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Everything posted by fryoj

  1. And according to ICD-9 medical codes its a dislocated vertebrae.... Maybe that rumor of bringing Mean Streak to KI is right!
  2. I'll bet @coasterrummors is a French Model
  3. Uhhh isn't the park still open? Anyone there now who can look around in guest accessible areas? Lol
  4. I think we can rule out August 8th, September 9th, October 10th, November 11th and December 12th as the announcement date assuming the 1-31 tweet was a clue for that.
  5. Yeah, if everybody would keep up with the thread and read all the posts, a lot of the repetitiveness would be cut out and it wouldn't be so hard for everyone to keep up. I mean the screamscape stuff was on this board days ago and has been brought up twice in the last hour.
  6. Not trying to suggest anything to anyone here, but does CSW have no trespassing signs posted? I own a business and we had a discussion with out security in the past(off duty police) about trespassing and if its not posted or you are not told directly, its not a criminal act. Again, I'm not suggesting anyone go on their property, just curious if they have anything posted.
  7. Getting excited for our 2023 strata coaster!
  8. The three orange vents are drains, what puzzles me is how close they are....I'm interested because why have three drains so close together, unless there is a large volume of water in the area. EDIT: BTW - Great pictures!!! I agree the amount of drains is interesting. I'm not thinking its going to be a lake or anything like that as the drains are the same height as the footers around the drains. If it was going to be a water feature, they would be lower so that the supports and bolts wouldn't be under water. The only thing I can come up with is(and I can't tell the location from those pics, so I may be wrong), but maybe thats the station area and is all going to be under concrete and they just need a place for roof drains and other rainwater to get out. Still seems like a lot of drains for that like mullimann said, but you start getting engineers involved and you can start having excessive things added to projects.
  9. Not sure exactly how long the blue supports have been there, but they've been there a while. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27275-starting-to-decode-2014/page-241#entry533093 Apparently the photobucket exceeded capacity, but you could see these blue things in the background of the Green supports that went to Heide Park
  10. What's the evidence against a B&M Giga? Based on the footers, it's already been 100% confirmed to be a B&M, Oumit said that there wouldn't be any new Wing Riders this year. So that leaves with only a few options of coaster types. And I see it MUCH more likely to be a Giga vs an Invert. Then enlighten me of great LordSkippy. Because I'm still convinced this will be a B&M Giga. Since you're convinced it will be a B&M Giga, share with us the evidence which convinces you. Have you read through every page of this thread? Those of us who have been here for a while have. If you read each post, you will understand why we believe it will not be a giga. My evidence is history. I have said it before, this is 100% a B&M, which leaves us with a few options for coasters. Wing Rider- I could easily see it being this, but with what Ouimet said, I'm doubtful. Invert- The last new Invert made in the US was in 2006, they're not gimmicky enough anymore for parks to build them IMO. I really DOUBT it would be this. The park already has Flight Deck, the kiddie SLC, and Invertigo. Stand Up- ...No. Floorless- Same reason as an Invert, I doubt it. Dive- I'd like this, but there's been no history of CF (or any non busch park) looking to buy Dive Coasters. Flyer- Not with Firehawk already there. Giga- Now I would have doubted it 2 years ago, but look at CW. This to me is the most likely option. It's VERY marketable, and would make sense based on what I've seen so far. Now explain to me this un-deniable evidence against it. I'm open to any change in my opinion (cause I'd much prefer anything else). I'm just sad that there's no way thius will be an Intamin, because a Giga, IMO, is NOT what KI needs now. Look at the double row of footers that run through the station area. Now go find any giga, hyper, wing, stand up, ANY B&M that's not an invert or flyer that has double footers spaced like that in the station/brake run area. That's your undeniable evidence.
  11. There are still plenty of people who want a giga so bad they will ignore the evidence until they see cars on the track. lol
  12. http://rcdb.com/10891.htm?p=45307 Not a great shot but you can see the single footers on the turnaraound Heres one that kinda shows the transfer track: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/files/thumb_Gatekeeper095a.jpg NVM, heres a construction shot: http://cpfansite.com/files/2013/01/109-2.jpg
  13. That is true for the brake run and the two single supports under the last turn, but everything else in that picture has two or even three footers for each support point on the track. Also, in the pages and pages I've read here, I haven't seen anyone mention that the footers for the storage shed show that there will be 3 trains on this B&M. Those 2-3 footers you are referring to are like 3 foot apart. The ones on KI14 are like 12 feet apart. Huge difference. I would expect nothing less than 3 trains on a B&M. One of their biggest plusses for parks with B&M's are they are reliable people eaters and that usually means 3 trains.
  14. http://rcdb.com/10108.htm?p=37264 Here is leviathan's station/brake run area. Single rows of footers.
  15. In line for a ride I heard a kid tell another kid that they are tearing down Vortex and rebuilding Son of Beast! Not a bad idea, but still...
  16. Is it my imagination or did a bunch of posts get deleted out of this thread? I thought it was 6 pages, now it's showing as 3.
  17. Looks similar to Intamin. Here is Goliath at SFNE: https://sphotos-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/390761_10150492634538740_1507819573_n.jpg
  18. My problem with HTCO isn't the original posts and trolling. It's after all of this happened, having his posts deleted and everything else, his first words on the subject were to insult people. Since then he has taken no responsibility whatsover for his actions. He has just got more defensive and mad. A simple "oops, not what I meant guys, my bad" would have gone a long way to soothing the general mood of the board. Instead he went with "Just shows how idiotic and crazy some of you are..". It shows no respect for the board or the people on it.
  19. Absolutely. You hear that Don? We want tunnels!
  20. And interestingly, the footers for silver bullet appear to have square holes. When did B&M change their footer method? http://cache.rcdb.com/dbc9p17k0003f958hoo70j.jpg
  21. What I mean by plain jane is just no real theming and nothing really unique. Montu i think is special because of the tunnels and theming and is a great ride. The other two I've never rode. Katun looks like its themed well and has tunnels. Pyrenees doesn't look like much in pics. It has a spot where the track goes through a loop, but what else is special about it?
  22. http://cache.rcdb.com/ef42n24d8g006piah3hge4.jpg Once again, not at the station and brake run.
  23. Not at the brake run and station. http://www.themeparkcritic.com/Uploads/39/MFTrain.jpg
  24. As much as I hope otherwise, I think you are correct. The more I look at the evidence, I'm thinking it'll be just a plain Jane, non record breaking ride. At this point I'm just hoping they use the terrain similar to how Montu and oziris use tunnels and we get some unique excitement out of the back end of the ride. Not saying I will be disappointed even if it turns out to be a plain invert. But, like everyone, I want this to be something special.
  25. Apparently you crossed a line if a mod deleted your post.
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