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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Very nice comeback hahaha But yeah, great pics btw didn't say before...I wish I still had a D-SLR...Ah well..
  2. How sexy do I look right now...I've got that after shower tan going on so should be a 10 right now
  3. Looks like Banshee & KI both are going the same way...anyone able to verify that? Looks way to similar lol
  4. Nice catches Regardless...this was mainly for Banshee only...nothing else really was to truly matter...KI wasn't out to create a virtual park, just a model to show the ride where it sits and make a few POV's and pictures out of it
  5. You all have again done the same thing with B&M...I could easily go through this forum and weed it out.. Same goes for me with KI Ride Operations...I say the same thing, and get the same bland responses...but I'm still here? Stuff makes no sense mate..
  6. See...you tolerate my opinion of him, what's the difference between him and I? You can take my opinion of him and have your opinion, but you can't allow him to have his opinion and post it? Seems slightly hypocritical. Also, you have done quite a bit of Intamin bashing back, along with several other board members here...So it has been a banter both ways..I honestly don't see many of his posts as trolling..and he actually brought good information and things to the site..very good discussions..But when y'all react the way you do, he is having fun with you...and I must admit it is pretty funny..
  7. Because again...focus was mainly on Banshee I didn't see AE, or DB, or Congo, or the parking lot, or Flight Deck either..
  8. Because the renderings were to focus on KI's new roller coaster... Not the rest of the park..It wasn't a KI virtual reality
  9. Edited: Found my renderings post...found a nifty search tool...anyways here you go... http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27917-Banshee-construction-progress/page-49#entry560712
  10. There shouldn't be a hatchet at all You're getting worked up being an adult over posts about roller coaster manufacturers that you aren't even in relation with on a free public forum... I don't get what the big deal is...Besides if you haven't realized, it's all in good fun...just like this post He's a cool guy and just having fun, I had no problems with him at all last night. I actually will say in the future I'd love to hang out with him, and off season maybe meet up before I head outta CONUS.
  11. ^^My thoughts exactly... Could go either way currently...thats why I'd love to see our wonderful shiny headed yellow polo wearing PR manager come in and say a few things
  12. Hoping someone took pics, I was ganna come back and take pics but it never happened. Planes are gone, but all of the scenes below the station are all open and exposed. All of the "garage doors" are opened showing what's inside
  13. I don't know what the huge hype is on 51...I prefer 71 over 51 easily
  14. So, first trip report of the meetup... Got to the park at about 1700, a bit distraught over the fact I forgot my wallet on base, was in a rush to get off base for the day..Anyways, I did find out KI will give you a recipt to scan into the park if you forget your season pass, that was a win, I was expecting to have to spend money and buy a replacement pass. Cool move KI, I was very happy with that. The group started to culminate, and we stood around and talked until the park opened. Yes as alot have noticed, youngstud was in the park, it was quite nice to put a face with the name and posts. I really hope he gets back on here, he was a fun guy on here to me, and was also fun to hang out with in the park, def. someone I wouldn't mind going out and enjoying the park with again. Anyways, wall of monsters, lame as per usual...Went through the gate and went over to Action Zone to sign up for the screaming contest. From there we went through slaughter house, do not go through in daylight, it's lame as hell and you really can't get scared at all unless you hate blood, ect..Good haunt, but I'll have to go through again in the daylight to really enjoy it. Also it was nice to see Gator in there too btw, nice to put another face to the name. Also while in Action Zone I took alot of shots of Banshee's construction progress as follows. This thing is looking great!! No chain installed yet, feed wheels are installed in station and pre lift, no wiring for proxies or limits yet, but everything else is ready to basically plug and play. But construction is down to the bottom portion of the drop, lots of other bits of track are staged around the construction site ready to go. Also back by the trees way behind the construction site, there are more track pieces and parts ready to go back there. Anyways here you go, nice pretty B&M construction pics: Anyways after going through the haunt, we got on Drop Tower. We got a great view of the construction going on and Drop Tower really puts it into perspective of how mammoth that ride is, especially the lift hill. Good start to the day, especially because I got my gf to have her hands & legs all the way out, she screamed like you wouldn't believe, totally worth it. Anyways from there we went off and decided to split up the group. A few wanted to do wolfpack in the light, but I didn't wanna do haunts sans fog and darkness, so off to the merry realm of Top Gun. First off, the pre show stuff underneath the platform is exposed! It was amazing to see this stuff after so long, I really am curious as to whats going on under there, if anyone knows or PR plans on saying anything that'd be amazing. I was so excited to maybe see something going on down there after what seems like agesGot two rides in cars 2 and four, front rows. Always a great ride, I'm really ganna miss this at the end of the season as I won't have a chance to really ride it next season. People can say whatever they want about it, but it really is a fun ride. Being dead, we got on the first time, came back in, and decided to reride in empty seats. Once we got off of top gun and met up with the group, it was a close enough time that we decided to just stop and wait for Ed Alonzo's show. Again, amazingly adult, good magic, and just all around fun, I even got him to chucke with a comment during one of his tricks I hope