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Everything posted by LongLiveTheSmurfRide

  1. I thought I heard they've laced the supports with a slow working acid. Jackson will be the test subject as I believe he has been recorded as hugging one of the supports last season. We'll watch. And learn.
  2. They should focus the webcam just on the final track area for this afternoon.
  3. Earlier I saw a couple people at the end (start?) of the brake run. I wonder if they were prepping the area for the final piece to be installed.
  4. Yeah, I wonder what happened to that sweet Amazon Falls sign they used to have. Travesty that they replaced it with the cheap Congo Falls one.
  5. I'm excited for the season. Since I was slow to get my tickets, I won't be going to the Blues party so my blues will remain a little longer until April. I guess, considering my name, blue isn't such a bad thing.
  6. It's going to be nice having that path back this year that's been closed off.
  7. I would think it's the last piece they want to go in because it's like the last piece of normal track before the train stops completely. Plus, it's relatively close to the ground and should be pretty easy to put in at the end. Just my 2 cents.
  8. I'd do it. Wrap me up in heavy warm clothes, put on a ski mask and slap on some goggles and I'd be on in a heartbeat. That is, if it was an alternate reality and the coaster was allowed to run in those kind of conditions.
  9. I lost my cell phone once at the park and was hitting every ride we'd gone on up to that point to see if anyone had turned it in. I think we had to go to The Racers, FOF, Vortex and it turns out it slipped out on The Flying Eagles. Had some gooood cell-phone-jostlin' snapping going on that day. The helpful ride-op had it right there for me. Woohoo!
  10. I wouldn't think the sound from the new coaster would be that bad. B&M's have a distinct sound they make that is kind of like a woosh more than typical loud coaster roar.
  11. Is Mr. Helbig posting pics just to compete with the ones I recently posted from out in the cold parking lot? It's no fair that he gets to get so close to the action. I did my best! I did my best!
  12. Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy!
  13. But can the Millennium Force make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs?! Can it outrun Imperial starships?! Not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now.
  14. I cruised by KI today and snapped some pics. They're here at my Flickr site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/10524916@N08/
  15. Were the small Smurf memories fond memories?
  16. Terp, please tell me that was just an oversight on your part. I almost fell off my chair when I read that. I think the original poster edited their post because I concur that it originally just said "Cedar Point Pass". So Terpy's not crazy. At least, not in this instance.
  17. WHAT!? When did that happen?! We were all watching the DB web cam and someone stole the loop!
  18. You'll get a thousand different opinions on the Son of Beast. It's best just to ride it and decide for yourself, or let the condition of your body decide for you afterward.
  19. Thanks for the advice. Not sure where it was from originally. My fiance's mom found it at the Goodwill and just has a little rust I got out. Works great so far.
  20. Actually, I got a cast iron pan for x-mas that was made in the USA, but I think that was it.
  21. Whatever, everything is from China these days and costs eighteen cents; except for Diamondback.
  22. It's the cheapest game in the park. You roll a bowling ball over a hump, then it goes up a little hill and comes back. The idea is to get the ball to stay between the 2 hills and stay in limbo. Then you get a stuffed "something-or-other"; then you try to win again so that you can trade up. It's only a quarter a try, so if you're good enough at it, you can get a pretty good sized "something-or-other" for like 75 cents. It's located right by The Beast on ride photo kiosk. There was one by The Racer/Outer Limits area at one time as well, but I think it might have moved.
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