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Everything posted by fryoj
Don't tease Footer locations for the rest of the ride. Maybe a drainage plan. Best case scenario would be a station building blueprint, but theres no reason to think that'll be submitted before the announcement, so it'll be useless info at that point. You are wrong. That's just all there is to it. The foundation plan has the exact coords for the footers. The people surveying to place the stakes for where they place the footers use those. They don't sit there with a printout and a ruler and guess at it. They have coordinates down to the ten thousandths for a reason. What we are seeing on the ground now is matching up exactly with that foundation plan. We had already did the math before the electrical plan came out and were already suspecting that it would be right at, or under 300 foot tall. The electrical plan just confirmed the math and gave us the elevation of the top of the lift, the drop, and all of the peaks and valleys. Companies do not have completely fake plans drawn up and submitted to the city just to troll some enthusiasts. You are talking about thousands of dollars of engineering and architect time to do that. The fact of the matter is they grabbed a generic scale and inserted it into the plans and never fixed it because no one who matters in building the project uses the scale. I get being disappointed and wanting something more, but, like you said, you aren't an engineer. Engineers and people who understand plans have looked at these and no one is concerned with the scale being off.
They are clearly spelling out Loki. He is a trickster... But Polaris has 7 letters. Not that I expect them to actually spell out the name of the coaster.
Most likely the pier bolts.
I thought it was "3 hours in line for for 3 minutes of action"
Coroplast is cheap and relatively weather proof. They can either print right on it, or they have a vinyl printer and just have to stick it to the coroplast. Either way, once they have the design done, they can knock a new sign out in under 10 minutes.
The new ekg almost looks like it could be positive and negative G's as they all are one direction then the other direction. Age at the park.
If they were on the far right, that was the problem. They would have needed to be on the far left to spell out the parks name. Or we cracked it already and they want to make it more complicated. Yes, but the "tests" terminology is what I was referencing.
I think the tests administered line on the posters hints towards an aviation theme. Test pilots and all that. The station design backs that up. That would also be harder to fit a Polaris or Orion name in. Not impossible, but that would lean more space than airplane.
retrofan also thought that they were removing Dinos alive last fall. A full year after they already removed it. Move on. Nothing to see here.
Before you went on your tirade, my only post in this thread was in response to to someone else's discounting of another park's bathroom cleanliness. Hell, I'm on KI's side on the bathroom issue. People are horrible. It doesn't matter what you do, people will find ways to tear it up. I know because I have to deal with what people do to public facilities. That applies from single stall bathroom locations up to Disney World and their hundreds of them. People are disgusting and destructive. You incorrectly tried to turn that into comparing KI to Disney and now want to make it about people all over the internet bashing KI. Tell you what. Why don't you go through my post history and find all these posts where I'm expecting perfection from the park or where I'm tearing it down. You'll find that you are confusing not putting up with people's ignorance on here with whatever your crusade is about.
So you realized your argument was wrong, and rather than admitting it or just quietly stepping out of the discussion, you resort to insults. K
The person I replied to discounted BGW's clean bathrooms because they don't get the attendance the KI gets. I gave an example of a park that gets more attendance than KI that also has clean bathrooms as a counter to his argument about attendance having something to do with bathroom cleanliness. You are clearly stuck on comparing Disney to KI and not reading the context.
I'm not sure you understood my point. If they weren't filling up during the day, they could be emptied after the park closed or before it opened for the day removing the security implications. They still have to move the cash from the coin changers regardless. Going to tokens means more cash is likely to be in the machines.
I didn't know clean restrooms was a "Disney level service" I was also specifically replying to the person who was discounting BGW's restrooms being clean because they have less attendance.
Universal and Disney's bathrooms aren't that bad and KI can't touch their attendance.
Or maybe the Orion constellation over the park at night has been the teaser the whole time!
That kind of business explanation usually doesn't hold up tp scrutiny. For that to be accurate, the machines would have to have been filling up daily and could not wait till after hours to be emptied out. I have serious doubts that they were that popular. If they are that popular, switching over to tokens means that the bill changer where you get tokens is much more likely to need emptied out during the day as people have to get tokens rather than using change they already had. If anything, the change would lead to more currency being moved around.
Yeah, before, there was a decent chance you had a couple quarters in your pocket. Now you have no choice but to go to the change machine. Pass
Half off two tokens.
Yeah, it's pretty much we need to see teasers or the announcement before theres going to be much worth talking about.
Probably either reposition the Diamondback cam or move the MT cam to the FOF building. I'd vote for the later as that cam has the worst views. Probably just running with the reddit post info.
They just built a new building in the green spot, so I doubt it'll be there.
It has to do with the bolts. They aren't just setting the support on the concrete. The support actually never touches the concrete. The weight is all on the bolts which will have a nut above and below the support flange. They then go back and put a grout in the gap to finish it up after everything is bolted together.The concrete has to be cured enough to support both a downward load, and, with supports that lean out past the pier, a vertical load. It's a bit more complicated than a concrete pour where the load sits right on the concrete. If they put the load too early and a bolt moves, they probably have to rip the pier cap out and repour.