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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. I saw the liberty bell last summer but this is the first I've seen the tower in the three years I've been coming again
  2. White markers are joining the pink ones in the woods
  3. I have some of those tokens too. So you aren't the only one I don't have any maps or anything from back then tho. I also have some game tickets from the 90s (Yes, on me, in my wallet today at the park... I promised some to a KIC friend if I ever see him )
  4. I am an avid phone user at the park. I think asking "why even take one?" misses the point. Most people have them, for a variety of reasons, and it isn't anyone's business why or how one uses their phone, as long as one is following the rules. The great majority of us do. Even as much as I love having my phone at the park, I still take the problem of phones used on rides very seriously. And follow the rules very strictly. Until and unless parks are willing to back up their signage and ride-ops' warnings with very visible actual results, like park removals and bannings, it is a problem that will only get worse. Congrats to Carowinds for taking this seriously, and publicly. As it stands at KI, I have never yet seen it go beyond a warning from a ride op over the loudspeaker. The only time security became involved that I have seen was when a fellow KIC member complained to a ride op after someone had their cell phone out recording during an entire Beast ride, and the recorder's friend started a yelling match with the person who complained about it, in the exit queue afterwards. Security was not, as far as I can tell, called initially because of the cell phone use but the (verbal only) altercation blocking the queue. I know the person recording, and his friend, were temporarily detained in a security office where they filled out statements, but were not kicked out or banned. How do I know? I accidentally ran into a video posted on YouTube, a few days after the incident, which included his on-ride Beast video, inside the security office, and the rest of their day enjoying Soak City, including footage he took inside the slides. That incident has made me unlikely to make any personal effort toward enforcement in the future, I am not going to risk my own personal safety by confronting someone who already shows no intention of following rules, especially when I know that next to nothing will be done. If I were a ride op, I would have a similar feeling of being allowed to twist in the wind: drawing the ire of these people by trying to enforce the rules, without the backup of any serious punishment if someone neglects to follow my instructions.
  5. I think they're more likely to be concentrating on advertising the BBF and making that a success this weekend (and next) than spending their PR time humoring us. Especially when Coasterstock is the third weekend, and their die-hard enthusiast audience will be so easily accessible.... Coasterstock already was awesome last year. I can't even imagine how great it is going to be this year, with the park having the experience under their belt of what worked and didn't at the first, and the added intrigue of whatever is going on in Rivertown! If you are interested and haven't bought your tickets yet, I can't give a resounding enough endorsement. There are still a few days left to buy and register!
  6. I don't agree that a Giga is likely to bring the non-enthusiast once-or-twice-a-season family visitors, anyway. Most would be too terrified to ride it. The average non-enthusiast is scared enough of DB, Banshee, and Beast.
  7. The name Grizzly? Somebody probably saw it in the trademark list and wasn't aware it is a coaster at Kings Dominion, I guess. The pumps/turbines? The spieler on the train said they were sitting out because they were being replaced. I can't account for the veracity of his information, but I did hear him say it. I got a picture of what I believe is one of the new ones: You'll notice the one on the right isn't covered in mud like the one next to it. Either they gave it the best cleaning ever, or it is new.
  8. When I was waiting in guest relations for another reason one day this season, there was a guy complaining that after waiting 45 min in a line, when he went to pay he was ten minutes short of 4 hours so they wouldn't let him pay for his meal with the dining plan. (Seriously, you get in line a full hour before you know it is your time and then get mad at them that they weren't /slow/ enough?) I think that when they told you it couldn't be used until 6:23 they did the math wrong in their head, or were possibly misinformed about how long it is between meals. I think the system only gives a "last used" time, or rings it up if the allotted time has passed. It doesn't say when it can be used next.
  9. With two extant coasters already named Grizzly, I don't see why one would think that name was "on the table."
  10. The path between the Eiffel Tower and Rivertown La Rosa's is blocked off and they set up all along there. Kind of like Backwoods Bayou.
  11. I thought he was referring to Kite Eating Tree, but the log flume would work as well I guess.
  12. Daily Mail is a tabloid. I only skimmed the article, but repeatedly bringing up the Smiler incident in an "article" about an unrelated incident in which no one was even injured seems to show their intent at fear-mongering. Sunday night, I walked through a puddle that was at least four inches deep at KI (at the Scrambler), for comparison to the inch-deep "flood waters" in the queues mentioned in the article.
  13. It's probably not related but I'm curious. There is a large black thing standing behind Slaughterhouse. I couldn't get a picture because I only saw it from Beast's brake run. It kind of looks like it might be some sort of ramp, if laid down, or alternatively a sign board in the position it is currently standing. If a sign, the front of it is facing away so it can't be seen from Beast... but would be very visible from a Beast tour at, say Coasterstock later this month.... Would someone identify this object for us?
  14. Does it surprise you that something big and exciting should draw people back to the boards to discuss it? Welcome back, OpSonofBeast, and all the others who have come to discuss and speculate. Read the thread (as much as you can)!
  15. I've got the feeling that Don isn't personally doing the Snapchat posts. They don't seem to fit his style.
  16. I'd be surprised if anyone had much new to post after what I and others observed and posted yesterday. They seem to be mostly working on tree removal and surveying during the week when there aren't guests at the park (unsurprisingly) and even if they weren't, today would have been a washout. I'm still not on the Giga bandwagon. I think it is a needlessly fiddly place to try to put one, when across the park (at a place that would make a nice even-ish triangle of the three biggest steel coasters in the park) there is a spot that seems almost custom made to plop one in once Dinosaurs Alive finally gives up the ghost. That said, and as I've mentioned previously, I do think it will be a coaster based on what I've seen with my eyes. I am open to a handful of other possibilities about what I'm seeing, but I think a coaster more likely than a return of antique cars, for a possible example. Bonus picture from yesterday of what was explained on the train as the newly replaced turbines for WWC
  17. Suddenly I have a vision of Robert Picardo saying "welcome to Johnnycab!"
  18. I was disappointed last night: when I rode the carousel, the organ was off and they were playing the recorded music. I look forward to listening each visit, I'm so happy the park has found you to work on it, hosscat (Mikey).
  19. Ok, back to the topic, kinda. Earlier I posted what I could see with my eyes was going on in the woods, whatever it means. But now, once again as Dumbledore said "From this point forth, we shall be leaving the firm foundation of fact and journeying together through the murky marshes of memory into thickets of wildest guesswork." I'm going to delve into the more tenuous things, what may possibly be clues left for us, or may simply be coincidence. When I rode Diamondback at the end of ERT, I looked to the right as we sat on the brake run, and saw something. There was a small row boat beside the fence. It was named Tin Man. There seemed to be some landscaping materials inside, as though it had been used as one might use a wheelbarrow. I took a picture from the DB line later in the day: (An even shorter summary of info from the Wikipedia page on the Tin Man: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin_Woodman) The full name of the Tin Man in L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was the Tin Woodman. He was once a man named Nick Chopper, whose job was chopping trees. The Wicked Witch of the East bewitched his ax and it started cutting off his limbs, which he had replaced, until he was fully tin. I just find it particularly interesting to find something somewhat hidden in the park that combines the two things going on over in Rivertown: falling trees and water. It probably is complete coincidence. But maybe....
  20. If you're just adding a few words can you not include two long quotes you barely reference, please? When I rode the train there were workmen actually at the turntable Although I wasn't able to get it well in any pics, I noticed some survey markers going right up to the reservoir. You might see a glimpse of pink there to the left of the water if you zoom in.
  21. They must have been worried the Dippin' Dots guy would pass us unauthorized information....
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