he sticks around at Kings Island, because if he leaves, what are they ganna bring in there to haunt that will meet or exceed what this guy can do? Plus he's a great addition to the park in my opinion. Plus, the girls can totally stay for the future, that'd be quite nice. If any are reading, a call me ...Also before the show, we decided to have the duo pose for a picture Which Goble needs to really calm down about all of this, he was flipping out cause of this guy ...Wouldn't ride with em, talk too much with em, it was difficult to even stand next to him ...I will actually say Stud is a really fun person, and I was very happy to finally get a chance to just ride rides and talk one on one with em Anyways, from there we grabbed a quick bite to eat at Panda (got loaded with food, amazing). Me and Lindzey split a plate, it was 16 bucks for a huge amount of 2 scoops of orange chicken, a scoop of rice, some cream cheese rangoons, and a soda. Not bad at all for a meal at night. Anyways, we did wait for the group while we ate, they headed to Delerium. Here was my only VERY annoying discrepancy for the night. The op at the unload side of plat was TERRIBLE..One guest that apparently she knew passed the yellow line on the unload plat exit, and the op literally got up out of her chair, away from e-stop, phone, ect. hugged this girl and talked to her the whole cycle. Her eyes didn't get on the ride until right when the platform was going to stop when she had to open the exit gate. Which also, the op at controls must not have been paying attention either as she tugged on it for a good 15 seconds waiting for the op in controls to release the gate...This may be the second worst crew at KI I've seen, slow loading time and terrible safety practices...I was half tempted to go to the ride sup but we didn't have time.. From there we waited for the screaming contest. The DJ here was amazing, I wish I had the mixes this guy was playing, epic job with everything. During the contest, the KI undertaker was the host of it, great job. I will say I like CP's haunt more, but this is one thing CP has never had, this guy was amazing...funny, epic laughs, great voice and dialogue...just all around awesome. Anyways, here's a video of two of our members trying to win their tickets and money. After listening to great music and screams/dropping logs/climaxing people we went back to get a night ride on beast. This was one of the best rides I've had at night all season. Now that the sun is setting earlier and the park open later, it was PITCH BLACK...Excellent ride in 23R...Also whoever was speiling that night was trying a Gerard Butler/Adam Savage voice...It was actually entertaining...We'd roll in and he'd be all like "riihdars...yoo are back, VICTORYYYYYYYY!!!" After all summer of hating their spiels this was pretty redeeming. Anyways great ride and time there, also the full queue was only 30 minutes long, very, very nice. After we got off of the ride, we headed over and knocked out Carnevil...Girlfriend hated the haunt, of course. If you have 3D glasses of your own, bring them versus buying them. Without the haunt you can have fun, but 3D glasses would make this haunt very enjoyable I'd believe. After that, we headed over and did Delta Delta, and last week for some reason was so much better. This week was very...meh... Once out of there we all went through Board...I still say, very original and intriguing idea, not as scary, more fun...Only thing I don't like...the dominos horn thing...what's the point of that. Also forcing us to take a picture before the haunt...so annoying. Anways from there it was midnight, girlfriend has to work all day today (1000-0100), so she was beat, and I was too, when you're used to a military schedule staying up this late is just almost impossible lol, especially being up the night before sick unable to sleep...So anyways, bid our farewells, and headed home and crawled into bed at 0130. Great night, great fun, enjoyed seeing everyone, and especially youngstud...It was great to finally meet up with ya man, and if you can get back on here that'd be great. Still no clue why he was booted it almost seemed Jeff Putz-y...But ah well...Fun almost end of season trip
  15. ^^You need to understand blocking systems to understand the amount of brakes on the ride And I don't wanna hear you say Levi has a long brake run, go look at your TTD...it's excessively long, but again does serve a slight purpose if all 6 trains were used I guess =/ But you have brakes for the transfer table, pre transfer to stop the train while the track is moving before releasing to the transfer table, a trim before it, and the main safety brake at the end of the brake run...With no MCBR it has to have various points to stop the ride if a train is not clear and advanced at the ready brake (transfer track before station) and also set the brakes behind the train so the next train on the course does not come close to the train advancing on the brake run...it all makes sense
  16. I already am, it's up there with best looking coasters so far. Only thing I don't like so far is the lack of several angles to shoot and take pics of this ride.. I'd love to get shots from at the bottom of the ride, but that's only ganna happen off season or behind the scenes tours..Not like CP, you can get just about darn near every angle of everything for interesting shots. So all of us will have similar photography
  17. Well for hospital stuff there's no BLUF...Our notes follow SBAR/SOAPP notes for our encounters... There's always a long doc written narrative "pleasure of seeing, Mrs. XXX, a pleasant xx/year old female who presents the clinic with xxx" Wheras when I get notes, it's Last Name, First Name, age, identifiers Chief complaint, Situation Background Assessment Plan OR Subjective Objective Assessment Plan Prevention Easy stuff
  18. On mobile...when preoccupied, it was ridiculously long when alot could be summed up and not basically repeated... I guess that's my mil side too..everything is BLUF with me..If I get report or give report, just get it done.
  19. They were...hence my tldr I'll read them once I'm not playing the bf4 beta and whatnot
  20. Two* and on mobile...it's terribly long
  21. Beautiful arguing over the interwebs..
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