewhere. Wheras the other rows offer alot more security. Whereas someone large, row 4 is like a normal row to them in comparison to any other row for me. Thats the way I look at it.
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