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Everything posted by LoraX

  1. Spiked punch and a forum rarely mix well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I know exactly what you're talking about - because I was "lucky"enough to win one for my 3yr old daughter this year. It's name is Ooo-EeeAhh. It's so big she actually still is kinda scared to go near it alone lol. But man the one time we didn't take our truck to the park this year we won it and we had one heckuva ride back with that thing tied down(but basically hanging out the back of the trunk) . They look big hanging from the ring toss stand - but it's hard to put it into perspective until you try squeezing it through a door. ] I was mean. I told her if she won, she'd have to carry it herself. I have pics posted under Trip Reports. (I have a thread with several pics from random trips through the years.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Do what? I'm confused? Who are you buying a season pass for that's close to us?? Who?! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. When you gotta go, you gotta go?! Rule #1 - don't stand under him Rule # 2 - in the event you stand underneath him, don't look up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. ...and you are just happy to be near the park.
  6. When you make a master plan to lose more weight before the next season to make sure you can ride the new coaster (and get more air time!) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Getting tipped in a porta potty would be a crappy thing to do to someone today or any day for that matter. I've seen a guy try it before. I have never seen a guy bust out of a porta potty so fast in my life. It instantly came to blows. Not that I can blame the potty-ee for throwing punches. (This was in Louisville for Thunder Over Louisville, not at Kings Island).
  8. I LOVE A Kid Again!!! I met a girl named Katelynn (KK) that was at Kings Island with her mom and dad Amber and Stephen July 10, 2012. (Her pic is in the trip report for my daughters birthday when I celebrated her bday at Kings Island without her.) A Kid Again has done tons to help KK and others do amazing things that they otherwise would not be able to with out financial support of others. The A Kid Again days, are some of the best days to go when they have their Kings Island trip. You can't help but be encouraged as you talk to the families that are there. I still keep up with KK and her family. I need to save to try to get a first ride regardless of how the auction/fundraising is done. I guess I need to challenge my daughter to save as well.
  9. That is cool. It would be awesome to build something like that. Don't throw in the towel just yet. It's amazing what money will buy.
  10. I don't think they are rigged. My daughter won a giant ape that now resides in her bedroom. It's huge. She won it playing ring toss. It was luck, but I don't feel it is rigged. Until she won, I had thought they were, or I would have directed her to try another game with smaller prizes. Btw the apes name is Bruno. It takes up a good portion of her room. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Glad no one was hurt, but that had to really be a wild thing to see. Great pics, thanks for sharing!
  12. Sea lion show could be cool. I knew they would have to do something unique to the area. Didn't KI have a dolphin of sea lion show years ago? Seems like I vaguely remember there being one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Thanks for posting season pass prices. Did it list regular ticket prices? The price for the season pass is reasonable. I just don't know if if will warrant more than one trip to KK next season. I know when my kids were younger, it was great to take them to, not sure if it will be the wow factor it used to be when they were little. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I actually love Xtreme Skyflyer. I wish they could move it to a different location within the park. Next year with Banshee drawing more people to that area of the park, it might increase ridership. I know people that just don't go over to that side of the park - Flight Deck (Bat) was a long walk to get to and Vertigo just off the beaten path as well. Moving it to X Base would be kind of fitting. (Space perhaps not.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. The problem with tomorrow is that once "tomorrow" gets here, it's today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. LoraX

    Next to go?

    BLSC. It is not that it is a bad ride. It's low capacity. I think KK would be a great place to move it to. I would also consider Vortex. It beats me up. I used to love Vortex the first several years it was open. I wish they could tear it down and rebuild it in hopes it would smooth the ride. (And do something to prevent the sinking would help, too. Hahaha) Firehawk would be the next one I would move. I love it, but hate the wait. I also don't like being forced to get lockers. I do love the fact it's different than other coasters in the park. However, I don't truly see why a ride would have to go at this point. If they get rid of anything it would just increase additional lines for other rides. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. LoraX

    Next to go?

    I told her Chicken Rick said something about Hot Shots. For all of you who met my daughter or have read me talking about her - she is Katie.Greg. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. LoraX

    Next to go?

    Top Gun would have been better if Tom Cruise was not in it. I have never thought he was a good actor. He's annoying. He jumped on Oprah's couch once. She was in Color Purple. The sound track and Val Kilmer - awesome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. LoraX

    Next to go?

    No. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I don't remember the year, but Scooby Doo was the first coaster. I would guess 1975 or 1976. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. No, he's pretty solid (not heavy) It would be awesome for it to be fluffy. If you win, they also make you sign a waiver and you cannot play that game I think for 30 days. When Katie won it, she had to crawl in through the back and lay down all the way home. She really did not mind because she fell asleep. I liked Nickelodeon. I love Snoopy. I miss HB. Snoopy has always been a favorite and I grew up with HB.
  22. Can we sing this song too? Obviously, you've not heard me sing. I do love that song. It is such a happy little ditty. Michael Stipe has such a great voice in my opinion. Did you catch the eye bows on a few if them? Wowzers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. She has a decent size room (Katie shares the room with Bruno the gorilla), but it does get in the way. If she gets her room clean, I will take a pic. I don't know if I have laughed more at her winning that thing as she carried it through the park. I did not know how truly large the thing was until she started carrying it. I mean I thought it was big, but man it's huge! I did not think about it not fitting into the car because I had a 2000 Saturn Station wagon so no problem. WRONG! We got home late that night so we left him in the car. Two of my neighbors were trying to figure out what we had got wedged in the car, then tried to figure out why we had it. (They are aware we are a little peculiar.) Getting it from the game to the car was work (for her). Getting it inside equally hard. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. You've heard me sing apparently. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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