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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. I'll listen for it when I'm at the park tomorrow. If I hear it I will Shazam it for you. I can't think of anything that sounds like that off hand, but your description is good enough I should recognize it.
  2. The reservoir had water in it but I don't think it fair to say it was /filled/. I believe it has collected rain during the time after opening weekend. But, yes, it was about half full by Sunday.
  3. On Sunday, they had the theme movie up and running.
  4. I got a blurry pic of them just as I passed. I thought they must be pumps but couldn't be sure. They're interesting-looking though.
  5. I'm a little disappointed there hasn't been more teasing from the park, other than the falling trees signs* (and my tulips, heh). But then I remember it's only been two weeks, and four publicly open days. Coasterstock is going to be a real trip this year, no question. I don't expect any definitive answers from it (there'll still be quite a bit of time left before the likely announcement), but I bet there will be tons of new teases for us to decode and obsess over. * unless you include the Snapchats implying RFYLCB is being removed, but I think that is trolling not teasing.
  6. One of the graphics on the CRT monitors (not the ones showing the plot line video) has been changed out to something reminiscent of classic Donkey Kong.
  7. I looked a few minutes ago and mine showed the incorrect one also. So it wasn't just you. Still is:
  8. Another ride that got some theming love is Flight of Fear. The lights on the top of the UFO from the outside, and around the inside are working again (last season they worked briefly before going away again). I haven't seen the etched lucite one on the back wall working yet this season but I expect it will at some point. Also, they have switched out the people in stasis tubes in the station. They are wearing much more neutral clothing: plain white t-shirts. I will miss the early 90s vintage KI t-shirts and caps, and particularly the plaid mini skirt. It is probably more appropriate for them to appear that they were just taken, though.
  9. Do they even have "now you will pay" playing? I haven't heard it. I've been listening (yes, usually from the back of the train), and all I hear is the totems' squeaky joints.
  10. I thought it might be nice to have a thread just to note theming changes, repairs, improvements, and areas that need work. I am very excited to note a repair/improvement I noticed last weekend, on Adventure Express. As has been noted in other threads, there have been a variety of returned effects this year, some that have been missing at least the last couple years. These improvements include louder and more complete broadcast of the sound effects (hissing in the snake tunnels, wind noises, creaking on the lift hill, etc), and the return of light to the bowl of the final protective idol. But when I rode Friday night, I thought for a moment I saw that the spears in the walls of the second tunnel moved as we passed through. When I rode again Sunday, I watched closer, and I can confirm, those are working again, at least in some manner! It isn't quite as I remember (just a slowish jutting out from the wall), but any signs of theming getting love, especially on Adventure Express, is a reason for me to be happy!
  11. Just wanted to note that train spielers have been saying pretty much exactly the same things about Fort Coney and Missouri Jane the last couple years, so I don't think that's any sort of hint. Also from a conversation with one of them I either overheard or participated in (I hate my memory), I've learned that they each come up with their own patter, often leaning heavily on what the others do, but with the freedom (within reason, presumably) to come up with their own jokes or featured facts to use. My own interesting fact: The version of Cotton Eyed Joe used on the train is actually performed by a Swedish band, originally intended to lampoon the culture it portrays.
  12. It's been covered in the thread but a quick synopsis: We're not "all" anything, much less "sure." For me, personally viewing what is going on in the area made me think coaster. Prior to arriving at the park preview night, I didn't think it would be. Those things I saw: The extensive area in which the survey markers and marked trees appear. That work is being done in those areas this early. That the survey markers and painted trees (some of which have already been cut) appear to be following paths rather than clear-cutting a larger area as would be expected for a flat. Those are the high points, there are other subtleties, and many others have their own reasons I'm sure. Read the thread. Look at the pictures. Put your own eyes on the scenes if at all possible. Draw your own conclusions.
  13. The lumber next to the dirt pile beside the train I mentioned Friday: And how the trees are marked for removal: The trees thus marked definitely appear to be running in paths through the woods, alongside the pink markers. Some of the trees that were cut down and/or removed between opening weekend and yesterday appear to have been the ones nearest to the tracks that I noticed were painted opening weekend, in case anyone wants further confirmation that the green dots mark them for removal. While it doesn't account for all of the apparent "paths" in the woods, much of the work thus far is running along the path where WWC's entrance used to run. Which makes sense, to use the clearing they already have, especially if they intend to keep as much of the wooded feel as possible.
  14. Yeah, I rode Gliders, walked back to DB and looked at the line, and left to figure out which rope would get me closest to FoF.
  15. Actually a retaining wall in that culvert I believe. But it was new wood laying around. Thought it deserved a nod.
  16. The app does say Vortex is temporarily closed, strangely enough. Edit: and in the time to ride SR&R, Vortex is running again.
  17. Vortex line is currently closed. Saw a train with people go into the station and sent out an empty train
  18. Yeah, but last year they were opening 90 min before ERT. I had assumed 8:30, and it wasn't until halfway through the season I got here earlier and saw it was open. Then someone else said it opened at 8, so I came early enough to check. It's not really a big deal unless one gets here at 8 expecting to get through, so I wanted to make sure people knew it changed. An hour before ERT is plenty to get parked and organized. Also note: one may use the "All Parking" lanes to scan a gold card just as easily as any of the others. No sense not to when there are more lanes open than cars approaching.
  19. Just a note: parking gates are no longer opening at 8 on 10:00 opening. Dunno if they're going to make us wait all the way to 8:30 because security just drove over. Edit: yeah, promptly at 8:30 KI time (8:28 to the rest of us this year)
  20. That would be more funny if it was a pic of it about to stack So far, they've been doing pretty well with smooth dispatches this season, though. Good teamwork!
  21. My first ride this season was Woodstock Express.
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