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Everything posted by APE

  1. Great information, but how much less could you in fact care?
  2. To Sara or Don, will those who raised at least the minimum be receiving an e-mail similar to that for media day breaking down how the event will go? I know I got an email a couple of weeks ago but it was still the basic information like times of the event.
  3. I was born in 87 it felt like it took forever to be tall enough to ride it. I got several good years in before they tore it out. I loved that thing.
  4. I wasn't trying to pressure you just pointing out the last day according to what I've read.
  5. Midnight of the 13th is the last day for donations I believe. If I am wrong feel free to correct me.
  6. I always thought they were put there to show you the way to the ride. When I was a kid it was something my brother and I always looked forward to though a very small thing we loved following the prints.
  7. 109 people have raised at least the minimum so far and as a group we have raised almost 33k. It's pretty awesome, I can't wait to see how much the number jumps on these last couple of weeks. Plus whatever the corporate sponsors have donated.
  8. It won't matter for me. I wont be at opening day. I don't think it will matter a lot of people will still show up at first light to wait.
  9. I don't think that will matter.
  10. The line for opening day will be obscene just like the for Diamondback was. After that it should be enough room
  11. Keep in mind how many people per hour the ride will be able to run through. You may not need a huge area for the line.
  12. I don't have trouble quoting on mobile. Im just lazy with that at times.
  13. I just wanted to make sure there was no confusion with my post as I feel no matter the amount if someone wants to do this they should.
  14. Im curious if any of you have met him in person and if he is not so nice in person as well as on his forums?
  15. Is that post intended for me or the person that commented before me?
  16. Yeah I've raised $1000 and I don't see a problem with helping get people to the $100 mark so they can attend regardless of if they started the day it went live or last night all of the money is going to the same place.
  17. I feel like its already changed me a little and I haven't even been to an event yet just raising money for this. Side note: if anyone is having trouble meeting the $100 minimum post it here there are people willing to help on this forum.
  18. It looks to me and I could be wrong that they are making a new exit for Delirium.
  19. Hmm that's odd im not sure why it put it under anonymous. Either way good luck on your goal!
  20. Reply to the email you recieved with the questions you have.
  21. I suggested Linda Blair. For obvious reasons if you have ever seen The Exorcist.
  22. If you don't like the noise move somewhere else. That park brings in a ton of revenue for that area.
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