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Everything posted by LongLiveTheSmurfRide

  1. That's weird. My fiancee (who loves coasters and has ridden the same CP coasters as your dad) has told me that she's kind of freaked out by the look of it. I wonder what it is about DB that's freaking some people out.
  2. Would it be okay to just post on here something like, "I asked Don if there was going to be a test today and he said 'yeah at 2:30.'"? You technically wouldn't be posting the e-mail, but you would be posting helpful information you received and stated a valid source.
  3. I replied to this post in the DB construction thread originally but figured it would be more appropriate out here: Hey Ryan, I understand you wanting to keep personal e-mails from being posted on here, but wouldn't it be beneficial to the park and Don Helbig if he makes an announcement in an e-mail to post it here in hopes of preventing others from asking the same thing? For instance when members were wondering on here when testing would be or if they were testing on a certain day, someone sent him an e-mail and he answered. That member posted the answer on here which most likely stopped a lot of people from doing the same thing and e-mail spamming him with the same question. I mean, his answers from 1 person about the park are pretty much going to be universal for the entire world. If 100 people send him the same question, they're going to get the same answer. If 1 person e-mails him, posts it and those remaining 99 people see it; that's 99 e-mails he won't have to answer individually. But then, he's paid to do that so I understand that part and it's your site so it's your rules. I just wanted to give my 2 nickels. Thanks!
  4. I'm interested in meeting you guys. I'm sure I'll be in line after the first riders finish, hopefully not too far back.
  5. Great post Boiler; glad you decided to throw in your couple nickles. Please do so more often.
  6. The Commodore 64 was my first PC. When I went to school one day and they had a 3.5" disk and they were calling it a "floppy" disk and I was like, "How is this a floppy disk? It doesn't flop?"
  7. I was going to mention Maverick as well. I thought I'd heard that they had to take an element out after they tested and it was too harsh on the meters. I hope DB tests fine the way it is and they don't have to trim it up for an enjoyable ride.
  8. I asked this earlier in the thread, but it got gobbled up in the testing frenzy; but do they have some kind of device on the train or one of the dummies that shows the speed and amount of G's that the ride is achieving?
  9. What are you doing, Gator? I don't recognize you in non-cartoon form.
  10. Hopefully channel 12 will post their video online. I don't get their station at my house.
  11. The same thing happened when they put the last piece of track in; it happened again a little yesterday and of course when there is a chance to see the train out on the track there is going to be a flood in here. This topic has topped at 75 viewers and is probably going to go higher so there is going to be a lot of attention and "meaningless" talk with so many people on here.
  12. We're on a T1 line here at work and I still get mostly black screen.
  13. Last time I saw the train it was in the station. How did it get to the break run? It's like....magic.....*spooky finger wiggles*
  14. ^At least you're getting something. Mine has been black for 30 minutes. I'd be happy with a frozen image at this point.
  15. I haven't gotten a picture for a while. If I do, I'll certainly be posting it up here.
  16. That's encouraging. So we'll get to see them get ready for testing; then we'll be able to view The Racer and Vortex when they actually start testing, lol.
  17. The only problem is that everyone and their mother can see DB from the road and if something happened, it's a good chance someone would see it anyway. I would imagine that most people glued to the cam are us fanboys and girls who know that if it valleys, it's not a big deal because that can happen during tests.
  18. That doesn't seem promising since that was the response yesterday.
  19. Has anyone written Don asking if the cam can be pointed toward DB during testing? I don't want to flood him with e-mails if others are writing.
  20. ^ Hmmm. I wonder if they were testing anything on the pile of dirt yesterday.
  21. I have the forums up on my PC here at work for about 10 hours. When I'm at home I don't view or post as much.
  22. I didn't think that was the case yesterday, but now it seems pretty apparent that they're blocking them.
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