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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Banshee has been testing since 15MAR Diamondback for what we know has been testing since 28MAR The Bat trains installed on 22MAR, may have run cycles, I only saw one train on the lift hill AE put trains back on the rails and possibly cycled on 14MAR Drop Tower looks to have cycled on 14MAR, possibly earlier but not sure That's all I got folks
  2. First...you're not driving anything..you're controlling something though, I never understood why calling it a drive box, or driver, it's just..stupid IMO.. The brake run isn't really that long...there are much longer ones Here's how I see the blocking done. Station is it's own block as per usual. End of station (dispatch side) going to 2/3rd up the lift hill will be the A Block From 2/3rds up the lift to the safety brake (first full stop set of brakes on the brake run) makes B Block From she safety brake through the ready brake (holding brake right before the station, pre dispatch side) is the last block However in the last block you have I would guess a trim brake between the safety and the transfer entrance brake to trim the train normally, or close to prevent a train from passing into the transfer entrance if a train is occupying that brake There also is the ready brake pre station to stop a train from entering the station if a train is present, and to slow down the train before entering and stopping inside of the station. B&C overlap at the safety brake, they could have separation however, it wouldn't matter, each brake on the block will stop a train if needed to prevent it from advancing into the next brake, or stay closed to prevent any movement past it. If not being used for this purpose they may set them to trim the train. So in essence: In A the train can be stopped before, or anywhere on the lift hill. In B the train can be stopped at lift crest or right at the end of the brake run at the safety brake In C the train can be stopped anywhere from the safety brake to the ready brake. Brakes in between to be used to trim or stop the train if needed, and prepare a train to transfer on/off the track. Until I actually see a full picture or diagram of the brake run I can't say for certain.
  3. You can see the station & transfer table from the Banshee & Fox 19 webcams
  4. I'll be curious as to when the ride will be dispatched and control's view of the ride. I anticipate a few cameras through the ride, I'm not sure that back half will be visible but we shall see. But yes as some people put it will dispatch at the earliest time safely possible that allows the train to hit the B set proxies about 2/3 or so up the lift by the time the previous train is cleared the end of the safety brake on the brake run (first brake post ride) Also I don't expect them to purposely valley a coaster, that's the last thing. However they will practice evacing a coaster, especially on the lift using the evac mechanism at the base of the lift hill and probably other points on the ride (brake run, etc.)
  5. DB did have issues stacking on some days during the season, I even believe I have video of it. If a train has to sit on the the safety brake (main brake for you guys) it's a stacked train. It should come to a controlled stop, slide through, and proceed to the ready brake (before the station) and through to the dispatch/station brake. I do agree with the thought of the seat button not being pressed..Keeping count of riders that way does seem odd, especially IMO the ride op in controls needs to be paying attention to the ride, not watching the platform and counting any empty seats, which in some runs could be quite a large number. Turnstiles work quite well, and IMO should be used over this method. I will say both methods aren't perfect at counting riders. Some stupid kid spins the turnstile twice or more, ride op messes with it, etc. There is a margin for error. Hell if I dispatched every train on Corkscrew this station using the same setup, I'd have darn near record numbers, just saying.
  6. My complaint about the bouncing balls is when they're on the platform. Around the midway, yeah it's annoying but I don't expect it to be held in your arms all day. But on a platform, cut that crap out..So many times I've had to bark over the mic, can't even hear commands sometimes if you have a whole battery of basketball winning game players..Sounded like a 240B going off
  7. At first I was like, oh wow they improved on the area not reading the article..then as soon as I saw the pics and the several animals, nope They do need to do something over there. Only spot of Area 3 that I can honestly say needs work..
  8. If they equipped seat belts, given the recent safety issues at other parks it wouldn't surprise me. However I will say for what I understand of DB's restraint system is that it has redundancy on top of redundancy. I for what I know understand it has two hydraulic pistons along with a ratcheting mechanism.
  9. I believe the trim brake will be mechanical. I don't know of any B&M that uses eddy current trim brakes. Plus for what I understand Magnetic brakes really don't have any control, the only thing they can do is put them in close contact slowing the train or away from the train not pulling it. To control it that precisely idk..I see an easier way to do it by adjusting the pressure a mechanical trim brake exerts on the train, say for instance Maggie. The only time I have ever seen eddy current trims are on some Intamins such as Maverick or Ka where the brakes are fixed and have to slow the train down constantly.
  10. All good, it'd take alot to upset me, trust me..
  11. I think the problem regarding the trims is that originally upon announcement and soon after, there was no announcement of trims and stated the ride wouldn't have a trim brake... However, the ride came as manufacturerd with a trim brake, end of story, it's there, it'll always be there. It'll keep from preventing an overspeed on days the train is flying, and when fighting the elements it won't engage
  12. Yes..the new coasters S&S has built haven't stood out or noticeable... My point still stands..
  13. You basically repeated me..Did you not read the "however, are they as priminent as they were in their prime" part of the end there.
  14. ^Not entirely true..S&S Sansei has had new prospects, however, are they as prominent as they were in their prime, of course not, and it is unfortunate.
  15. Exactly..I mean I know as enthusiasts we love airtime, we love not being stapled or perfectly secure, you know shoulders touching the OTSR, etc. However with ride op experience, push down and seat the restraint firmly and pull up hard to make sure it's engaged, simple as that. I also put blame on the witness who rode in that seat, if there was a problem, make it known. If she would have said something I'm sure the ops would have taken her word. I mean even if they said "hey my seatbelt came undone" during the ride, and I know they rolled in still buckled or whatever, I'm still going to listen and tape off the row, not just the seat, but the row to make sure that restraint isn't entered. If someone would have spoke up, that rider may not have ever entered that restraint and the problem may have never happened.
  16. I don't argue manufacturers..each manufacturer has a plus and minus side..Different business models mean different products, it is what it is.
  17. Also it's worth noting, magnetic eddy braking technology, the ride cannot be fully stopped. It can be put to almost a near dead stop. Most of the time you will see drive wheels as well in the brake run, those are the final set of brakes essentially for the ride to keep the trains in place during braking. The brake fins are a separate entity than the launch motors. On Maverick for example all of the LSMs are fixed in place and unable to move. The brakes vary. For trim/brakes that always engage, they are fixed placement as well. For blocking purposes some brakes retract under the track and out of contact from the elements on the train, allowing them to move. Here's a picture of what I'm talking about under the train. So that groove interacts with both the LSM motors and the eddy brakes.
  18. No, it's the Avro Car, but yes somewhat similar. One of the most interesting of the posted pictures is Tacit Blue..classified till it hit the hangar.
  19. They've been testing Bat for a bit, I think it's been about two weeks, I'll have to look at the photos someone else took
  20. I'll be there as soon as they let us..I'll chill in the car listening to music lol
  21. It went something along the lines of this:
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