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Everything posted by LoraX

  1. With what it seems to be a new trend, I half expect more of the food truck type offerings. From what they show on various TV shows, they offer a lot of things from cupcakes to full meals that actually look very tasty. Easy to change menus, can easily be moved to different areas as needed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Easy: Picture of Beast from Eiffel Tower Hard: someone playing any of the games Expert: Selfie while on Eiffel Tower. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That is not a bad price. I doubt we make it with what we have tentatively planned this year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I maybe wrong on the extension. I read online some where that it was extended to Saturday. The news just says until tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. People from Indy are seeking out opportunities to see the Colts play. They were extended time until Saturday to sell I think 6000 tickets. If not, it will be blacked out in Indy. Otherwise, you might be able to exchange living rooms to watch games. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. When I was a teenager I drove from Central Indiana to Michigan just so I could say I've been in a state I've never been in. I've been in Michigan more than once now, but never for a real purpose. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Stranger things do happen. Last July I had no idea what to do for Katie for her birthday. 2012 I got an upright piano for her. Got to one up it. (The piano cost me $0!) So long story short, we ended up in Florida. She got to see the ocean. It can happen for you if it happened for us. (I don't make tons of money either and support both if us on it.) Now to conquer the next birthday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I am not too worried about pay backs from him. I have done many embarrassing things in front of too many people to fear what he can do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Goble to become an optimist that gets called sweetie or honey from time to time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I am sure my son is not so loving me posting old pics of him. Good thing he's not on here. However, I posted it on Facebook and tagged him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Why are people considered "Debbie Downers" when they are speaking from a realistic perspective? I hope that KK is a huge success, however, in light of the past events, I am struggling with how it's going to be open more than a handful of seasons. I cannot imagine tax payers being happy to foot the bill. I love amusement parks and I would be unhappy with that. Parking is one huge issue with me. It was previously for me as well. There are many things that are not making sense to me as far as the entire park goes. The biggest of all is the minimal marketing that has been done. What has been done is bad. If it were me, I would vamp up every single social media outlet I could. It's free, it's cheap. I would do other large media announcements with at least local news. I would have done something huge for the official announcement and more with the announcing of season passes. Doing it late at night really was stupid and not well thought out. Doing any kind if drop type ride does not seem like a good decision. People won't pay attention to a new ride, different name, etc. they will only remember someone died on "that" ride. (I know no one died, but people think there were people who died on a variety of rides that were only injured in many parks.) The environment of having unsupervised children running amuck will suck. It is a far different degree than what KI is with unsupervised children and teens. I was truly hoping the Koch family would own/operate KK. While I am not a huge water park fan, the times I've been to Holiday World have been great. Management is approachable and very visible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Sorry for the double post, but the pic referenced in my previous post. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I wish it could be re-themed all together. The ride is exceedingly generic and it looks too cheap and cheesy. I think since there are an abundance of Peanuts themed things through out sections of the park, incorporating that would be cool. It would not have to be scary at all, but incorporating different classic Peanut shows/TV movies/cartoons would make it fun. It would be cool. (I love Snoopy!) I think changing it from anamatronics or some kind if flat looking "things" a children's theater could have created, to more of a interactive 3D video could be sweet. For example, having to hit a certain number of targets to get Charlie Brown to run to kick the ball (or he would fall on his back), or make Snoopy dance (twerk). Even having a regular season ride then a Haunt themed ride in the evenings would rock. Not sure if the expense it would be, however it would be easier to change the theme as the park changes. I will say I miss the Smurfs. The Enchanted Voyage was amazing and I miss that. Once they took out those things, it became mediocre. The Scooby Doo theme even was not up to where it should have been. It's lost a lot of it's charm. I have to add we still ride it most visits. We take blasting serious. I almost always beat Katie in points when riding. We are serious when it comes to getting the highest score. It teeters on a violent ride when we are on it. We're out for blood. Also, the pic below of my son refused to ride the ride because he was terrified of it. We were waiting on a friend of mine who apparently has children that are more brave. Edit: forgot to add the pic. From my phone it won't allow me to change it.
