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Everything posted by fryoj

  1. You told people to go to the park and take pictures ASAP. Pretty idiotic to assume that no one was stupid enough to do it.
  2. Look at the footers for Diamondback at the station: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/3176_93071507480_1670428_n.jpg Single row footers as the car sits over the track. On the new ride they are double row footers as the car will ride under the track I see what your saying now. I went back and took a good look at the photos and I still cant see a layout. Ill just have to wait for Don and Greg to unveil it, and then slowly point to all the different pictures for me to understand. I think its going to go like this, at least for the start: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7431/9312727680_761fe68520_o.jpg After that, no clue.
  3. Look at the footers for Diamondback at the station: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/3176_93071507480_1670428_n.jpg Single row footers as the car sits over the track. On the new ride they are double row footers as the car will ride under the track
  4. Maverick 6 bolts: http://cache.rcdb.com/40603g4l2730s42f86v500.jpg KI 2014 6 or 8 bolts: http://i.imgur.com/Na6VdL8.jpg Thanks for proving its not a blitz Stud!
  5. If you look through the current footer pics, some footers have 4 bolts, some have 6, some have 8. The amount of bolts tells you nothing.
  6. This seems to be a multi party hoax to me. Or an awful coincidence that theres a facebook post about green supports followed by HTCO's post. The real question is, was Don behind it in any way? If not, it's just stupid trolls playing games. It happens on message boards all the time. If Don was somehow behind it, I would call it a questionable decision at best. I'm fine with the cryptic tweets and all that. Thats good fun and gets people excited and talking. But this deal where someone is saying theres something there and I can't talk about it and you need to get to the park tomorrow and see yourself is shortsighted. Obviously this got people worked up and upset, and some people apparently drove by there in the middle of the night. Think those people would be happy to find that an employee of a major company pranked them? Think that might cost KI some money in the long run? Same for the people who went to the park first thing this morning. What if someone drove up there last night and decided to walk into the parking lot to see what was supposedly in the north lot? Think security would have found that funny? If this was just a prank by some idiots online, so be it. Live and learn. If they were put up to it.....
  7. If they were in Dayton on 70, they would not be going to King's Island. If they were coming from the East, they would have gone down 71. From the west they would have taken 74. From the North they would have came down 75. Theres not a scenario that puts something big like that bound for King's Island on 70 in Dayton.
  8. Don probably put a sign up in the Eiffel Tower saying go troll the ki central board and say you can't talk about it.
  9. "I know something you don't know. Ha ha" is a fun game..... Till you hit puberty.
  10. Just a thought, but could there be pieces of a crane on site? No way to tell from the pics, but that could come in on a flatbed. That could have been the late night delivery. If so, another piece of construction equipment might be overlooked by most, but could be a clue that vertical construction will start soon.
  11. Lol think that the poor kid who works the Eiffel Tower is going to wonder why he has a line first thing in the morning?
  12. The more interesting link is the memo records: http://www.co.warren.oh.us/auditor/property_search/memos.asp?account_nbr=1202233&offset=25 Well that settles any debate about when the coaster will open. 2014 it is.
  13. Maybe they have been storing the stuff inside or offsite to keep people from figuring it out?
  14. Easier to get the trucks hauling it in without having to fight all the park traffic.
  15. Hour away. I think I'm going thursday, but we should have the scoop by then.
  16. I can't wait to see the @kingsislandPR tweets tomorrow.
  17. Hmmm, did anyone ever notice that blue ?track? in the background? Could that be a part of the transfer track/storage shed structure? Could we be looking at Green Supports and Blue track? Or is that just some piece of shipping rack or something? lol
  18. If they are supports, especially where they are stacked, I'd wager they are station, storage shed, or transfer track supports. That area seemed to be getting final grade done in some of the pics posted recently. Probably knew what was coming.
  19. I've thought along those lines and a tunnel coming out in the old water tower location would be cool. Problem is there are footers going in that direction now. If it were going to be a tunnel, those footers would have to be underground not at or above ground level. They would have nothing over there now, or be digging a trench in that direction and laying out the bottom of the trench with concrete and/or footers. Unless it was like this http://cache.rcdb.com/i4utp4f0s9eb0001ql6mk1.jpg That tunnel ended up looking like this: http://cache.rcdb.com/nnnik8sc3p65dibio000fs.jpg To go under the pathway and into the center of the Action Zone, it would have to be much deeper. And would have to involve a steep ascent/descent. Such as a dive loop. I think a dive loop is going there, but I think it stops short of the current concrete paths. I do hope they put tunnels in though. They greatly improve the experience.
  20. I've thought along those lines and a tunnel coming out in the old water tower location would be cool. Problem is there are footers going in that direction now. If it were going to be a tunnel, those footers would have to be underground not at or above ground level. They would have nothing over there now, or be digging a trench in that direction and laying out the bottom of the trench with concrete and/or footers.
  21. If the ride is going to have a tunnel, they would dig a large trench, build a concrete tunnel, then bury the tunnel with dirt. They wouldn't actually tunnel underground.
  22. I did the math a while back, this is going to put the lift hill at around 150 foot. That falls into the range typically seen on inverts. I'm torn between an invert and giga. I'd rather see a giga, but an invert would be so nice. At this point, based on the dual footers, I think giga is out. The dual footers are only seen on the inverts and flyers. For it to be anything else, they would have to be using a completely new way of supporting the track. not that many dual footers Every one through the station and lift start is a dual. And really you can see patterns of duals in other areas.
  23. I did the math a while back, this is going to put the lift hill at around 150 foot. That falls into the range typically seen on inverts. I'm torn between an invert and giga. I'd rather see a giga, but an invert would be so nice. At this point, based on the dual footers, I think giga is out. The dual footers are only seen on the inverts and flyers. For it to be anything else, they would have to be using a completely new way of supporting the track.[/quote I don't know what it is going to be but if you look at the pov and pictures of leviathan, almost the whole ride uses dual footers. I think it is too soon to tell what type of coaster it will be. http://rcdb.com/10108.htm?p=37264 At the station and lift hill(and any area where its close to the ground) Leviathan uses single rows of supports, like just about every type of coaster type besides inverts and flyers. The KI project has dual footers through that area... Like inverts and flyers.
  24. I did the math a while back, this is going to put the lift hill at around 150 foot. That falls into the range typically seen on inverts. I'm torn between an invert and giga. I'd rather see a giga, but an invert would be so nice. At this point, based on the dual footers, I think giga is out. The dual footers are only seen on the inverts and flyers. For it to be anything else, they would have to be using a completely new way of supporting the track.
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