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Everything posted by LoraX

  1. I can say this trip was amazing! With the weather forecast as it was with a lot of the snow in the forecast, I am so happy we were still able to go. Brad (Indyguy4KI) and his son Korbin picked Katie and I up about 12:20 pm. As we headed out, the roads had been cleared pretty well. Well, that was until we hit the Ohio state line. We were greater by lots of slow drivers. I don't know why Ohio just has really slow drivers, but do y'all know where the gas pedal is?! We saw many slide offs, mostly headed west, a lot of traffic jams west bound. We approach the Fairfield exit. The vehicle on front of us was driving slow. Brad decides to pass the slow driver, which lead us to fish tailing maybe a quarter mile down 275. We ended up in a ditch. Brad got us out of the ditch before I could take a pic. So on the way home, I took a pic of the ditch. As we are in the ditch, I receive a text from MrsNoChickens (Dee) asking where we were. I neglected to tell her the "in the ditch". I posted the additional info as we were near Kings Island. I can say with most certainty while I do not recommend driving in such a manner, however, that was kind of fun. This could be a way cool flat ride experience if it could be replicated! I am so thankful we did not hit anyone it anything. It could have ended very badly, but it did not. (More to come shortly.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Ed's show is wonderful. I am very disappointed he probably won't return. I know in 2012, he knew he was returning in 2013 quite a while before the end of the season. He's such a nice guy and wish him the best even if he abandons us. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. In my last job, I interviewed over 10,000 people (I was a staffing recruiter/senior manager) and have only received 4 hand written thank you notes. I have received 7 thank you emails. That thank you note really goes a long way in my opinion. It makes you stand out a little more than others. In fact, there was a young man (maybe 22) that really had minimal skills and I placed him in a position because he wrote a thank you note to me. He has been with that company now 7-8 years and is now making good money.
  4. I will tell him on the way there! I think a suitcase, and riding with LoraX and Katie will sort of make him question a doctors visit! Dee and I were talking today about how you would hide it once y'all got here. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I never really thought about it being a barn, but it does kind of look like one.
  6. We are bringing some cookies - they are very peanut buttery. We did a test run on them last night - they are delicious (if you love peanut butter / Reece Cup type things.) We will likely bring something that has banana's in it. Not quite sure what, it might be banana bread or banana pudding or something. We were given bunches of bunches of bananas (I think five bunches, it could be six) and there is no possible way we can eat so many more bananas. Or if anyone has a good banana recipe, please let me know (they will not last long enough to take as is.)
  7. Is KIC going to do this as a group?! I am going to do this, just would love to go under KIC if we are going to do this as a group. I love this organization. My friend Amber, her daughter Katelynn (KK) and poppa Steven have been tremendously helped by this organization. It would be wonderful to be a first rider - but the greater thing is to raise money for an organization that is truly awesome. My birthday is April 19 and I am already asking people to donate to this instead of buying me a birthday gift. A kid again gives children with various medical issues/limited abilities to do things they would normally not be able to do. All kinds of fun activities. If you have never gone on a day that Kings Island hosts the A Kid Again, you should try going. It has been a wonderful experience when I go on those days. These families are truly inspirational. This is the wonderful and beautiful KK: When I posted on Facebook about doing this - Team Bumble - Amber responded with this (she did not realize initially this was only the fundraiser not A Kid Again Day) : Neatest smile EVER!! I love this status SOOOO much.. If this is something you would do feel free to use some our pictures from Kings Island. I hadn't heard the date I'm surprised we are going so early in the year.. A kid again is such an amazing organization.. Thanks to them bumble has gone to a hockey game, minor league baseball game, zoo, Kings Island, comedy/ magic show, they have a holiday party where each kid gets a gift they want and most importantly it was all done free to the family allowing us no worries and Bumble a chance to just be a kid. Thank you so much Lora!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Perhaps it's part of the zombie apocalypse. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I've tried to explain that to my daughter and she does not get it. She still insists the back is fastest. I blame new math or possibly new physics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I am sure ideas would be appreciated (every comment card I've filled out says something generic like that), but the likelihood of them being used would be slim to none. They have already hired professionals they pay big money to take care of the details and changes why chance someone suing them for an idea? I think they can (and do) create a buzz to get opinion of the fans. For example, Flight Deck/Bat change. I can't imagine it being an accident to do an "accidental" release of a fake page. These are professionals after all. I think they wanted to create as much buzz as possible (more buzz about the already massive buzz of the upcoming announcement of the new ride) and they did exactly that. I would think the excitement generated around the possibility of The Bat name being resurrected showed that it would be well received. It had even more people talking about the new ride than it initially did. I do think (possibly incorrectly) had the name not been so we received as a possibility then it likely would not have been changed. Thus, public opinion does count for something and is not dismissed. It has people excited to ride a ride that has been around for years. I think that in itself is excellent marketing. I do think the outpouring of love by public opinion of the idea resurrecting The Bat name helped with the name change - but obviously it was already in the works to some degree. Plus, they have things in the works for several years. I would presume the creativity they have access to can go further than what we can imagine since they are aware of budgets and upcoming ideas and plans already in place. I think if we could be in on the planning and marketing meetings we'd be amazed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. If we do something as a group My suggestion would be team KK or team Bumble (it's a KK thing). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. we will likely sign up because this organization has been amazing to my friends Amber and KK. You can support us and be there in spirit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I know our plans are of course Kings Island for the most part. I believe we will upgrading our pass to a platinum because I think there will be three days at Cedar Point, potentially four. We will have at least one day at Kentucky Kingdom. Our plans aren't huge yet, but normally something happens unexpectedly (in a good way) and we end up doing more than planned. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. When you get a little happier because your payment for the month came out of your bank account for the next season pass. Simply means we've hit the one month mark! We are getting closer to opening day - still hoping for April 19, 2014. it will take a good birthday and make it a GREAT birthday! (I maybe the only 40+ female looking forward to a birthday.)
  15. The only issue with the scream is if it were close to the line, it would be quite annoying while you are waiting. The night they announced it, the scream was not so annoying, but there was great excitement and anticipation. I think as you are the getting ready to hit max speed would be the best place for the scream.
  16. If the date stamp was April 14 (day Lincoln was shot) or 15 (date he died) it would be ironic.
  17. Congratulations. I think that sounds like a great honeymoon! (Aside from the last bit of course,)
  18. Looking for your season pass just so you know where it is for your next visit (and initially panicking because you don't see it.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I've only ever gone to Coney Island once and that was to see Duran Duran in concert in maybe 1984. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. That might be possible. I didn't realize it was open free that day. It is quite fitting that it would be. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I've never been to the Creation Museum. I have heard it is amazing. My daughter has been with her youth group. I need to go there one day minus her - she rush through it and I want to take my time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. What's wrong with BeastForever? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I am sure my statement still stands for you, too. On my 21st birthday there was not as much access to the Internet. I am happy about that. I am pretty sure there are pictures some where. My friend Kim and I hit pretty much every bar in down town Indy including a gay bar or two (we are straight, but my gay guy friends have always been the bestest to hang with especially when I was in full party mode a couple decades ago.) I remember very little about that night beyond drinking insane amounts of booze. At one bar they were giving away a diamond ring at midnight. I memorized the ticket number and kept telling people I was going to win the ring "it's my birthday, it's my right." Well we made our way back to the bar and I must have been obnoxious. They read the number and it was not my number. This woman gets in my face about it mocking me. No one claimed it. They read the next number. It was MY number. I got right in that woman's face and yelled. "TOLD YA! It's my birthday it's my right!" I ended up selling it for $500. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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