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Everything posted by GamesAndRides

  1. i have loved the Banshee Construction Thread.
  2. It may be just me, But is the fence around Soak City New?
  3. Also looks to be a fountain in there.
  4. Kinda a Throwback. Found This On Reddit. The Crypt With The Lights On.
  5. From KK Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/kentuckykingdom Here's a quick snapshot of the construction for the Rock-A-Bye Swings!
  6. Yeah, I dont think there will be testing as it is raining and really windy in Montgomery.
  7. You can see in that picture that Drop Tower Was Testing With the Water Dummys!
  8. Im thinking once opening day is done, They will move it back to the Front Gate.
  9. Can we just quit all this fighting and go back to the topic of this fourm, Banshee?
  10. It also looks like on the map that a Fountain will be going in that tent area in the Circle.
  11. Check you messages 300th Post! Woooo
  12. I would like this too. I have not be able to find it anywhere on KIs Site. Thanks
  13. I just thought that maybe there would be some strobe lights on the back half of the ride. I know the strobe meant the Camera. I just thought cause Don said there would be lighting on the coaster, That maybe we could see some strobe lights on the back half of the ride.
  14. Well, Since they did say there will be lighting on the coaster. Maybe there will be strobe lights at the back half of the ride?
  15. Look at what I found on the Banshee Ride Info Page WARNING: This ride contains strobe lighting and utilizes magnetic systems during the ride. I wonder what they mean by "Magnetic Systems"
  16. I think that's cause your ears are right on top of it.
  17. Since were getting Flashback Totally 80s, Here ya go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWwLvu6k-Bg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyHiFGLqQgg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOOlCOtPwc8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdExwy0VyGw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2ZtF2ef57o I wonder if they saved any of the sets. I know they used some of them for the Kids Halloween Event.
  18. Couldn't have said it any better Brian.
  19. Yes, We are. Looks to be a great show IMO.
  20. People are mad at you cause you said that the Announcement was a ripoff.
  21. Which Ringmaster Johnathan Lee Iverson Or Andre McClain?
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