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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. So you're saying you don't want to see me in my blues
  2. Lack of clothes can mean sexy, but so can more clothes. I'm fully dressed in service dress and I've been told I'm quite sexy.. Can't have it both ways BB1
  3. I'm surprised you liked Midnight Syndicate BB1...a few tracks have lady moans in them..seems provocative
  4. How dare women show legs and arms..such adult material What you must think when you see my arms..oh so sexy.. My legs...all natural
  5. I'm almost guessing where Skeleton Crew was in 2013 (Luminosity) I don't see Skeleton Crew returning as some of them will be down here for our Cirque show now.
  6. ^You should follow my posts..I've posted extensively about the webcams: Long story short for everything I've seen: Drop Tower has been moving around a bit, the lift mechanism has dropped down and gone back up, they later picked it up and put it down a bit more, I guess the gondola was sitting on blocks or something, dunno. Delirium had some work done on the gondola and engine room up top AE had a train(s) installed on the transfer table, and moved, possibly dispatched but unable to tell.
  7. Intamin and Ferrari team together..oh dear.. Hopefully that coaster isn't called 458 wheel well
  8. ^^Exactly, he gets it.. Also Don, nice to know CoasterRadio was able to come in and have a peek and I wasn't two weeks ago Haha I kid, I understand why we couldn't, but again an enthusiast can dream can't he. Also I still haven't been able to get you your holiday present...
  10. Don't know if this was posted anytime at all I tried looking back for it but didn't see it so here's something to check out if it isn't old news
  11. If you knew me then I think you would have enjoyed my spieling Maybe this summer before I go, I'll do one just for you
  12. Can't tell if everyone has left the Banshee site for the night just yet, they were still playing with the trains on the table about 20 or so minutes ago
  13. 1. It may not be a show for everyone, obviously as stated 2. To save space can you remove the quote from me and just put two carrots or something, it takes up alot of space and for mobile users it can be a pain.
  14. Wow they outsourced alot to this company. The Bat, Skyflyer, Bat Trains, etc.. Bet the company got good money this year from them, that's alot of supplies and man hours for sure! Also they got dream shots I've been wanting to get for YEARS but never had a chance, jerks.. Thanks for the great share too btw
  15. So...the site is back up and running, nice.. Here's some stuff I've put together post announcement for y'all: This show was at Canada's Wonderland last year. The same company who produced that show, and also Skeleton Crew at Cedar Point will be producing this show. Some of the cast from Skeleton Crew will be on our show too apparently. Also for those who have been to Cedar Point this almost is like combining All Wheels Extreme & Skeleton Crew into one, it should be fun. Here is a video of the announcement from Kings Island's facebook Here is a video of the show at Canada's Wonderland, Cirque Ambiente Also for record, here is Skeleton Crew And All Wheels Extreme See how it combines all of these elements together. Obviously it's similar to it's counterpart at Canadas Wonderland but it looks to take some from these other shows as well, which is perfectly fine. Should be a fun show to watch for sure. Also because I was curious I peeked at Ed Alonzo's show schedule. He is on some Royal Caribbean ships right now doing shows, but will be down at Valleyfair from 08JUN through 24AUG. So it's possible we may (keyword MAY) have him back for Haunt, who knows. Regardless we have a good show for the beginning of the season, we will see what happens with the last bit of it.
  16. Wow the KI facebook slowed way down just now at 1600
  17. Girlfriend has nose stud and a few things in her ears and got sj industrial not too long ago it looks great on her.. Still pushing for the belly button though haha
  18. Plus why would they move them back to throw on dummies.. they could just walk back to the table and do it, no issue
  19. You're missing out on belly button piercings..whoo..man love those
  20. Soon...soon Quick edit..keep moving the transfer track left and right, it's moving towards the table now..I honestly think they may be testing the trains and that block right now. Think if the train was stopped there loaded, they may be testing it as it rolls into the station, parks, and releases restraints, etc. I could see that being a possibility. We will have to wait and see, but nothing on the track other than the ready brake, advancing into the station, then jogging the train back to the ready brake and over to the transfer table.
  21. Man remember when those triangle footers were throwing us off for the longest time.
  22. Sorry to double post but yeah..they're moving the trains on the transfer table, looks to be jogging from the station back to the ready brake and whatnot. Not having a live feed not sure if it's going back any farther on the run or left and right or using other trains but that's the only activity
  23. Trains are doing what they did the other day that I reported. Moving a train on the transfer table on the ready brake and moving it around. They may advance into the station or back but I can't tell, so far I just see them moving the table. When I'm home and not mobile and can scan through the captures quicker I will
  24. Until you see a published rider safety guide thats the official document.. But I still think it's not a ride in terms of attraction..I think it's something else like a show or venue. We will see. Just a few more hours folks
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