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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. There is no Hangar 18...trust me...there is a BLDG 18 but very very unrelated The only mysterious hangar on base is the R&D hangar...very nifty and odd things..From Memphis Belle to An A-10 Gatling Gun..
  2. Roller coaster in a math book cover...getting you all excited before the agony ahead awaits
  3. Nope she's laying here next to me, still asleep... Sigh we went to bed at 2130..how...I can't even
  4. Not exactly true...dated one girl at the beginning of the season at CP..def didn't work out...still ride the ride she worked..even when she was there..I just get up and move on after some time.. All I will say, summer flings were awesome back then..most relaxed dating next to long term dating I've ever had. Don't pay for food, drinks, etc..show up, have fun, go do things, easy..
  5. Cargo shorts aren't a lady killer... Cause you could always be that guy and buy a pair and carry your ladies stuff so she doesn't have to. And use the "I wanna be able to hold your hand" line. Works so well.. Plus AE cargo shorts are beautifully comfy. Only close second are ABU pants or scrubs .. Btw I'm glad my girlfriend isn't on here sometimes...one must not learn ones secrets hehe
  6. Especially my butt...it's touching it the whole ride.. I went there
  7. I need to post a what girls need to do thing now...even though the list is quite simple hehe
  8. 45 bucks could buy a new game, a controller, Piada for four days, or a good bottle of Liquor
  9. Don't worry single people, you're saving time and money.. I'm taken, still going to Piada for dinner, alone, then relaxing at the dorm.
  10. Yeah..I always related it to the chain tensioner. There's an air..for lack of better words, the term escapes me at the moment, balloon, bladdar, etc. Is filled and attached on the return loop. On AE it really drops and shakes a bit keeping tension on the chain. Thats at least what I figured it was. That and combined with the train not matching the chain jog speed, is what I guess makes a nice jolt. Just my thoughts, other people may chime in a bit better. Quick Edit: Talking about this section, edit again, wrong shot To me though I kinda like that jolt, being a mine train ride it kinda..fits you know
  11. 1. A good bit, but it sadly isn't as big as I think it should be. I mean comon, you pay to marathon coasters and raise money for a good cause, EVERYONE should do this. 2. I only have experience @ CP..I marathoned the hell out of Gemini, should be no different @ KI I would think 3. Same here, I just did a quick search didn't delve into it too much. Just go, pay the money, connect your thrills, and have fun yo
  12. ^^I suggest Louies up at Sandusky, or Crowbar..Get out a bit more
  13. Some rides were replaced at interval, but it was a big interval. Like my ride got it's chain if I remember almost 10 years or so before. Most of the time though they get replaced if maint. sees a reason to change it, or something happens (see Iron Dragon)
  14. Really? But same training here. Controls doesn't press anything unless they get a signal to or they see something to stop a train. For our panels dispatch enable when pressed will illuminate the controls dispatch button(s). I looked for a high clear, did my checks, cleared the train, looked for that light, pressed the button. At any point if one released the button, the brakes would close stopping dispatch. Also I think practically every coaster has a dispatch delay. We couldn't send a train out, have the next roll in and station stop, then dispatch another train. The safety system does this on purpose. The soonest we could do it if we like got super early and held the buttons down was to dispatch right around lift crest, so it was still the wrong interval for dispatch, so you still have to watch the train movement at all times. I miss operations, alot..Way too fun at times. But..I like medical & IT better nowadays
  15. Figured it'd be fitting Our first picture together Notice how she had already stolen my hoodie, and it had only been the first day..you women and stealing our clothing..I swear one day you'll steal the clothes we're wearing and make us walk around nude...maybe that's the plan..dunno Btw darn I look young
  16. Only ever had to be evaced once, and it was on a break run.. Why can't I ever be stranded somewhere cool. I beg WindSeeker to go down mechanical high loaded.. But..never happens.. Only stops I get are for stupid people and stupid cameras or loose articles..stupid
  17. It's just one of those little pet peeves..When I think drive I actually think, you're driving something, like say a car. If the ride was manual like say Monster, I kinda, barely see it. However when 80 percent of the time you push the same few buttons, and maybe a few others only at certain times of the day, and a few rarely, I don't see it as driving.. But like I said, just a pet peeve for some odd reason
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