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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. I can do some personal shopping for coaster posters when I'm there later this week. I know I've seen posters in one of the shops but can't remember which one and didn't look to see what they were.
  2. There are apparently twins working at Panda Express. It threw me off for a bit, one young man served me my food and then I walked down to the cashier. To see the "same" guy. I thought at first maybe my attention wavered.
  3. Things I found on the ground today at KI: Seven pennies Three dimes Two little plastic goldfish (one green, one orange) Someone's Gold Pass (I dropped off in Guest Services)
  4. From the Cirque Imagine Facebook page: Ok, I think I finally have this straight. The one clown that is alternately called Mikey or Mickey by the others, I get that he is the "Mike" listed. Philip, from last year's show, is listed as "Phi" here. Nico-the original Nico- who was injured before I saw him last summer, and whose real name is Nicolas is listed on Ring but not table. Which leaves the only clown I hadn't yet identified as being Thomas or Jeff... I've learned the taller man in black and silver is named Jeff, so that suggests the fourth clown is Thomas. Doesn't explain why Nico isn't listed on one of his acts, but it seems to fit, there must have been some sort of change in plans (or changes will happen as the season progresses). The other man in black and silver must be Nathan. Alanna's name I knew from when she was doing Hand2hand. I also knew Trevor's from last season. Curious to know which is which of Shannon and Evelyn.
  5. They do still have the all-day photo deal. It is 30-some dollars. I want to say $37
  6. Price is $59.99. Includes unlimited digital on-ride photos and $5 prints.
  7. I don't know all the details yet, but KI just tweeted about an All Season Photo Pass.
  8. Almost certainly a previously undiagnosed medical condition. I'm amazed that the original article just said she was found "after a ride" passed out (which was very vague and suggested it could be anywhere in the park or any length of time between riding and being found) when in actuality she passed out on the ride and returned to the station unconscious. That fact is so sensational even without hyperbole that I'm a little proud they didn't play it up (unlike local news calling Diamondback evacuating low on the hill due to a properly functioning safety system a "break down").
  9. I really did. I even went back just before I left and scored 2430. I was sure I was going to beat the earlier score when I went into the skeletons about 150 ahead of my score at the same point earlier. But, my gun started malfunctioning and I ended one target short of my earlier score instead. There was really only one downside of the day, and it was only a temporary setback, overall it is a good thing. Because someone else said they finally got the 50% off a funnel cake offer in the app, by re-registering with a different email address, I tried that and indeed it finally showed up! It is good for 30 days and presumably goes away once you use it once. As I went to leave a little before 9, I stopped by the new funnel cake stand to finally try the strawberry cheesecake topping that is this month's special. I asked the young man behind the counter if I could use the app coupon on one with toppings and he said "yes, but it has to be before 5." Incredulously I looked again at my phone, and finally noticed that text within the offer. So, next time I just need to get my butt over there before 5!
  10. There was a little boy today named "Maverick" which I found interesting. There was a different little boy who balked once he got inside the BBoBH castle and his dad was trying to convince him it was ok, and not scary. The boy got anxious about the sound effects of wind blowing and his dad said "it's ok... That's just... people screaming. It's not scary." He wasn't trying to joke when he said it, either
  11. There are many different shops selling the same pins but these pics are from Coaster Connection, the shop in the middle of Action Zone. The sets are $13*, and the singles are $8-$9. The Racer single pin has trains that move up and down the track, which is pretty cool. I forgot to photograph the commemorative pin for the Flying Eagles. *the Action Zone set which includes the Flight Deck pin has also been seen in Coney Confections, the discount store at the entrance to Coney Mall. If it is still available, it is 70% off there, I bought a set at that price ($3.90) last week. But, be sure to watch, because it may not ring up that way automatically and you'll have to point it out. Edit: there weren't any still there when I checked this evening. Either they sold out, or decided they weren't supposed to be discounted and sent them back to the other shops. I don't know how much luck they're going to have selling them at full price when one of them has an outdated name, but I guess it's worth a try.
  12. There are some for individual rides, yes. I looked in nearly every store for patches and no luck. I'm waiting to watch Cirque Imagine right now (which you should definitely try to catch at least once) but when I go back out I'll update this post with pics and prices of pins.