  14. I don't remember this at all. I guess it's a good thing. I would have had nightmares. It's a bit creepy. I suppose they could put this in at GWL and it would fit in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. It is fitting to have a batwing when it's next to The Bat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. American and Mexican should be capitalized, too. Not trying to stomp on Terp's toes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. It has to be serious if they are sharing ice cream. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. 1. I don't think so, but have never paid attention to it. I would think of there was a lot of difference, I woulda noticed. 2. It drastically changes the ride experience in the rain, but I don't think it's faster (or slower) in the rain. I don't know all the ins and outs of coasters, but would think it has too many other variables that would prevent it from going faster. 3. I don't think it's haunted. I do think the stories are entertaining. If it is haunted, I would love to see it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I am terribly sorry for your loss. Losing a dad is incredibly hard. I am sure losing a mom is as well (thankfully I don't know that first hand.) My dad died from cancer. Even though it's been years, I miss him terribly. I remember when I was a teenager, my dad and I did not get along. I know there is nothing unusual about that. Well, when I was 18, I found out I was expecting a baby. I was unwed, it disappointed my dad to say the least. August 15, 1989 I have birth to my gorgeous 7 pound 15 ounce 21 inch baby boy. I woke up really early the following morning. All I wanted to do is talk to my dad. It's astounding to me that my dad became much wiser in a 14-15 hour time span. So, I wait until I knew he was up getting ready for work. We literally talked for an hour and a half. At 6:31 a.m. Dad tells me he needs to get to work, he was already 1/2 hour late - dad was never late. He ends the conversation with telling me he loves me and apologized to me for not just talking to me, because had he done so, "you might not be in the position [unwed mom] now." Well, from that that day on, dad and I went from just father/daughter to friends. January 1999 dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. His diagnosis was 3-6 months. I had my dad for nearly 20 beautiful months. He taught me much more than he probably knows in that time frame. About 3 years go by and it dawned on me. Dad died 11 years, 12 hours from the time out relationship changed. Dad died the day after my sons 11th birthday at 6:31 p.m. I am sure the holidays have been difficult. It is my hope you find something that gives you peace. I cannot say it gets easier. I can say it becomes a new "norm." I am working on losing weight myself. I know you can do it! I am sure your dad is cheering you on so you can live the most wonderfully abundant life you can live. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. One of my favorite nights was Banshee's announcement and the build up to it. I left work a little early, picked up Katie from school, we rode Diamondback, had a nice dinner at Reds Grille then waited for the announcement. People thought we were weird for driving 1.5 hours each way - but they just don't understand. It was a two fold amazing thing - the announcement AND the most important "thing" getting to do something memorable with my daughter. It was super exciting to hear the scream as time got closer to the announcement. I knew as soon as I heard that - we had a Banshee! The atmosphere was electric. Second row behind the seats is where we stood - awesome crowd, except the man next to me did not wear deodorant. My daughter got pegged in the back of the head with a T-shirt. Too bad she did not catch it! The other times involve going out on Friday nights for the Scream Like a Banshee contest and Haunt. Oh - and the last Tuesday they were open during the week, I called in to work, took Katie out of school and went to KI. That was a great time. Low crowds, lots of rides. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Perhaps it's a tie for 8th place. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I've never done a zip line. I can only imagine it would be awesome. When the Super Bowl was in Indy, there were a couple zip lines set up. It looked like a blast. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I can't be the only one to think having the last name Ham and studying Genesis is quite a cool coincidence. It's a little funny too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I have not been to the Creation Museum. I appreciate you letting me (and others) know about Christmas Eve being free. I am going to try to plan a trip next year. It just seems fitting to go on Christmas Eve. I know one of the young men in the youth group at church said he would like to go. I just could not get the time off work this year. I know I am planning our trips for 2014 and I am would really like to go to the CM. I am thinking about possibly going minus Katie so I can actually take my time and see what it is. She has a tendency to rush through things. This maybe what I do while she's away at church camp in July. Great report. Thank you for sharing. Oh - Zonkeys are adorable. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Great report! I love Dollywood. I need to make plans to go back soon. Thank you for sharing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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