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Everything posted by Joshua

  1. There seems to be a lot of disdain towards the lower class in this wording.
  2. The Wal-Mart I speak of is in Ohio, by an outdoor shopping center called Bridgewater Falls.
  3. The Wal-Mart near Bridgewater doesn't appear to have converted to "one way aisles" and there were very few signs of social distancing when I visited today. Clusters of families and teenagers were shopping, very few customers and employees were wearing masks, and large masses were clogging the beverage aisle and the grocery side U-Scan. No preventable measures seem to have been taken to protect their employees or their customers.
  4. I've noticed an uptick in crazy drivers lately and last week, on my way into Wal-Mart, some lady who was parked on the curb, was sticking her head out and screaming at me. Why? I have no idea. My guess is because I was wearing a mask?
  5. Ohio vs. Michigan games will have a different feel, that's for sure!
  6. Michigan's protestors are carrying assault rifles. I'm sure they see themselves as "protecting our freedoms," or something like that, but frankly, their getup makes them look like the radical terrorists you fight against in Call of Duty. It's... not a good look.
  7. Along with the Caretaker, I'd like to see the Maestro and his Phantom Theater troupe become prominent Haunt characters. I'd also love to see mazes themed to some of the rides utilizing both existing and newly created lore. Imagine being chased in the woods by a mysterious Beast, and picture something like the large hand from Wolf Pack, but instead it's The Beast's claws grabbing at you.
  8. As head-scratching as it is, that outlook owes everything to the measures we've taken. Had we been more stubborn, had we put people's lives second and kept everything open, I think the conversation here would be completely different.
  9. This right here. As of today, 22,108 Americans have lost their lives to COVID-19 in such a short amount of time and I'm grateful my loved ones aren't included in that, but it would be foolish of me to downplay those lives lost as anything less than an absolute tragedy. That is a lot of people, and every single one of those lives mattered. And had we not put these measures in place, it could've been worse, a lot worse, and would've hit home far more brutally than it has for the majority of us Ohioans. And I'm thankful it hasn't, because every single one of our lives matter too. People come first.
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/11/health/us-coronavirus-updates-saturday/index.html The US has had more than 20,000 deaths from COVID-19. If that doesn't seem like a lot, imagine that was a crowded amusement park or stadium full of people... Lives matter. Bars don't.
  11. Coincidentally, this is the latest flavor of cotton candy!
  12. I believe it was simply an except from the track, like the first minute and a half. IIRC, just the portion used when Freddy is assembling his glove.
  13. "Night of The Beast" was the track I was referring to. (Side note: Poltergeist is one of my favorite films, so naturally I loved hearing Jerry Goldsmith's score at the park.) Hmm, I do believe I remember hearing "Tubular Bells." Here are the track titles from the soundtracks I mentioned: The X-Files track is "Secret Vaults." This was played throughout the night, but I'm also fairly certain it was used at the front gate prior to opening. Independence Day is "The Darkest Day." The Nightmare Before Christmas was either a short except from the instrumental portion of "Making Christmas" or "Christmas Eve Montage." I'm fairly certain it was the former. A Nightmare on Elm Street was "Main Title." I can't remember if the full track was used. "Beetlejuice" is "Main Titles." I believe the first 30 seconds were removed and it just cuts right into the theme. I feel like there were more tracks I'm forgetting.
  14. Aren't those just the cobwebs from never being open?
  15. Maybe someone could enlighten me on some questions I have: How much does it cost to keep the park open on any given day (power, electricity, employees, etc.)? What sort of regulation could the state put on large gatherings? How would a limited daily crowd versus daily cost affect Kings Island's revenue and would there be a point where it would be less profitable for them to be open?
  16. Off the top of my heard, they used to play excerpts from the following soundracks: The X-Files (the ominous cue that ends the pilot episode, I believe this was played prominently, especially near the front gate as it is very atmospheric) Beetlejuice (the main theme) Poltergeist (from the chaotic final scene) A Nightmare on Elm Street (the main theme, this was particularly effective when traversing through the fog) The Nightmare Before Christmas (not any of the songs, but a short cue that perfectly represents the Elfman sound) Independence Day (IIRC, it was The Darkest Day, the same track as the one used on The Beast, but a different section)
  17. Had this not happened, I would be at work right now. I probably would have just gotten back from lunch, thinking about when I could ride Orion and looking forward to putting m first ever meal plan to use. I would be planning to take my girlfriend out somewhere nice for dinner, looking forward to my next wedding video edit, and internally grumbling because my free day to ride Orion would have probably been bought out for a company picnic. Sigh.
  18. It's not just the elderly. Anyone with a weakened immune system is susceptible. That counts those with diabetes, heart conditions, and asthma, conditions that are very common and affect people of all ages.
  19. Man, some of the comments in the past two hours ...
  20. This. Aren't the projections based on people who are able to get tested? If so, don't you still have meet that incredibly specific criteria to get tested? Also, did they ever determine if you get it twice? If not, that's a pretty big deal, especially since there isn't a vaccine yet.
  21. My thoughts are currently on those who are considered "essential" workers yet don't earn "essential" wages. If there's anyone here reading this who works in retail, trucking, medical, various public servant fields and other essential positions, you are the lifeblood of this country and you rock!
  22. Respectfully, this statement comes dangerously close to insinuating that the lower class is only poor because they are bad at budgeting money, and not for other economical reasons.
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