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Everything posted by GamesAndRides

  1. I actually think they should put Spongebob 3D Back In. Even though It wont happen, There were a lot more people then Dinosaurs 3D. I went on a Saturday When it was busy, and I only saw about maybe 5-10 People go in.
  2. Yeah, They remove them. Cause it only looks like the row of seats that are connected to the thing that holds them up are there still. I think at Some points, They do need a little cleaning.
  3. Maybe they're about to paint Delirium. That could explain why they have lights pointed at it. I thought it was re-painted about 1-2 years ago. EDIT: Also, They may just be putting the seats back on for testing.
  4. Didn't they do this for Sleepy Hollow at FearFest?
  5. I could see it maybe going where Cut Throat Cove Was. It does have alot of space.
  6. Maybe just me, But looks like they are filling the Lift Hill And Dive Loop area with dirt. Maybe we can see them planting grass soon?
  7. Glad Flashback Totally 80s! Is comming back. I think thats comming back for its 3rd or 4th year?
  8. Is Playlist Live! Or Rock And Roll Never Forgets Coming back? Im thinking that "The Boyz Are Back" Will replace British Invasion.
  9. Kingsislandfan1972, Please stop posting topic after topic. And also, using a big font wont get peoples attention. Just use the normal size
  10. I Think that maybe some of that "Projected Lighting" Could be going there. Maybe Something Like a Projection of a Banshee Flying By.
  11. Or could it just be rail replacement? They had a rail sitting below the valley between the overbank (not sure of a better term for it) above the station and the turn by the midway last year. Did anyone else see it? So they could've just had the new track tube be orange when they installed it. Just thought about that, I may or may not be right. But it does seem odd that they'd only paint that small piece for today. Would've thought they could get way more done if my theory is not correct. Last year, I only saw groundhogs down in the valley area. No track pieces.
  12. They have started to paint the curve near SOB Station!
  13. From KIs Twitter: https://twitter.com/kingsislandPR Attention News Media: Keep April 17 on your calendar open! #BansheeMediaDay So looks like Media day is the 17th!
  14. For the last and final time, Please DONT post the link to the webcam. No one will understand this if there looking at it at 8:00 PM. Many other members have already told you. Please upload a screenshot to Imgur etc.
  15. As I am Moving to New Orleans Soon, This will be great!
  16. Just want to let you know, If you just post the link on your webcam, It will be live. So if people are reading this in 2-3 days, They wont get what your saying. Please use something like Imgur to upload your webcam photos This has been said many times.
  17. I did not see this posted yet, Here is a picture of the photo booth for Banshee From the KICentral Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/kingsislandcentral
  18. It Is starting to look like a Flying Eagles....
  19. As much as I would love a ride there, My vote is going for benches and flowers.
  20. For the people wondering about the water tower, It is at the Jungle Jim's Eastgate Location
  21. Typing "I found this while looking at TPR." isn't really giving proper credit. It is also incongruent with what Don asked in post #4625 of this thread. It is credit, As I gave the name to the site, In which if you type it into Google, You will find it EDIT: I also said "I found this while looking at TPR" Because I did not know if you could post links to other forums, So that's why i said that instead of a link.
  22. Ive been seeing this too. When I try to re-fresh a page, Takes about 60 secs to re-fresh. Doesn't happen during the day though (Whens there's lots of people on) EDIT: Took about 15 secs for the post to be posted.
  23. The poster forgot to give a link back to the source...http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1418237#p1418237 (Sorry for the double post) I gave credit to the poster of it...
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