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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. My prediction is Kaman is out. FunPix includes all the on ride photography, and shows on the map as being the front gate photography now too. I'd much easier believe Kaman won't be doing front gate than that they will be taking over the whole thing. I don't think they're still listed as a sponsor either. Edit: never mind I looked at the map and found I was wrong on both counts. Dang it, I misinterpreted it when I first saw it and was hopeful the dreadful front gate photography was a thing of the past
  2. Currently the park doesn't deal with the tokens or change machines. As near as I can tell the coin-op is entirely contracted out to Elaut.
  3. I like the cards better. They fit in my wallet and don't give me a tan line I am curious to see if they eliminate employees taking cash entirely for the outdoor games. I suspect at least the first season it will be optional to buy/load a card. While the cards would be much more convenient than tokens, it might eliminate the double-dipping of bonus plays on the Wizard of Oz coin-pushers. Last season you could get $30 worth of tokens for $20, then also get the extra plays associated with putting either $5, $10, or $20 worth of tokens into the game at one time. I am not sure the coin pushers would be card-enabled yet this season though.
  4. Probably the game rooms. They already have machines that will process credit cards in return for tokens, or take tickets and return vouchers (receipt-sized pieces of paper that show the number of tickets). I don't know if either of those may be replaced or adapted to deal with the game cards as well.
  5. You know, that was the thought that came to my mind when I watched the video: I bet maintenance is a nightmare on that thing. Not surprised to hear I was right.
  6. I got a set of those pins, at Coney Confections (home of $5 t-shirts and 70% off clearance of old stock). I'm a little surprised they're still available on the website, because all the ones they put into clearance sold out before the end of last season. Fortunately KI has a lot of other cool pins that one can buy. At one point I went and took pics of everything that was available, and posted them IIRC for the person who was asking. I'll see if I can find the post. Yep, found the thread: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/31107-ride-patches/
  7. I would like a Jump2, but only if they could flip the seats to the other side of those arms, facing out. I'd much rather watch the views than other riders' faces.
  8. I'm pretty sure that was the one without a mirror, yes. Usually I don't care that much what I look like at the park, but I went in specifically to look in the mirror for some reason, and managed to choose the one restroom without one. I like it best when they have a mirror on the opposite end from the door, so that people using it aren't in the way of people using the stalls and sinks, and vice versa. I hope it also means they're installing another bottle filling station there.
  9. While I probably will see the new Origins show much more often, the one I'm most looking forward to is Jump! (Dog show). I'm probably looking forward to it more because I don't have any preconceived standard for it to live up to. I really loved Cirque Imagine, though, so I'm a little nervous Origins may not live up to it. I'm hopeful, though.
  10. They're revamping the restrooms across from Hank's. https://twitter.com/KIGMGREG/status/711999224687280128 Hopefully this means they'll be installing at least one mirror.
  11. If you're a quick walker, I'd do Flight of Fear first. It goes faster when fewer people are on it, because it is launched.
  12. In a strange twist, I was going through @kigamesdept tweets from before I started following them, and I found one that seems to suggest Bank-a-Ball might be going to be replaced too. https://twitter.com/kigamesdept/status/702540236002357248
  13. I don't think it's credit card processing, but some new way of "registering" who is ahead (the column of light bulbs). You actually can see the tops of the user controls for the water just on the other side of the blue counter. I didn't notice that at first, but they definitely are the same ones that were already there.
  14. I did a very thorough search through the shops one day last season, specifically looking for posters for someone who asked about it. There weren't any ride/park specific ones I could find. Only one shop that had more generic "attitude" type posters that had nothing to do with KI. Also, I looked some more, and I'm pretty sure the new game will be replacing the racing game that was next to Lazer Maze (in the same building as Attitudes).
  15. I was looking around on Google street view, and now I'm nearly convinced the game stand in the background of that picture is the Bank-a-Ball (it looks like the backboards are visible, and it's the only sign on any of those kiosks that has a purple background, like the bit that can be seen in the new game pic). I had been imagining it to be the goblet toss one, which would have placed the game, reasonably, in the Coney Games building. But the Bank-a-Ball game is near the front of Coney Mall, by Racer's station. I think this new game /may/ going to be going in the building formerly occupied by Attitudes, but I want to look at the angles more.
  16. Apparently "the future of KI games is here." I can't really be sure but it looks like the front of the Coney Mall games building (like down from the classic football throw game). https://twitter.com/kigamesdept/status/711312143380041729 I originally thought it was related to the soccer game until I looked again at the picture. Now I have no idea.
  17. When I've gone from checking my countdown app every day thinking the end of the offseason would never get here, to avoiding looking at it because it reminds me of all the projects I wanted to do around the house before summer that I haven't gotten to yet.
  18. They used runes for writing back around the time of the Vikings, so anything would be a transliteration (nor would "invader" or "invadr" likely mean anything in their language). It does appear that leaving out the "e" on words that end in "er" in modern English is the convention used for such transliteration tho. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_words_of_Old_Norse_origin I'm not a real fan of any of the names personally.
  19. If true, that does explain the difference in my perception of the "giggle roll" before the last turn. I remembered it initially being a lot slower and stranger-feeling. I thought I just had gotten used to it.
  20. Where have you been? There's been plenty of speculation, back when it started happening (see Rivertown Funnel Cake stand razed topic). With no further clues, there's not much more speculation left to do.
  21. Yes, they don't want people to have pets, either. http://beefmagazine.com/blog/peta-hates-pet-ownership-kills-1456-cats-dogs-2015
  22. I think it's just a representation of the building, with its weird triangular fins it has in front. And umbrella topped tables behind. Unless you mean something else.
  23. Holy cow, one of the ERT nights is on my birthday too! Happy 40th to me, night rides on Beast!
  24. DonKIPR has previously posted that eventually those of us who renewed by the deadline will receive an email with details about the preview night. Apparently they just haven't been sent yet. Hopefully in the next couple weeks.
  25. ...when I'm riding in the passenger seat on a warm day, with the window down, and the urge to stick my head out into the wind to feel like I'm on a coaster is almost irresistible.
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