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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. ^What he said... They shouldn't need stickers honestly..but sigh..some people don't get the memo..
  2. My guess is a Maint Access road for the ride. They already put concrete near the "roads" they already have to reinforce the hill, this is probably all related to it.
  3. I could just donate my MTI voice to his face and scare him away He'd be going weeeeeee twissttyyyy And I'd be going...
  4. I'll be early tech the week of Media Day..Work an extra hour or more every day before clinic opens, going to be shot lol..Few hours of nap/food won't cut it. Plus if they allow reentry that'd be nice to ride a bit, go to the car and catch some z's or food, then come back in.
  5. Is that the speed every train will travel at lift crest or is this train running in one train op? Either way it's so odd to see a train go through the course..To see something new there, and something built, but then to see it run for the first few times, just..weird..but in a good way
  6. To Don..if we do attend the event in the evening, is re entry possible or arriving late. If I do plan on doing this, my body will need a bit of relax time. Also I'm guessing more than Banshee will be open Media day (Bat), will this be the case in the evening?
  7. Word to the wise, great event nothing against it.. However, get a locker that day or take stuff to your car..Everything was stolen from me that day...Some things I'll never have back.
  8. Sky Swing..you mean Screaming Swing..If I'm wrong, sorry
  9. We have stickers over them, and the rule has been there since I think 2009 ish..but people still don't listen from time to time.
  10. ^^Plus I need to whip you around the circuit one more time
  11. ^^No, but using prepositions could describe your proximity
  12. For some reason I picture you two sitting together and talking.. In a Between two Ferns style
  13. Pretty soon Banshee will take it's first riders, getting way stoked.. Figured this would be good to throw into the countdown..A good bit know but it may be new to others. The Banshee sound actually comes from the Banshee Reapers from Mass Effect 3..If you played the game, you know how freaking crazy these things are, especially taking them down on Insanity difficulty. Sat down and played a bit of the game again today, great series. Figured I'd throw this on the forum again..Good stuff. I remember hearing this for the first time, right then and there I knew 100% the ride was going to be named Banshee. Doesn't correlate any better than that haha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ6ab5X7nnY
  14. I will be only doing Media Day unfortunately. I will need a bit of R&R after all day at Media Day. Plus I may do something outside the park for funsies (Go Karts, GWL, etc.) in the evening. Plus I wouldn't mind relaxing with a few people in a hotel room just watching movies or whatever that night and sleeping good and waking up early again for Opening Day..
  15. I thought it was hands and arms inside the Kaiser
  16. I'll admit seeing you TRY an accent would be amusing..But I'd rather watch the ride ops cycle the ride, and then watch the ride cycle myself.Or again I usually am in the park with people, I'm spending my time with them, not a television
  17. Honestly Ryan..I don't pay attention to stuff in the queues..I'm either talking to a few people, or I'm watching the ride run.. Plus..what would you do on days the queue line really moves..it'd be like The Beast lift hill Remain seated throughout the...please keep ha....thank you
  18. I didn't take any profits for planning the KIC event for about 30-40 people, hell I even in fact took a loss.. Having fun company and a fun venue to be able to share with people should be a drive enough, maintaining a profit is not, unless the profit is to drive other events. However if there is a paid membership, there should be no reason to further extend profits unless that money does go back to the members, which I do not believe it does.
  19. New-ish.. It was silver before, now it's..a silver white.
  20. I see your point..but honestly keep wood coasters wood coasters. If it was built a hybrid, fine, but keep the historical wood ones what they actually are. No heat, opinions are exactly that, however I'm one to side on the side of nostalgia at times..
  21. Yup..Hopefully that didn't happen to you..Have had a few SSgt's I know personally that had to go in because of their troop doing that.. They wonder why I don't want to become an NCO at times..last thing I need is getting chewed and paperwork because a troop did something like this..scares the crap out of me to think in a few years I'll have the same responsibility.
  22. Lol..stick a USB in a military computer..oh the joys.. You report to either the group or wing commander in service dress to explain why you plugged that device in.. They know the second it hits a computer, everytime..
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