  13. Oh I forgot to mention I got a functioning Blaster and scored 2460, a few hundred more than my previous high score. I was over 2000 before I even got to the skeletons. I used my trick of turning them to look at the red light before choosing a Blaster and the other two were seriously weak.
  14. Having a good day. Finally got to sit and listen to the KI Five. Actually have run into them a few times. Monster is showing signs of life. As I was approaching the theater just before door opening for Cirque, I noticed someone familiar walking out of the "Authorized Personnel" area next to it. Well, he'd be hard not to notice or recognize, since he was already in makeup tho not costume: it was the shorter performer on the trampoline. I smiled and nodded at him as we passed one another. Crowds are weird. I skipped AE because the line was to the back of the covered area. Walked around to the back of the park and almost skipped Beast because I assumed it must be 30-45 minutes then. But, it was a one train wait.
  15. There are a few stores I still want to check, but so far it isn't looking good. If you want collectors pins, those are readily available in many styles. But I haven't seen any patches at all.
  16. They were moving the arms some when I first saw them but locked the control box and walked away before I could get my phone out. Soon.... Edit: some cars are on. I bet it will be open by this weekend
  17. I can't say I've noticed them, but it is likely because I haven't been looking. I will be at the park today and it is supposed to rain off and on, so I will probably spend some time in shops anyway. I can look around for you, and I will post some pics and locations if I do find anything.
  18. So do you have to pay more to have less Kentucky Kingdom branding on it? I keed, I keed.
  19. When trying to select a gun (since I'm usually riding alone, I have three to pick from), I've found that if you turn it to your face and pull the trigger (safety warning: never do with a real gun or taser ) there is a little red light that can give you an idea of whether it is entirely dead and how responsive it is to the trigger.
  20. Also, correlation does not equal causation. The child also passed out "after", presumably, a car ride to the park, eating something, using the restroom, etc. It could have been caused by an undiagnosed medical problem, heat stroke, low blood sugar, dehydration*, etc. Just because it happened after a ride (and the article is scant on facts about how long after, why she was "discovered" rather than having people with her at the time, etc) doesn't mean the primary cause was the ride. *I have naturally low blood pressure. So, I often tend to grey out (my vision sparkles and/or goes entirely grey) when I encounter positive Gs. I can actually diagnose when I'm dehydrated and should drink something when I'm at the park because it becomes a lot worse. This doesn't mean the rides are unsafe or are the "cause" of the problem.
  21. Is it that there is only a /single/ train that you are trying to draw our attention to?
  22. ^Try uninstalling and reinstalling. That is exactly the problem I had been having after one of the updates, until I did a clean install. I'm going to try signing up with a different email address next time I go, and see if I can finally get that funnel cake offer! Other offers I received when I was there yesterday: free appetizer at RHOFG when you buy two entrees, only valid between certain hours (3-6 I think); Fast Lane Plus for $40, after 4:00 only; something buy one get one 50% off I think, but I can't remember what or where. Like the special gold bottle prize at the ring toss, I think they put more perks out on the weekends than weekdays. As they should.
  23. The blue train always wins when I'm on the red train (if blue is running) but only seems to about half the time when I'm on the blue. There does seem to be a bias to make red leave the first half ahead, and for blue to make it up in the second half.
  24. I'd been seeing signs they were doing something the past couple times at the park, but nothing distinctive enough to bother posting about (like a little forklift sitting inside the fences, a construction hat and tools left sitting on the center section, etc). I guess they do the work mostly in the hours the park is closed because I never saw any actual people. I'm so glad they're putting it back together now! I even had a dream earlier today when I took a nap that I saw it running with new LED lighting, although I know that hasn't happened (yet?).
  25. I've never gotten the 50% off funnel cakes one either even tho it promised. I am disappointed about that because I wanted to try this month's special cheesecake one. I forget what it was, maybe on the website when they try to get you to download the app, but yesterday I saw something talking about a buy one get one free on funnel cakes after 5:00, but that didn't show up in the app either. Not that I need two of them. Note: none of the offers show up when you're not actually at the park (or if you have location services off). Unless you have a non-iPhone and spoof your location apparently. I know that works for ride times at least.
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