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Everything posted by freaks76

  1. Makes ya wonder if the original Bat would have survived, what KI would look like, today. I would almost bet a million that we wouldn't have the other Arrow suspended tucked away in one corner of the park. What about Vortex? Maybe we would've never seen it. Maybe it goes to another park. Still, that bein said, it would've been hard to imagine that the original Bat would have been standing 35 years later.
  2. And if all else fails, you can call the park. Had to last year, very fast, friendly, and helpful.
  3. Has Anyone here upgraded to preferred parking? I just wonder if it's a headache gettin in there now. As for the pavement, it's no worse than most of the beautiful parking lots we have here at home, so that's never been an issue for me. It never took me more than just a few minutes to get in or out of the lot before. So here's hoping they get it fixed rather quickly. I have the utmost confidence in them.
  4. I've always guessed it's for the airtime, which anyone who has rode The Beast a few time knows....... It doesn't matter where your arms are at, gravity is gonna do what it wants, anyway.
  5. I don't know. If they do change at least the theme to the ride, I'd like to see them return to boats and water. There was just something neat about it. Hot and broke will have to do for now. Have fun!
  6. ^^ I agree with that. A flat is a flat, no matter wher it's located. I've seen as many adult without kids as I have with in line and on the ride.
  7. So, reading this I would think that would be something they'd want to fix, for lack of a better word. I mean, if Mrs Lizard's wrist looks like a grinder got taken to it, I would think it could easily snap bones, leave deep gashes, or possibly worse. I'm not one to have my hands up alot (I'm not saying I don't, I've been told I do some "goofy" stuff, whatever that means) but how many people do you see with them up? Lots. If it can be hit, even though The Beast is 30 plus years old, doesn't mean it can't happen. And with today's sue happy society........ I don't think anyone wants to see that.
  8. I agree. After the day I've had I could use a hug.
  9. I was wondering how many pages it would take for that to be mentioned. Took longer than I thought.
  10. Well, first, you can tell Goble is a big Star Wars fan. Called it in the discussion thread a little earlier. Over 100 pages of folks speculating, guessing, knowing (from their inside source), Bickering, bunch a new people. Some people getting banned. Sure is gonna be fun!
  11. Bout time for this place to blow up. 20 minutes till opening. Could be alot going on around here.....
  12. I'm guessing if you want to upgrade to preferred parking you can't use the self-scan. I guess that's logical.
  13. I've only been on it a couple of times. The only real thing I can say about it, well, there seems to be no pride at all. I really liked the Smurfs.
  14. I'd love to be able to ride that again, Best ride I rode at Universal.......A long time ago. Of coarse I would've liked to ride Jaws, too. Was in line 3 times to ride it, broke down everytime.
  15. Just gettin ready to say the same thing about their Facebook page. Then I got busy. I seen in December where they got hit with 65,000 dollars from OSHA for quite a few "serious violations", but if they fixed them they wouldn't have to pay the fines. I'm assuming this has everything to do opening/ not opening scenario. Anything you can shed some light on, Terp? It would be a terrible shame for Camden to fall by the wayside.
  16. Brrrr. To cold for me. Hatin the winter of 2017 already. And it has nothing to do with KI
  17. That's pretty cool Sparky. It's seems the last couple years started with Banshee, and ended with Diamondback. Don't know why, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Whenever I do start my season.
  18. ^Yea, I didn't know how the counted it. 44th or 45th, I'm sure Terp remembers it either way. Glad to say I'm not that old.
  19. The only "opening day" I went was the year Banshee opened (don't know if it was considered opening day when the gave out the first rider t-shirts or not? I'm talkin about the first Saturday.). Boy was it packed. The line for Banshee started back on the other side of the Festhaus, but it doesn't seem like the line took to awful long to get though. Firehawk and FoF, their line we're super crazy long, too. I skipped them. Diamondback was stacking everytime, but still only waited for probably an hour or a little less to ride it. Most of the flats didn't seem to have long of a wait, we did hit Monster and something else, I can't remember what, though. You gotta think that most people with a pass will probably be there for opening day. That itself could be a ton of people. I hate that I ain't gonna make it.
  20. I don't know about you folks, But I'm just SO glad that we're talkin' about snow in April. I went to spit earlier and it froze to my lips. I hate winter, even more so in the spring.
  21. Sometimes that plant could be a super secret spy camera straight from the F.B.I. Or maybe it's just a poor old guy yelling at a plant, a senior moment, perhaps..... I don't know, I don't judge.
  22. My opinion has changed alot over time here...... Before hand I was all about B&M, Then I got out a little more. I can honestly say I really don't care the manufacture any more. As long as it gives, to me, a great ride I'm gonna enjoy it. My coaster count isn't real high (probably mid 50's) I have been lucky enough to be on several different manufacture's coasters, very few I have not enjoyed. But I also still very much enjoy the Little Dipper at Camden, so I may not be picky after all.
  23. Looks like I'll have to see all the changes Sunday, a week from opening day. To much goin on at once. Kinda a drag.
  24. ^Everything still seems to be the same size to me now as to when I was ten. I'm very compact.
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