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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. It might not be a good idea to throw gasoline on a fire that was already started when you got there, tho I keep wavering back and forth between wild speculation and believing Don is trolling us. I /want/ to think this is more than it appears, I just don't think it actually is.
  2. If I were consistently having that problem and still wanted to ride (I completely understand the urge to say screw it when it's always a hassle, tho) I wouldn't /ever/ put down my own bar. If the ride op does it, hopefully they would be more aware if it was two clicks. It's much faster to let them do it in the first place than to undo and redo it.
  3. We can question anything! I'll admit, I had a little spark of intrigue even reading your question. I'm sure it just hasn't been priority to move them out yet, tho. The ramp and stage seemed particularly well built for a single use thing, have they been used for anything in the past? It was my first time seeing them but I've only been back to the park regularly since last season.
  4. Which is an idiotic answer considering it ran backward for longer than it has been run forward before and after combined (more than twice as long before it was changed back). And if you got "nostalgic" for riding forward during the years of recaR, RIDE THE FORWARD SIDE! Criminy! It was always a much shorter line for forward, so clearly not many people were nostalgic for it. Ok, I usually try to keep it under control, but I'm a little miffed about the change (and, particularly, the bullcrap "official answer"- you wanna see real nostalgia look at any social media post KI makes mentioning The Racer, or many that don't, and there are tons of comments expressing fond memories of the Backwards Racer).
  5. Actually, I was writing my post and included the term "coaster enthusiasts" before I even saw your post See, among enthusiasts/fandoms, never a single answer even to what we each consider ourselves. I don't think we'll ever know the full story behind the change, because KI isn't forthcoming with answers. The best explanation I've heard is that a newer Ohio law requires manufacturers' specifications to be followed in ride operations, and the trains were not specified by the manufacturers to to be run backward. I've also heard that adamantly denied as being the reason. Ask two people, you'll get three or more answers. My personal theory is Don Helbig only likes it forward. (that's actually a joke, don't take me seriously-if you don't get it, look him up in a search engine).
  6. Just a single coaster, "The Racer", is the generally accepted answer (and what the park uses), but among coaster enthusiasts*, there is never a single answer. I'd encourage you to go with whatever feels right to you. *among the general public, the answer is often either "The Racers" or "bring back the Backward Racer!!!!!!!" Well, among enthusiasts that second one often comes out too.
  7. So close I could smell the rubber of his tire Thanks LoraX, that is now one of my favorite pictures of me!
  8. Shannon performed the third show yesterday, which as far as I know was the first one since her injury. Because I've watched the show a lot, and knew she had hurt her back, I could see she was treating her back a little more gently at some points, but it was also clearly not a severe injury with all of the positions she is still able to take. As much as I missed her and am happy she is back, I enjoyed the single shows. It is easier to take for granted Evelyn's incredible strength and grace when there is a second performer, but her solo performances brought her incredible skills to the forefront.
  9. Delirium can be really fun at night, especially a fireworks ride. I've rarely felt as disoriented as I did, trying to watch the fireworks on Delirium.
  10. I saw those when they were on Craigslist. I really wish I could buy them but it's not a good time for it.
  11. Please, Hart, come poke at our market. I love Action Zone
  12. That's messed up. I would definitely be taking pics to show the first security I could find.
  13. I often think of my grandma when I'm at KI. I can't remember ever riding a ride with her (she was more into people watching) but having her with me was very special, and I miss her a lot. You will have a great time and make memories, regardless, you don't need to risk your back with the coasters.
  14. Poor calibration of the speed gun to allow them to make more money from speeding fines? 9 feet lower? Then Racer is built on at least somewhat of a (land) hill, because that makes the bottom of the second hill three feet lower than the ground at the bottom of the lift hill.
  15. Track lubrication can make it go faster by reducing the effects of friction, but the calculations I've been doing discount friction entirely. If the speed of the chain is over ten MPH, and they discounted friction and other forces in calculating their top speed (rather than measuring it), it explains their original 60-something speed.
  16. Is it possible to measure the absolute height at the bottom of both of those hills? Because if the bottom of the second hill isn't lower than the bottom of the first, I can't understand what force is causing the extra speed. Off to do calculations for an 88 ft drop (since my t-shirt tells me that is the height, from the ground presumably) Ok, so that comes out to about 51.3 MPH. I guess the little extra might come from the speed at the top of the lift hill (which, yes, I was neglecting), minus the effects of friction, etc.
  17. It really doesn't matter where on the ride it hits its top speed as long as no extra outside forces than gravity are at work. If it was built on a hill so that it had an even lower spot than the bottom of the first drop, that could contribute an extra bit of acceleration due to gravity, but it isn't as far as I've noticed. That 50 MPH is already completely dismissing the effects of friction and air resistance. Assuming the measurement of 25 m is accurate, I call bull on even the 53 MPH speed, much less 60-something! (I only just now looked down and remembered I am wearing my Racer t-shirt with all its stats including its "top speed." Happy coincidence)
  18. Weird, if I calculate for a free fall from 25 meters (the height I found for the lift hill), I only get around 50 MPH. I must look into this more. Unless it is launched in some way, as far as I know, it shouldn't be able to make more than the 50 MPH frictionless free fall data. I've totally wasted my degree, I can barely even remember this basic physics anymore.
  19. I had figured it was for the Food Truck Fest myself, and just shot a pic as I went past it yesterday (and promptly forgot about it). I posted it in this thread because someone was asking about what they could see over there in the webcam.
  20. There's at least a couple crane games called giga-something, on the back wall inside the Coney Arcade. Those are the ones I noticed yesterday, but I don't think they're the only ones, nor do I think they (or their name) are new.
  21. In the park. There were two trucks already set up near the Eiffel Tower this evening. Not open yet of course.
  22. Can somebody tell me how busy the wet side is today (or was yesterday)? I didn't think to go over there, but if it was as busy as I'd have expected with yesterday's mercifully unrainy weather, then the park was even more busy than I realized. With the heat tomorrow, maybe I'll finally get over my water park (and body image) issues and try it out.
  23. Up there spinning would probably be better than up there unmoving. At least you get a good view and nice breeze if you're spinning.
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